
Pretensions of objectivity must be left at the door, clothing is optional...

My Poems - My Music - My Paintings - My Serialized Novels

The Wholy Order of The MEEK
An Atheist Pagan Hymn
My first book of Atheist Spirituality
What Canada REALLY NEEDS !!
SG Atlantis and their Unethical BS
Ring of Corruption

"All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development accorded the individual."-A. Einstein

"Ain't it funny how the factory doors close, around the time that the school doors close,
around the time that a hundred thousand jail cells open up to greet you, like a Reaper...." -Zack de la Rocha

They say "Sing while you slave!", but I just get bored... -Dylan

"It's NOT a 'War on Drugs'. It's a war on Personal Freedom.Keep that in mind at ALL times" - Bill Hicks

"Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one" - Anon

"I'd get pretty bunged up without my asshole" - C. Taylor

"If you're going to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you" - O. Wilde

"It is likely to excite dissatisfaction against government and incite people to non co-operation..."

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

the virusthat made socialism acceptable

I guess we are seeing where capitalism, growing fascist thinking, and market economies fail.
We can see now that the banks and business are worth trillions of support, the wealthy haven't had their tax breaks suspended in the interests of everyone, and tousands dying of poverty gets talked about for 2 years, but when it hits ppl who are old, wealthy, and can afford to travel, then $hit gets done .

I hope these wealthy fools and everyone around them go to church every week and get right back to business. I hope the stock market players, the politicians, the business leaders, I hope they all ignore good sense and keep flying around.

When your neighbors can't get healthcare and don't have enough for cleaning ssupplies it affects you too

If 5% of of 7.5 billion die...

If america "gets back to business"
The bosses will stay in their mansions
its the minimum wage workers that are expendable

Here in canada:
F-U Scheer you american dweeb
The conservative party is the reason we have mass homeless, crappy useless filthy "clinics", and people so poor they can't even buy sanitizer if there was some.
Maybe 2 years from now we'll see an end to the disease called conservatism.