
Pretensions of objectivity must be left at the door, clothing is optional...

My Poems - My Music - My Paintings - My Serialized Novels

The Wholy Order of The MEEK
An Atheist Pagan Hymn
My first book of Atheist Spirituality
What Canada REALLY NEEDS !!
SG Atlantis and their Unethical BS
Ring of Corruption

"All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development accorded the individual."-A. Einstein

"Ain't it funny how the factory doors close, around the time that the school doors close,
around the time that a hundred thousand jail cells open up to greet you, like a Reaper...." -Zack de la Rocha

They say "Sing while you slave!", but I just get bored... -Dylan

"It's NOT a 'War on Drugs'. It's a war on Personal Freedom.Keep that in mind at ALL times" - Bill Hicks

"Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one" - Anon

"I'd get pretty bunged up without my asshole" - C. Taylor

"If you're going to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you" - O. Wilde

"It is likely to excite dissatisfaction against government and incite people to non co-operation..."

Saturday, December 05, 2009

Solstice musings...the definition of evil and complicity in silence...

I really dig those "today in history" things on the wikipedia
The end of prohibition in America
And even creepier, a papal "bull" to allow witches to be prosecuted in Germany

Its time once again to reconsider this Christian-biased prohibition for recreational drugs.
Each person's body is their own, and everyone should have a choice about what they wish to knowingly ingest to alter their personal experience.

The only things that should be illegal is things that are tasteless and knock people out, things that can be used to drug or kill other people unknowingly.

The Burnings and Inquisition never really ended
"They" just turned to the Soft-Kill, something I'm going to go on about in a future article

Most people who were burned or tortured
had their property end up in the hands of their killers.
Interesting and disturbing.
Kind of like police departments being funded by drug bust money.
Or husbands committing their rich wives 200 years ago to get control of the estate.
Or even like gangs/sects/families wiping out artists and musicians
then getting rich off publishing their works.
Production companies contracting ideas for media,
then laughing and not paying the bill
It goes on and on. Even now.
Blake, Coleridge, Bill Reid, Van Gogh....
One leader of burnings/lynchings of Atheists/witches/heretics during the 1600's in and around poland/czech/ukraine caused over 100 incidents, and ended up with almost 90% of the land and property confiscated...

In the mean time, if you are a "good witch",
one of those "white light" types,
or even slightly "black" but not into fucking other people up
perhaps you should converse with your peers
about how to differentiate yourselves
from those "witches" who actually commit "evil" on others.

I know, "witch" is pretty broad and ill defined.
Put a Southern Baptist, a Mormon, and a Catholic
at a breakfast table and instigate philosophy
and you get the idea of how different "witch" clans relate.

Start by defining evil in the context of your "witchy" spirituality though.
Hard one I know, but if you don't do it someone else will do it for you,
and they'll stick ridiculous things like "anal sex" in the "abominable evil" pile.
Pile wasn't a pun, really...
Or pot, look how "evil" pot is portrayed here in Canada,
Even though every book on pharmacology scientifically disputes the claims of legislators
I find it funny how many herbalist witches go on about the "evils" of pot and alchohol,
while happily mixing a half dozen "organic herbal" teas for themselves each day
each of which has strong mental effects
and combined is more than a couple drinks in entheogenic power...
Or some "clean freak" blabbing on about my beer
while they swill coffee by the pot, pop their ritalin and prozac,
and gobble tylenols by the bottle, wellbutrin and pharmaceutical opiates
Hypocrisy is never ending....

I just spoke to a young woman, a very intelligent one,
who stated emphatically that she didn't think someone
using GHB to render someone else unconscious for sex
was actually "evil" or even "bad".
She actually didn't think anything in and of itself was "bad".

I've never liked Crowley's whole "everything is permitted" schtick
that he got from Persia through his masonic readings.
There are most definitely limits and there definitely are things that are evil.
An adult having sex with a 5 year old would be evil IMHO.
Christian Priests may have done it many times,
but I still consider it evil in my world view.
How about violent rape, or any rape. It's evil isn't it?

What about Female Genital Mutilation?
Is that an ambiguous one?
Its bad or even "evil" to our culture
but on its way to being performed clinically shortly after birth
just like circumcision
in some parts of the world...

Evil isn't really defined in a book for us,
we have to define it ourselves
and our cultural bias figures prominently
Its a subjective moral judgement
based on experience and cultural environment
and the sect the perciever belongs to
figures prominently in its definition
Morality comes from within, not from any external entity,
so when we draw lines, we have to have rational justifications for them.
We create our own morality
or we accept the definitions given us by our herd/sect leaders

Otherwise it's everyone for themselves and no one can really be safe because anyone can take anything from anyone for any reason. Does that really work?

It seems to work for a lot of wealthy people, raping and pillaging our world,
but is everyone just meat for larger carnivores than themselves?

Anyways, Winter Solstice is approaching.
They "witches", both light and dark, will gather.
Some crazy "black magic" crew that could barely finish high school
but somehow manages to think they know what's up
will start down the shit-head path of atrocity again

So what do you do about it?
Let them? Stop them? Burn them?
The police won't believe you, or will try to cover it up.
It's bad press if anyone gets caught.
So do you point them out or let them continue?
The greens, and whites and browns and yellows
actually let these things continue,
complicity in silence

they know a great deal about who's doing what
They've watched their own be taken
when straying from their groups

I remember speaking to a Jewish Cabbalist witch
about a man at a bookstore
who I didn't really think of as evil
in five minutes of looking for a book
his eyes wide in horror
the cabbalist shrunk and warned me
of how dangerous this man was
I learned it myself later
through his "minions" and students
but obviously the "good" witch
knew something and kept quiet
for many years...why?

when they burn every "witch" without discrimination
how can witches that consider themselves "good" complain?
The butchers of the cross
ignorant of their own disease
find any reason to kill you here
any reason to disband you
to crush you economically and socially

You need to differentiate yourselves and form larger alliances
Or the hunt for vampires and black wolves
will net every creature in the forest

The legal system in BC is run by the wolves and cross bearers.

So what do you do?
hide? become more secret?
has that been working? really?

I don't have an answer. Just more questions for you....