
Pretensions of objectivity must be left at the door, clothing is optional...

My Poems - My Music - My Paintings - My Serialized Novels

The Wholy Order of The MEEK
An Atheist Pagan Hymn
My first book of Atheist Spirituality
What Canada REALLY NEEDS !!
SG Atlantis and their Unethical BS
Ring of Corruption

"All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development accorded the individual."-A. Einstein

"Ain't it funny how the factory doors close, around the time that the school doors close,
around the time that a hundred thousand jail cells open up to greet you, like a Reaper...." -Zack de la Rocha

They say "Sing while you slave!", but I just get bored... -Dylan

"It's NOT a 'War on Drugs'. It's a war on Personal Freedom.Keep that in mind at ALL times" - Bill Hicks

"Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one" - Anon

"I'd get pretty bunged up without my asshole" - C. Taylor

"If you're going to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you" - O. Wilde

"It is likely to excite dissatisfaction against government and incite people to non co-operation..."

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

My First Statement of Claim for the B.C. Supreme Court

This is about 1/3 done, I had to stop because I was PTSD stressing out doing it,
but its a great start and I will be done in a couple days
It still is just the beginning

but a nice start

Not that it will get far.
When I worked for the IT dept. of the B.C. Supreme Court I was subjected to sexual harassment every single day of my work.
as a tech at the court I was called a faggot by my co-workers every single day.

And the last Dr. that screwed me over

Dr. Fisher,
is married to a supreme court judge
and he totally screwed me and ignored everything I had to say.

I will update it as I finish it off.


[Using numbered paragraphs, set out a concise statement of the material facts giving rise to the
plaintiff ’s(s’) claim.]
[If any party sues or is sued in a representative capacity, identify the party and describe the representative capacity.]
[Using numbered paragraphs, set out the relief sought and indicate against which defendant(s) that relief is
sought. Relief may be sought in the alternative.]
[Using numbered paragraphs, set out a concise summary of the legal bases on which the plaintiff(s) intend(s) to
rely in support of the relief sought and specify any rule or other enactment relied on. The legal bases for the relief
sought may be set out in the alternative.]
26August2011 Page 3 of 4
[Set out the street address of the address for service. One or both of a fax number and an e-mail address may be given
as additional addresses for service.]
Plaintiff's address for service:

Taylor vs. Vancouver Coastal Health/BC College of Physicians
Commercial Drive Clinic
Dr. Cooper
Dr. Mah
Diamond Centre/VGH
Dr. Brown
Nurse Patti Zettel
Dr. Wilson
The Kettle Friendship Society, VCH Clinic
Nurse Anna Cooper
Three Bridges
Dr. Sakakibara
Dr. Thompson Three Bridges
Three Bridges, Gender resource centre
Lucas Walter
Dr. Aronshtam
Broadway Clinic
Dr. Rondeau
Dr. Fong
VGH Radiology
Multiple Technicians /personnel (Jane and John Does)
CML radiology
Radiologist Jin

(details of Statements are in schedule - )
(Details of the character and experiences of the plaintiff are set forth in schedule -)
The plaintiff has congenital intersexuality and is seeking a specialist in intersexuality to discuss client centered care options. See schedule -
The plaintiff was assaulted and his genitals mutilated using gender normalization techniques at 17 years on request of his parents. The plaintiff was not given informed consent, had no knowledge of his intersexuality at the time of the operation. This occurred at University of Alberta Research Hospital.
The plaintiff discovered and investigated his intersexuality approx. 7 years ago. It was hidden from him by his family. The family of the plaintiff had a duty to inform but did not and actually destroyed all childhood pictures and medical records as they were instructed to do by the doctors at the time
The plaintiff began to seek healthcare for numerous conditions (see schedule -) and tried to find medical services in the Vancouver area with a provider that understood intersexuality.
The plaintiff was at multiple times mocked, laughed at, treated dismissively, assaulted, sexually assaulted, sexually harassed, libeled causing assault and battery and almost died due to the intentional and negligent tortuous conduct of the defendant’s contractors, subcontractors and employees. Each incident is set forth individually in schedule -
The plaintiff asserts tortuous conspiracy to cause harm or death occurred between different contractors, subcontractors and employees of the defense
The plaintiff asserts that some of the actions and assaults against his person committed by the defendant’s contractors, subcontractors and employees were part of an extortion initiated by persons not in the defendents employ, however the defendant’s agents consciously committed the tort of conspiracy with those persons and further acted intentionally to the detriment and damage of the plaintiff. See schedule -
The plaintiff asserts as a statement of fact that some of the initiating agents and representatives of the defendants committed these offences against the plaintiff to further an extortion committed by a familial member of those agents.
The plaintiff asserts that some actions and assaults were committed for reasons of genocidal hatred against persons with congenital intersexuality (hate crimes). See schedule -
The plaintiff was made homeless by the actions of a third party engaged in defamation and extortion of the plaintiff.
The defendant’s agents and representatives withheld key medical services to the defendant and some agents did willfully cause harm to the defendants person and reputation.
Multiple agents and representatives of the defendant were involved in defamation of the plaintiff’s character by attempting to characterize and label the defendant as a delusional or schizo-affective mental health patient.
The plaintiff asserts that at no time in his life has he been delusional or schizo-affective and that the plaintiff does not meet the requirements of the DSM-4 and definitely not of the DSM-5.
The defamation is linked to the previously defined extortion.
The intentional libel of mental illness of the plaintiff persisted for more than 7 years throughout the health provider system and even on VPD records causing irreparable health and career problems due to agents treating the plaintiff as delusional at first contact.

The plaintiff asserts his “sanity” as follows.
Approximately 7 years ago the plaintiff was subcontracted to work for the Information Technology dept. of the Supreme Court of British Columbia.
Although the plaintiff was only employed with SCBC for 2.5 months, there are approximately 1000+ helpdesk calls that were placed to the defendant during that time, of which there are detailed records and possibly even recorded phone calls.
The plaintiff was responsible for personally fixing many Supreme Court Justice’s specific computer user issues, including on their laptops.
The plaintiff has, and it is on record as a tech call, sat next to the Supreme Court’s highest judge, in her chambers, and assisted her with a database connection to a reference library.
At no time during the plaintiffs employ was there ever an armed police officer to protect the justices from the plaintiff.
The plaintiff states that he has martial arts training on a casual basis since the age of 24, in a combination of fighting styles.
The plaintiff walked through the back halls of the SCBC freely, attending technical calls.
There was no armed guard watching out for the schizophrenic martial artist.
Because there wasn’t one.
These things are a matter of record.

The plaintiff asserts that he has been assessed by a psychologist while under duress at least 3 times in police custody and was released without charge or mention of any mental illness other than the PTSD that the plaintiff has due to many previous assaults against his person.
These assessments were made under false pretenses or as a result of an abuse of process by agents under the employ of the defendant and other 3rd parties.
Each of these assessments was made while the plaintif was falsely imprisoned with restraints, and the plaintiff was released each time.
These assessments would also be a matter of record and be available for the court to view.
The plaintiff makes a Statement of Fact that he was given a substantial amount of ether during a recent visit to St. Paul’s emergency.
The plaintiff asserts he was assaulted with intent to injure by 3 doctors and 2 support personnel at approximately 3 am (details to follow)about 9 months ago.
Ether is not given to patients anymore except in extreme circumstances.
The ether was administered based on libel (an intentionally erroneous “violent patient” label on files posted by a Dr. Brown) and possibly slander or conspiracy based on the discovery process and the possibility that some or all of the doctors did in fact speak on the phone directly to Dr. Brown.
The plaintiff asserts that he was given enough ether that he was hacking up white particulate for 3-4 days after the visit. The plaintiff also visually saw the small white ether delivery nasal administrator and watched the white particulate enter his nostrils.
The provider asserts that he was given oxygen only.
The plaintiff asserts that there was no clear mask of oxygen, just a small white 2 pronged nose clip.
The plaintiff began to suffer severe strokes in the days following the procedure (which was simply to reposition a blocked anguinal hernia).
Over the next month the plaintiff suffered at least 20 major strokes requiring grabbing something for support or immediately sitting. Numerous lighter strokes occurred as well.
The plaintiff continues to suffer from repeated strokes.

remedy sought:

1.BC Health must immediately place the Plaintiff on full disability until all health issues of the plaintiff are resolved. All health care needs of the plaintiff must be covered. The plaintiff has already spent over the 5 year disability time trying to get healthcare beeds net and has been unable to access client centered care for any of his major issues.

2. The disability claim must be backdated to the first attempt by the plaitiff to acquire proper healthcare. The plaintiff should recieve the additional funds for the value of any programs he would have been rightfully eligible for.

3. The plaintiff must be given a Doctor who is fully aware of the specific needs of intersex clients and is able to give the plaintiff full disclosure regardig his healthcare as required by the Duty to Inform. The Doctor will fulfill the Duty to refer and will give the plaintiff multiple care options in this province, in other provinces, and in other countries.

4. BC Health and VCH will cover all costs of the plaintiff to recieve client centered care, including transportation, lodging, extra expenses, pharmaceuticals, etc.

5. The defendants will pay the Damages incurred by the plaintiff for the negligence and intentional assaults causing battery. For each medical practitioner, nurse, medical technician or other employee or contractor that the plaintiff has listed, the defendants will pay damages of a minimum of $200,000 or more. This is the minimum amount that the plaintiff would seek from each practitioner, employee, or contractor if they were to be sued separately.

6. The courts will place the plaintiff on the BC criminal Victim's Services plan to allow the paintif enough funds to pay for counsel and paralegal support during the time of the case. Practitioners involved in Battery, Libel causing Battery, Attempted Murder, Conspiracy to commit Battery, Sexual Assault, Sexual Harassment causing Battery, Willful alteration of medical records causing Battery, etc. will be charged with criminal offences related to those crimes committed.

7.-20. WIP