
Pretensions of objectivity must be left at the door, clothing is optional...

My Poems - My Music - My Paintings - My Serialized Novels

The Wholy Order of The MEEK
An Atheist Pagan Hymn
My first book of Atheist Spirituality
What Canada REALLY NEEDS !!
SG Atlantis and their Unethical BS
Ring of Corruption

"All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development accorded the individual."-A. Einstein

"Ain't it funny how the factory doors close, around the time that the school doors close,
around the time that a hundred thousand jail cells open up to greet you, like a Reaper...." -Zack de la Rocha

They say "Sing while you slave!", but I just get bored... -Dylan

"It's NOT a 'War on Drugs'. It's a war on Personal Freedom.Keep that in mind at ALL times" - Bill Hicks

"Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one" - Anon

"I'd get pretty bunged up without my asshole" - C. Taylor

"If you're going to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you" - O. Wilde

"It is likely to excite dissatisfaction against government and incite people to non co-operation..."

Wednesday, December 09, 2015

The canadian government help gives me the same answers about Intersex genocide...

Options for Sexual Health
Mon, Dec 7, 2015 at 12:04 PM
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Thank you for your question! We'll try to respond within one business day.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to reply to this email or
call 1-800-SEX-SENSE.

The Sex Sense team

The following is a copy of your question as we received it:

Enter your email:
Have a burning question? Ask our experts your sexual health question!
I am an intersex male 48
I am having EXTREME difficulty getting any healthcare at all for my many
health problems
as soon as I talk about my intersexuality
I get no more care
I need a specialist in intersex healthcare, anywhere in Canada
and a clinic that doesn't discriminate.

I have 3 doctors actually trying to label me a delusional schizophrenic
not a single one of them did a physical exam of my perineum

I can take a picture of my tiny female genitals
they are visible
I was a victim of gender normalization therapy

Please refer me to an intersex specialist
or a lawyer.

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Tue, Dec 8, 2015 at 1:23 PM
To: ""
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Thanks for your inquiry, I'm glad you got in touch with us.

I'm very sorry to hear about the dismissive experiences you've had with healthcare providers. You should be able to receive care for health issues unrelated to your intersexuality, without having to discuss your sexuality or genitals with doctors if you do not wish to.

There are clinics in Vancouver, BC that offer health services to gender diverse people. The doctors there work with many people who do not fit into a gender binary (including intersex and trans* people), and would be able to offer non-judgemental care and refer you to an endocrinologist or specialist as needed.

If you live in the Vancouver area, you may be able to access healthcare through Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH) Trans* Specialty Care (appointment required). Here is more info:

Knowledgeable and specialized care for transgender and gender diverse persons who reside within the Vancouver Coastal Health Region.
Services offered include: hormone readiness assessment, endocrine (hormone) therapy, hormone injecting supplies, referral for surgical readiness assessment, pre-operative information and education, post-operative wound care, limited counselling
Where: Three Bridges Community Health Centre and Raven Song Community Health Centre
How to book an appointment: No referral is required to book an appointment. You are welcome to book an appointment by contacting our intake nurses at 604-633-4248. The nurse will identify the clinic that is able to see you and provide you with a date and time for an initial consultation appointment.
Who can access service: Those living in the Vancouver Coastal Health Region - Vancouver, Richmond, North Shore, and Coastal Rural. Youth (under 25), refugee claimants, those with complex mental health diagnoses, and individuals with post-operative complications who live outside the VCH Region will be given special consideration regarding access on a case-by-case basis. This may include referral to another health care provider or organization.

If you do not meet the criteria to be seen at VCH, there is another clinic in Vancouver, Catherine White Holoman Wellness Centre, that provides healthcare to gender-diverse people, including people who live outside of the Vancouver area. Here is more information on Catherine White Holman Wellness Centre:

The Catherine White Holman Wellness Centre aims to provide low-barrier wellness services to trans and gender diverse people in a way that is respectful and celebratory of clients’ identity and self-expression. CWHWC is entirely volunteer run and operates 2 days per month, therefore waitlists for doctor or counselling appointments may be quite long. Some of the services they offer are: general health care (STI testing, pelvic exams, hormone support & injection supplies, mental health, education etc), community kitchen (and nutritionist), counselling, legal assistance, yoga classes, an art drop-in group, etc. Please see website for full details on upcoming clinic dates.
When: Sunday Clinics (twice per month) 4-7pm
For info: or email or phone 604-442-4352

I'm sorry I cannot offer you any specific recommendations for lawyers, however the CWHWC does provide legal assistance, and Trans* and intersex clients can receive summary advice from a lawyer there. You can try contacting the lawyer by email:

Here are some other suggestions for other places to find a lawyer through:
- The BC Human Rights Coalition may be able to help with human rights concerns and complaints. Call them at 604-689-8474 or 1-877-689-8474. Collect calls are accepted.
-The Community Legal Assistance Society (CLAS) may be able to help with human rights claims, judicial reviews, mental health cases, social assistance, welfare, Canada Pension Plan, and Worksafe BC issues. Call 604-685-3425.

I hope this information is helpful. Please write back if you have any other questions, or call us at 1-800-739-7367

Bye for now,


If you have any other questions you could call the 1-800-SEX-SENSE Line, a free, non-judgmental, confidential and anonymous service of Options for Sexual Health. This line provides information and referrals to callers. We answer questions about sex, contraception, sexually transmitted infections, pregnancy options including parenting, adoption and abortion information, sexual orientation, sexual assault and anything else to do with sexuality. In the Lower Mainland the number is 604-731-7803, anywhere else in British Columbia the toll-free number is 1-800-739-7367. The phone line is open Monday to Friday 9am-9pm. You can also visit our website

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, December 07, 2015 12:05 PM
Subject: Your question

The following question was submitted on Monday, December 7, 2015 - 12:04pm:
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christuusgnosis .
Wed, Dec 9, 2015 at 10:17 AM
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This is what I expected.
Complete crap.

I was laughed at and mocked by the health workers at both the 3
bridges and the Ravensong.

Dr. Sakakibara at the Ravensong LAUGHED
He giggled
and said
oh that's nothing Mr. Taylor.

Patti Zettel at the Ravensong
Snickered and snorted
and said oh that's not intersex Mr. Taylor
She didn't even give me an examination
Dr. Wilson at the Ravensong
told me that there were no specialists and that no specialist would be covered

I want an intersex specialist and a primary care copntact who
understands intersex

When I tried to go to the BC human Rights tribunal
I first went to the Coalition for human rights
as you suggest

I was sent to a Clea Parker
Who basically blocked me, and said oh well you will probably have to
pay for that yourself
the healthcare system won't cover that
and she did nothing for me

You have just repeated
to me
the 3 places that the gov't pretends there are services for me
and there are not

If I was Trans
I would get healthcare
because transgender medicine causes the recipient to become STERILE
As long as I accept STERILIZATION
they will give me a specialist
but there is no healthcare
of any kind
for intersex people

because it is a policy enacted by Vic Toews in the second year of the
Harper Regime
that all gender issue clients have to be on a mental h3ealth label to get care
care that ignores them and their needs
or that sterilizes them.

Thank you
This letter will be presented as evidence to the Supreme Court of
British Columbia
and eventually
to the Supreme Court of Canada

I need a list of INTERSEX SPECIFIC resources
Resources in another province are fine
I will have them send me there.

Read about the nazi program this set of policies was modelled on

for repeating the same bullshit I already spent 8 years going through.
- Show quoted text -
Christopher Taylor
Please use email to contact me


"All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for
development accorded the individual."
-A. Einstein
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christuusgnosis .
Wed, Dec 9, 2015 at 10:20 AM
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When I asked
The Catherine White Holman Wellness Centre
for assistance and a set of names of intersex specialists
I was mocked
called "gender dysfunctional"
referred to as a disorder of sexual development not INTERSEX
which is the preferred term by people who ARE intersex.

I was mocked
they had NO RESOURCES for me
they are for TRANS people only.

christuusgnosis .
Thu, Dec 10, 2015 at 11:06 AM
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I asked Dr. Wilson for a referral to the BC Centre for Sexual Medicine
I was told no.
They don't do anything at all for intersex people except try to make them TRANS
because it sterilizes them

If they had intersex resources Dr. Wilson would have a Duty to Refer
and a Duty to Inform

I have been to 12 doctors and 4 senior nurses
NOT A SINGLE ONE EVEN gave me an examination!!!


I need resources for clinics that you KNOW work with intersex people.
Yes, there are people who are intersex specialists
but the canadian provincial colleges of physicians are making sure
that those resources are unavailable.

There are about 30,000 people per province with intersexuality
This is genocide
I have no money and no phone
I live in complete poverty

I have multiple health issues
but can't get any healthcare
at all
every family physician and clinician actually laughs when I mention
I am being meticulously discriminated against
and there are thousands more people like me

I guess its too expensive for us to have care
like it was for the blacks and gays in the 60's.

ISNA is american.
They have been taken over by a group of doctors who do not believe in
Client Centred Care. Their current stance is to label intersex as
"disorders of sexual development"
Actual intersex people do not like that label
they prefer intersex as the defining term.

As of this point every resource you have offered was already checked
out by myself
I have been trying to get standard primary healthcare for 8 years
I now have 4 doctors attempting to label me a paranoid schizophrenic.

Doesn't anyone remember how gays and lesbiansd where labeled similiar
things up until 1978?

Do you, as a person, even realize that Alberta nad BC had EUGENICS
policies that were created by their provincial gov'ts?

Those policies were supposedly made illegal in 1998.
But there is no enforcement
so they continue the genocide against intersex people.

I am dissappointed that you do not have SPECUFIC NAMES of SPECIFIC
PEOPLE for me to contact regarding this

Clinics in other provinces are ok too

but I do not have a phone
I live on $180 a month
I should have $80 more
but doctors will not fillout any forms for me with my intersexuality on it

They are trying to pretend that I am making it up

I'm able to take a picture of my 1 inche female genitalia
and someone rubbing it makes me curl up into a ball
so It isn't a figment of my imagination

I have multiple orgasms
do you know males that do that?

It obviously affects my life and health a lot
and I am constantly mocked by the people in VCH.

here is a reply from the college of physicians to me:
>>> Dear Christopher:
>>>> First, I wish to reassure you that my request for further
>>>> information was in no way an attempt to mock you. The additional
>>>> information you forwarded to me was indeed helpful in clarifying your
>>>> inquiry.
>>>> You have described your desire for a specialized physician. I
>>>> would advise that the College cannot become directly involved in
>>>> individual patient care. The College (CPSBC) regulates the medical
>>>> practice by licensed medical practitioners and through that mandate
>>>> establishes and endorses standards for the profession. We cannot
>>>> initiate diagnostic investigations, offer medical advice or make
>>>> physician referrals. As such, the CPSBC has no mandate to direct the
>>>> care for the referral or identification of the experts, and this is
>>>> the responsibility of independent practitioners. To our knowledge,
>>>> intersex is not an area that falls within the scope of practice of any
>>>> of the specialties designated by the Royal College of Physicians &
>>>> Surgeons of Canada. You would have to begin with a primary care
>>>> physician and request a referral to someone in a related field such as
>>>> a medical genetics or an internal medicine physician. That doctor
>>>> will then provide guidance to you.
>>>> We wish you well and regret that we are unable to provide further
>>>> assistance.
>>>> Sincerely,
>>>> Brenda Kay
>>>> Inquiries Advisor
>>>> Complaints Department
>>>> College of Physicians & Surgeons of BC
>>>> 300-669 Howe Street
>>>> Vancouver BC V6C 0B4
>>>> Ph: 604-733-7758 Ext: 2274
>>>> Fx: 604-733-3503
>>>> Toll Free: 1-800-461-3008 Ext: 2274
>>>> Website:
>>>> The content of this email communication, including any
>>>> attachments, is considered confidential, privileged or otherwise
>>>> exempt from disclosure. It is intended only for the person(s) to whom
>>>> it is addressed, and further distribution is strictly prohibited
>>>> without the consent of the original sender. If you have received this
>>>> message in error, please immediately notify the sender by telephone at
>>>> 604-733-7758 or by return email, and delete this communication. Thank
>>>> you.
>>>> _____________________________________________
>>>> From: Christopher Taylor []
>>>> Sent: Monday, November 28, 2011 7:51 AM
>>>> To: Inquiries
>>>> Subject: Intersex specialist request for adult intersex person in
>>>> B.C.
>>>> Regarding your derisive question:
>>>> What do you think is an intersex specialist?
>>>> Which is a thin pretense of assistance while you try to work
>>>> within the B.C. POLICY projected by the College of Pysiciains, that
>>>> intersex people official don't exist or need specialists, they're just
>>>> people with "DSD".
>>>> Trannies get specialists and extended services. They don't even
>>>> have a physical issue, it's psychological.
>>>> 1.
>>>> An intersex specialist will know all 5 different genetic
>>>> conditions that initiate forms of intersexuality, or DSD(disorders of
>>>> sexual developmen) as they've been "renamed".
>>>> 2.
>>>> they will be familiar with many different expresssions of
>>>> intersexuality, not just the most common forms.
>>>> The form on me is less common. So doctors with some monor
>>>> experience with visibly enlarged clits or micro penii think they
>>>> understand everything that can develop or occur.
>>>> 3.
>>>> They will have a accurate understanding of the POLICIES of the
>>>> medical profession in the past as well as the present regarding
>>>> Intersex humans, their rights, and treatment. They will understand the
>>>> HISTORY of Intersex in BC and Alberta, where sterilization was common,
>>>> along with a lot of other stupidity.
>>>> 4.
>>>> I would expect that an Intersex specialist will have as much
>>>> specialized study (that's what a specialist is, a doctor who does
>>>> extra study in a specific field is it not?) as a doctor who
>>>> specializes in Transgender medicine, since the two DIFFERENT
>>>> conditions have a great deal of PHYSICAL medical overlap, though they
>>>> differ in psychological scope, since Intersexuality is not a
>>>> psychological condition, it is a mostly, but not always visible,
>>>> different growth or development of genital material. Trangender people
>>>> who are not initialy Intersex (quite a few are at birth) have a
>>>> psychological dsyfunction regarding visible and perceived sex.
>>>> 5.
>>>> They will have a thorough understanding of the outdated clinical
>>>> model of Therapeutic Privelege and how it has been consistently used
>>>> in the framework of Policy to deny Intersex people access to other
>>>> genital/endochrinal/surgical Specialists or counselling that for some
>>>> reason Transgender people can access freely. They should have at least
>>>> a minor understanding of the forms of psychological torment that
>>>> individualsdevlop when exposed to "professionals" who consistently lie
>>>> to them. They might start with a bit of R.D. Laing.
>>>> 6.
>>>> An Intersex specialist will, regardless of specific modern
>>>> practice, understand the historical concept of hermaphroditism, and
>>>> understand that religious hatred of patients with these conditions
>>>> exists and even is, in some countries, law.
>>>> 7.
>>>> An Intersex specialist would understand the danger to their
>>>> patients from possible eugenic/religiously motivated hatred on behalf
>>>> of other non specialised doctors, nurses, technicians, and
>>>> administrators, and would actively maintain a full awareness of the
>>>> bias of other professionals involved in their patient's care. They
>>>> would be aware of any surgeons or radiology technicians who could
>>>> possibly harm or kill their patients using the medical environment to
>>>> cause damaging or lethal exposure to radiation or improper
>>>> medications. An intersex specialist would know the history of intersex
>>>> people in B.C. and A.B. is full of more or less healthy patients
>>>> suddenly dying on operating tables or of complications from minor
>>>> surgeries, or unexplainedly developing leukemia or other radiation
>>>> initiated cancers.
>>>> 8.
>>>> An intersex specialist would actually understand how most
>>>> institutions involved with the care of intersex patients have a long
>>>> history of denying patient records and scans to intersex people who
>>>> request later in life to know exactly what procedures were performed
>>>> on them. They would be able to make more consistent requests and would
>>>> know procedures to acquire those records promptly
>>>> 9.
>>>> An intersex specialist will have specialized knowledge of the
>>>> nerve systems of intersex genitilia so that surgical proceudres or
>>>> reconstructions of their patients will none or minimal loss of feeling
>>>> or function while helping the intersex person to get hormones, surgery
>>>> or other treatments necessary to help nerve systems, which are related
>>>> to pleasure and well being, be properly expressed.
>>>> 10.
>>>> An intersex specialist would know the amount of hostility in
>>>> society and even in the medical profession to people born with
>>>> intersex expressions of genitilia. They would know that the weight
>>>> problems, pheremonal differences, and bone-body structure differences
>>>> that affect many intersex people are visible to society and
>>>> contributes to visible hatred and even assaults. They would understand
>>>> the reasons many intersex people suffer from PTSD, such as being
>>>> beaten, raped, publicly mocked, and would have access to psychological
>>>> resources for victims of gender biased sexual violence.
>>>> 11.
>>>> An intersex specialist would know that suggesting removal of nerve
>>>> systems that cause pleasure is considered mutilation to most people
>>>> with intersexuality. They would also know that most adult intersex
>>>> people have been lied to by a number of authority figures involved in
>>>> their care, both familial and medical, and need a specialist who will
>>>> not attempt to brush their concerns or questions aside as being
>>>> "inconsequential" or foolish.
>>>> I think I can even put some more there later, since this will be
>>>> included in the larger statement I will be sending out to a number of
>>>> agencies over the next few days.
>>>> I hope that clarifies things a little bit for you Brenda Kay.
>>>> So, what are you going to do with this?
>>>> I get the impression that you really don't have any intention in
>>>> assisting me to get an intersex specialist in B.C.
>>>> Christopher Don Taylor
>>>> Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 11:20
>>>> AM
>>>> To:
>>>> Hello Mr. Taylor,
>>>> With respect, who are you addressing your question to?
>>>> As you mention, there are very few British Columbians with intersex
>>>> conditions - as a result it is unlikely that a GP will be aware of
>>>> specialists who focus in this area. I would have thought that groups
>>>> like the GLBA or QMunity would be the most likely to have this
>>>> information.
>>>> Unfortunately many patients with very rare conditions have great
>>>> difficulty finding physicians who specialize and understand their
>>>> conditions. However, that does not excuse any physician for laughing
>>>> at you or dismissing your concerns.
>>>> As the College mentioned, there is no official Specialty specifically
>>>> related to sexual issues. Other examples where there is no specific
>>>> specialty include patients with Chronic Pain and Chronic Fatigue
>>>> Syndrome.
>>>> Peter

christuusgnosis .
Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 1:12 PM
To: Clea Parfitt
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I am emailing you to get an update on whether or not you have had any
progress in any aspects of my case(s).
I am being docked $40 a month right now because I need to reapply for
my PPMB forms, so I need to interact with a doctor immediately.
I am also in extreme pain, which also will require me to see a doctor
to get some painkillers
but I don't know what you are working on
or if you have even actually accepted me as a client.

Perhaps you could enlighten me.

On 2/11/14, christuusgnosis . wrote:
> You can schedule the appointment for any day of that week Clea.
> After 11 am is better for me because of your location
> but anytime is fine.
> I will prepare some materials and send them to you this week.
> On 2/7/14, christuusgnosis . wrote:
>> Thank you Clea
>> I will get back to you after I have composed a reply
>> I will not always be poor Clea
>> I will be quite wealthy.
>> I need to force Vancouver Coastal Health to get me a specialist in
>> intersexuality first.
>> All of my healthcare is on hold until I have a specialist I can trust for
>> that.
>> I have a sexual harassment lawsuit against Dr. Malcolm Rondeau I would
>> like to press.
>> There are other things, but the intersexuality specialist is the most
>> important, as many of my other serious issues arise from not being
>> able to access my own medical history to give current doctors.
>> I have had doctors laugh at my face without even examining my
>> perineum, yet I can take a photo of it.
>> I need my actual CT scan from VGH as well.
>> It should be a serious crime somewhere to swap a ct scan on someone.
>> I will get back to you
>> my short resume is attached.
>> I am a highly intelligent individual.
>> Thank you for your time.
>> On 2/6/14, Clea Parfitt wrote:
>>> Hello Christopher Taylor,
>>> Thank you for this email and your telephone call.
>>> I am willing to meet with you to review your situation and determine to
>>> what
>>> degree, if any, I am able to be of assistance.
>>> I understand that you feel you have a number of legal issues. It is
>>> likely
>>> that at most I would be willing to take on one issue so you need to
>>> consider
>>> what is of most importance to you at this time and we will need to
>>> consider
>>> where I could be most helpful. We will also need to discuss how my fees
>>> and
>>> expenses would be handled since my capacity to do pro bono work is very
>>> limited.
>>> I have time during the week of February 24 to meet with you. Let me
>>> know
>>> what time would work best for you. I'm happy to set aside about 2 hours
>>> for
>>> you as I know the situation is somewhat complex and I will want a bit of
>>> an
>>> overview.
>>> If there is something you want me to read in advance, I need you to
>>> gather
>>> it together and send it to me as an attachment to an email. Please
>>> don't
>>> refer me to other websites or blogs as I need there to be a clear record
>>> of
>>> what you have asked me to look at. I will not charge you for our
>>> preliminary meeting.
>>> Regards,
>>> Clea Parfitt
>>> On 2014-01-27, at 11:47 AM, christuusgnosis . wrote:
>>>> Hi.
>>>> I am in urgent need of a lawyer
>>>> I must be brief as I am using a library terminal and my dog is not tied
>>>> I contacted Barbara Findley
>>>> but she represents some of the doctors I need to sue
>>>> so it was a conflict
>>>> I am forwarding the emails I sent to her as I have no time in this
>>>> situation to type much.
>>>> If you ask me anything I can compose answers offline.
>>>> I hope you can represent me or refer me to someone else who has time.
>>>> I will need a lawyer for many years
>>>> there are a large number of people involved in damaging me and my
>>>> reputation.
>>>> But I need medical care first and must strongarm VCH into getting me
>>>> an intersex specialist.
>>>> I have been trying to get proper healthcare for a decade, but I also
>>>> have some sexual harrassment claims as well as a very important IP
>>>> claim.
>>>> Thank you for your time
>>>> Christopher Taylor
>>>> Please use email to contact me
>>>> blog:
>>>> "All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for
>>>> development accorded the individual."
>>>> -A. Einstein
>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>> From: Barbara Findlay
>>>> Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 14:05:34 -0800
>>>> Subject: RE: New Form Entry: Contact Form
>>>> To: "christuusgnosis ."
>>>> Cc: jac
>>>> Hi Chris
>>>> I will need to refer you to a different lawyer because I am associated
>>>> with
>>>> the docs at Three Bridges.
>>>> I suggest you contact Clea Parfitt. Her number is 604-689-7778. So
>>>> sorry
>>>> I
>>>> can't help you!
>>>> barbara findlay QC
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: christuusgnosis . []
>>>> Sent: Friday, January 17, 2014 12:07 PM
>>>> To: Barbara Findlay
>>>> Subject: Re: New Form Entry: Contact Form
>>>> Thank you for replying Barbara
>>>> Sorry I take a bit of time to reply
>>>> I am on welfare so I have no internet
>>>> I use the library
>>>> I actually had 3 very bad experiences at the 3 bridges.
>>>> I will write offline and send you an email.
>>>> Iam, at this point, petrified of the VCH policies towards intersex
>>>> people.
>>>> I have some very disturbing emails
>>>> I keep everything.
>>>> I have a number of the emails and descriptions of what has occurred
>>>> here:
>>>> I am a very intelligent human.
>>>> Even though I am on welfare.
>>>> There are other factors involved as well
>>>> but I am trying to focus on this horrifying healthcare scenario
>>>> I could die.
>>>> My last job was as an IT administrator for the supreme court of BC.
>>>> I have a 9 page resume
>>>> its a long story
>>>> involving money and IP and fraud
>>>> but it is important you understand that money is also trying to affect
>>>> my healthcare since I can't do anything about a civil case if I am at
>>>> the bottom.
>>>> I will send you another email
>>>> probably tomorrow or sunday
>>>> with a bunch of emails copied into it
>>>> the response from the College of physicians and surgeons is very
>>>> disturbing.
>>>> Both the 3 bridges and Ravensong follow policies of Therapeutic
>>>> Privelege.
>>>> I was laughed at by Dr. Todd Sakakibara there, Dr. C. Thompson was
>>>> extremely rude and blocked any care
>>>> the upstairs gender counselling people are completely intersex phobic
>>>> its is cracy
>>>> but I need a doctor badly
>>>> this has been going on for years
>>>> I put things here that explain
>>>> and here is the email chain from the college
>>>> I have to go.
>>>> FW: Intersex specialist request for adult intersex person in B.C.
>>>> 4 messages
>>>> Christopher Taylor Tue, Nov 29,
>>>> 2011 at 5:37 AM
>>>> Cc:,,,
>>>> Why are there no Intersex physician specilists for me and the 3000+
>>>> other people in BC with intersex conditions (or Disorders of Sexusl
>>>> Development)?
>>>> If anyone else went through the last 5 years of hell I've had,
>>>> including 4 different GP's LAUGHING at me, and about the same number
>>>> of ftm trannies in charge of the places we are supposed to get
>>>> specialists from, telling me there aren't any unless I want to get my
>>>> dick chopped off.
>>>> I'm getting more than a little angry at the situation.
>>>> How do I contact this organization which is in charge of obtaining
>>>> proper specialists for british columbians.
>>>> So I'll be clear about this.
>>>> I have a 3/4 inch piece of female genital material under my balls.
>>>> My dick is normal and my balls are normal.
>>>> I was given hormonal treatment as an infant and had internal surgery
>>>> at 15 to relieve pressure from internal differences in my physiology.
>>>> I have been treated with "Therapeutic Privelege" throughot, which I
>>>> think should be a felony, a doctor lying to a patient.
>>>> I've also had medical scans replaced or conveniently "lost".
>>>> Numerous times.
>>>> ht-the-canadian-version-of-the-nazi-t4-progamme/
>>>> riminal-organization/
>>>> patient-ownership-of-medical-records-and-a-class-action-lawsuit-for-adult-in
>>>> tersex-persons-mutilated-by-canadian-doctors/
>>>> So here is the text between myself and a representative of the college
>>>> of physicians:
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Christopher Taylor []
>>>> Sent: November-29-11 2:33 AM
>>>> To: Inquiries
>>>> Subject: RE: Intersex specialist request for adult intersex person in
>>>> B.C.
>>>> I believe that the mandate of the College is to ensure MY SAFETY in
>>>> dealing with medical professionals in British Columbia.
>>>> The fact that the College has no specialists in British Columbia for
>>>> the 3000 or more persons in this province with intersex conditions is
>>>> a clear threat to each and every one of their safety.
>>>> I have as well, had doctors in this province LAUGH at me. And I've
>>>> even had a doctor and technicians try to kill me here.
>>>> You did well, Brenda. You answered the question as your superiors told
>>>> you
>>>> to,
>>>> you completed your part in maintaining this provincial genocidal
>>>> policy towards persons with intersex conditions, and you made sure
>>>> that I was aware that the college will always maintain that it has no
>>>> liability whatsoever for ensuring the quality and safety of treatment
>>>> for persons with this set of disorders.
>>>> Thank you
>>>> It is what I expected from the College.
>>>> It is also clear, that you yourself are not a medical doctor.
>>>> Now, is there an official complaints process that goes before doctors
>>>> of the college and not just through you?
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Brenda Kay [mailto:bkay@CPSBC.CA]On Behalf Of Inquiries
>>>> Sent: November-28-11 12:26 PM
>>>> To: Christopher Taylor
>>>> Subject: RE: Intersex specialist request for adult intersex person
>>>> in
>>>> B.C.
>>>> Dear Christopher:
>>>> First, I wish to reassure you that my request for further
>>>> information was in no way an attempt to mock you. The additional
>>>> information you forwarded to me was indeed helpful in clarifying your
>>>> inquiry.
>>>> You have described your desire for a specialized physician. I
>>>> would advise that the College cannot become directly involved in
>>>> individual patient care. The College (CPSBC) regulates the medical
>>>> practice by licensed medical practitioners and through that mandate
>>>> establishes and endorses standards for the profession. We cannot
>>>> initiate diagnostic investigations, offer medical advice or make
>>>> physician referrals. As such, the CPSBC has no mandate to direct the
>>>> care for the referral or identification of the experts, and this is
>>>> the responsibility of independent practitioners. To our knowledge,
>>>> intersex is not an area that falls within the scope of practice of any
>>>> of the specialties designated by the Royal College of Physicians &
>>>> Surgeons of Canada. You would have to begin with a primary care
>>>> physician and request a referral to someone in a related field such as
>>>> a medical genetics or an internal medicine physician. That doctor
>>>> will then provide guidance to you.
>>>> We wish you well and regret that we are unable to provide further
>>>> assistance.
>>>> Sincerely,
>>>> Brenda Kay
>>>> Inquiries Advisor
>>>> Complaints Department
>>>> College of Physicians & Surgeons of BC
>>>> 300-669 Howe Street
>>>> Vancouver BC V6C 0B4
>>>> Ph: 604-733-7758 Ext: 2274
>>>> Fx: 604-733-3503
>>>> Toll Free: 1-800-461-3008 Ext: 2274
>>>> Website:
>>>> The content of this email communication, including any
>>>> attachments, is considered confidential, privileged or otherwise
>>>> exempt from disclosure. It is intended only for the person(s) to whom
>>>> it is addressed, and further distribution is strictly prohibited
>>>> without the consent of the original sender. If you have received this
>>>> message in error, please immediately notify the sender by telephone at
>>>> 604-733-7758 or by return email, and delete this communication. Thank
>>>> you.
>>>> _____________________________________________
>>>> From: Christopher Taylor []
>>>> Sent: Monday, November 28, 2011 7:51 AM
>>>> To: Inquiries
>>>> Subject: Intersex specialist request for adult intersex person in
>>>> B.C.
>>>> Regarding your derisive question:
>>>> What do you think is an intersex specialist?
>>>> Which is a thin pretense of assistance while you try to work
>>>> within the B.C. POLICY projected by the College of Pysiciains, that
>>>> intersex people official don't exist or need specialists, they're just
>>>> people with "DSD".
>>>> Trannies get specialists and extended services. They don't even
>>>> have a physical issue, it's psychological.
>>>> 1.
>>>> An intersex specialist will know all 5 different genetic
>>>> conditions that initiate forms of intersexuality, or DSD(disorders of
>>>> sexual developmen) as they've been "renamed".
>>>> 2.
>>>> they will be familiar with many different expresssions of
>>>> intersexuality, not just the most common forms.
>>>> The form on me is less common. So doctors with some monor
>>>> experience with visibly enlarged clits or micro penii think they
>>>> understand everything that can develop or occur.
>>>> 3.
>>>> They will have a accurate understanding of the POLICIES of the
>>>> medical profession in the past as well as the present regarding
>>>> Intersex humans, their rights, and treatment. They will understand the
>>>> HISTORY of Intersex in BC and Alberta, where sterilization was common,
>>>> along with a lot of other stupidity.
>>>> 4.
>>>> I would expect that an Intersex specialist will have as much
>>>> specialized study (that's what a specialist is, a doctor who does
>>>> extra study in a specific field is it not?) as a doctor who
>>>> specializes in Transgender medicine, since the two DIFFERENT
>>>> conditions have a great deal of PHYSICAL medical overlap, though they
>>>> differ in psychological scope, since Intersexuality is not a
>>>> psychological condition, it is a mostly, but not always visible,
>>>> different growth or development of genital material. Trangender people
>>>> who are not initialy Intersex (quite a few are at birth) have a
>>>> psychological dsyfunction regarding visible and perceived sex.
>>>> 5.
>>>> They will have a thorough understanding of the outdated clinical
>>>> model of Therapeutic Privelege and how it has been consistently used
>>>> in the framework of Policy to deny Intersex people access to other
>>>> genital/endochrinal/surgical Specialists or counselling that for some
>>>> reason Transgender people can access freely. They should have at least
>>>> a minor understanding of the forms of psychological torment that
>>>> individualsdevlop when exposed to "professionals" who consistently lie
>>>> to them. They might start with a bit of R.D. Laing.
>>>> 6.
>>>> An Intersex specialist will, regardless of specific modern
>>>> practice, understand the historical concept of hermaphroditism, and
>>>> understand that religious hatred of patients with these conditions
>>>> exists and even is, in some countries, law.
>>>> 7.
>>>> An Intersex specialist would understand the danger to their
>>>> patients from possible eugenic/religiously motivated hatred on behalf
>>>> of other non specialised doctors, nurses, technicians, and
>>>> administrators, and would actively maintain a full awareness of the
>>>> bias of other professionals involved in their patient's care. They
>>>> would be aware of any surgeons or radiology technicians who could
>>>> possibly harm or kill their patients using the medical environment to
>>>> cause damaging or lethal exposure to radiation or improper
>>>> medications. An intersex specialist would know the history of intersex
>>>> people in B.C. and A.B. is full of more or less healthy patients
>>>> suddenly dying on operating tables or of complications from minor
>>>> surgeries, or unexplainedly developing leukemia or other radiation
>>>> initiated cancers.
>>>> 8.
>>>> An intersex specialist would actually understand how most
>>>> institutions involved with the care of intersex patients have a long
>>>> history of denying patient records and scans to intersex people who
>>>> request later in life to know exactly what procedures were performed
>>>> on them. They would be able to make more consistent requests and would
>>>> know procedures to acquire those records promptly
>>>> 9.
>>>> An intersex specialist will have specialized knowledge of the
>>>> nerve systems of intersex genitilia so that surgical proceudres or
>>>> reconstructions of their patients will none or minimal loss of feeling
>>>> or function while helping the intersex person to get hormones, surgery
>>>> or other treatments necessary to help nerve systems, which are related
>>>> to pleasure and well being, be properly expressed.
>>>> 10.
>>>> An intersex specialist would know the amount of hostility in
>>>> society and even in the medical profession to people born with
>>>> intersex expressions of genitilia. They would know that the weight
>>>> problems, pheremonal differences, and bone-body structure differences
>>>> that affect many intersex people are visible to society and
>>>> contributes to visible hatred and even assaults. They would understand
>>>> the reasons many intersex people suffer from PTSD, such as being
>>>> beaten, raped, publicly mocked, and would have access to psychological
>>>> resources for victims of gender biased sexual violence.
>>>> 11.
>>>> An intersex specialist would know that suggesting removal of nerve
>>>> systems that cause pleasure is considered mutilation to most people
>>>> with intersexuality. They would also know that most adult intersex
>>>> people have been lied to by a number of authority figures involved in
>>>> their care, both familial and medical, and need a specialist who will
>>>> not attempt to brush their concerns or questions aside as being
>>>> "inconsequential" or foolish.
>>>> I think I can even put some more there later, since this will be
>>>> included in the larger statement I will be sending out to a number of
>>>> agencies over the next few days.
>>>> I hope that clarifies things a little bit for you Brenda Kay.
>>>> So, what are you going to do with this?
>>>> I get the impression that you really don't have any intention in
>>>> assisting me to get an intersex specialist in B.C.
>>>> Christopher Don Taylor
>>>> Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 11:20
>>>> AM
>>>> To:
>>>> Hello Mr. Taylor,
>>>> With respect, who are you addressing your question to?
>>>> As you mention, there are very few British Columbians with intersex
>>>> conditions - as a result it is unlikely that a GP will be aware of
>>>> specialists who focus in this area. I would have thought that groups
>>>> like the GLBA or QMunity would be the most likely to have this
>>>> information.
>>>> Unfortunately many patients with very rare conditions have great
>>>> difficulty finding physicians who specialize and understand their
>>>> conditions. However, that does not excuse any physician for laughing
>>>> at you or dismissing your concerns.
>>>> As the College mentioned, there is no official Specialty specifically
>>>> related to sexual issues. Other examples where there is no specific
>>>> specialty include patients with Chronic Pain and Chronic Fatigue
>>>> Syndrome.
>>>> Peter
>>>> From: Christopher Taylor []
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2011 5:37 AM
>>>> Cc: McClung, Peter; JOHANSEN, NADEEN (B);;
>>>> Subject: FW: Intersex specialist request for adult intersex person in
>>>> B.C.
>>>> [Quoted text hidden]
>>>> This e-mail and any attachment(s) is for authorized use by the
>>>> intended recipient(s) only. If you are not the intended recipient, you
>>>> are hereby notified that any review, retransmission, conversion to
>>>> hard copy, copying, circulation or any other use of this message and
>>>> any attachments is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended
>>>> recipient, please notify the sender immediately and delete this e-mail
>>>> and any attachment(s). Thank you.
>>>> Christopher Taylor Tue, Nov 29,
>>>> 2011 at 10:23 PM
>>>> To:
>>>> Thank you for your response Peter.
>>>> You would tink organizations like those would have a list or something.
>>>> I have met a Dr. Wilson, one single time at the Ravensong, and he
>>>> actually understood everything I said, about what had occurred from
>>>> childhood onward. He was actually familiar enough with the policies to
>>>> say"oh, yeah, that's exactly what they would have done to you then..."
>>>> I've neve rbeen allowed to schedule an interview with him since that
>>>> one time. The nurse who does his scheduling won't allow it.
>>>> Sorry to blindly email you.
>>>> I'm getting the run around and the cops just laugh about things like
>>>> swapped or missing medical records.
>>>> I hace a CT on my machine that isn't mine.
>>>> I was given it and told it was mine.
>>>> I'm at least intelligent enough to view the slices.
>>>> Its not mine, the hands are in a different position.
>>>> I could have some other serious problem and it isn't visible because
>>>> its not actually mine
>>>> I guess they figured I would be unable to view a stacked sequence of
>>>> jpgs or something.
>>>> I have the computational power to render it in 3D actually.
>>>> Sorry again sir,
>>>> I know it's not your problem.
>>>> [Quoted text hidden]
>>>> Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 9:09 AM
>>>> To:
>>>> Hello Mr. Taylor,
>>>> The only other suggestion I have would be to contact the
>>>> BC Children's Hospital and ask for someone who deals with sex
>>>> development in children. Then see if the physicians there can either
>>>> a) see you themselves or b) refer you to a colleague who deals with
>>>> adults.
>>>> I'm sorry I cannot be more helpful,
>>>> Peter
>>>> From: Christopher Taylor []
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2011 10:24 PM
>>>> To: McClung, Peter
>>>> [Quoted text hidden]
>>>> [Quoted text hidden]
>>>> [Quoted text hidden]
>>>> Thank you for your time
>>>> On 1/12/14, Barbara Findlay wrote:
>>>>> Hello Christopher
>>>>> I am so very sorry to hear of the things that have happened to you.
>>>>> Ordinarily I would refer you to the docs at 3 Bridges, who do a lot of
>>>>> gender work. Are they among the doctors you have had trouble with?
>>>>> What kind of doctor do you want to see now?
>>>>> I am most concerned to get you in touch with medical professionals who
>>>>> would
>>>>> treat you respectfully.
>>>>> barbara findlay QC
>>>>> LAWYER
>>>>> This communication is confidential and may be protected by
>>>> solicitor/client
>>>>> privilege. If you have received it in error, please notify the sender
>>>>> and
>>>>> then delete the email completely from your computer.
>>>>> _____
>>>>> From: []
>>>>> Sent: Saturday, January 11, 2014 10:30 AM
>>>>> To:
>>>>> Subject: New Form Entry: Contact Form
>>>>> You've just received a new submission to your Contact Form
>>>>> .
>>>>> Submitted Information:
>>>>> Name
>>>>> Christopher Taylor
>>>>> Email
>>>>> Comment
>>>>> I am in need of a lawyer.
>>>>> I am an INTERSEX person.
>>>>> I live in Vancouver.
>>>>> When I was 15 my parents were convinced by a doctor to have
>>>>> normalization
>>>>> surgery done to me and I was not given an understanding of what was
>>>>> happening.
>>>>> At around the age of 32 I finally was able to piece together what had
>>>>> happened.
>>>>> for about 8 years now maybe its even 10, I have been trying to get a
>>>>> specialist that will talk to me about my intersex genitals and discuss
>>>>> options to repair the damage that was done at the U ofA research
>>>>> hospital.
>>>>> Basically, I am a male, but I have a very tiny vagina as well.
>>>>> I can take a picture of it and it has nerve s that is touched etc.
>>>>> affect
>>>>> me
>>>>> very strongly.
>>>>> In Vancouver, in the VCH system, I have been mocked and laughed at by
>>>>> 7
>>>>> different healthcare professionals.
>>>>> I have seen 12 doctors in 7 years and none of them would give me a
>>>> referral
>>>>> to an intersex specialist. I have been told that there are none in BC.
>>>>> Only 2 of those doctors even LOOKED at my perineum and gave me any
>>>>> examination.
>>>>> I have numerous other healthcare needs. I have two hernias that are so
>>>>> bad
>>>>> I
>>>>> could die from enteritis, my knee requires surgery, and I have a toe
>>>>> that
>>>>> causes me extreme pain.
>>>>> I have a CT scan here that took me 2 months to get from VGH.
>>>>> It isn't my scan.
>>>>> I held my hands in a particular way so I would be able to identify if
>>>>> they
>>>>> swapped my scan using Therapeutic Privelege
>>>>> Which they did, even though it is now illegal.
>>>>> The hands of whoever is in this ct are straight, my right hand was
>>>>> crooked
>>>>> during the scan
>>>>> on purpose.
>>>>> I have had 2 ultrasounds, both by the same radiologist at CML
>>>>> The first, almost 10 years ago, has a number of the slides missing
>>>>> from
>>>> the
>>>>> sequence.
>>>>> The relevant ones.
>>>>> The second, about 2 years ago,
>>>>> doesn't have any images of the perineum.
>>>>> He scanned my perineum said"oh that's nothing" and didn't snap any
>>>> pictures
>>>>> for me to show other doctors and specialists.
>>>>> That's why I went there to get scans I could take directly to health
>>>>> care
>>>>> providers.
>>>>> They have gone to extreme lengths to make sure I can get no
>>>>> healthcare.
>>>>> I have no money.
>>>>> I am on welfare.
>>>>> I can barely walk and am unable to get disability.
>>>>> I actually can't get any healcare.
>>>>> If I go to a clinic, the doctor recieves emails from Dr. Brown or Dr.
>>>>> Cooper
>>>>> telling them that I am schizophrenic and not intersex.
>>>>> I can take a picture of it, and I have no cognitive disorders.
>>>>> The only mental health issue I have is PTSD from being attacked by
>>>>> people
>>>>> who somehow knew I was intersex, when I had not told anyone.
>>>>> I can only offer you a percentage of any damages recovered as I have
>>>>> no
>>>>> money.
>>>>> My life has been destroyed by my inability to get healthcare.
>>>>> I feel pressured by doctors who laugh and ignore me to get my hernia
>>>>> fixed
>>>>> bu I have a reasonable fear of being operated on by a doctor who is
>>>>> dishoneest about my physiology.
>>>>> I am seeking damages from a number of doctors, the VGH, VCH, the
>>>>> ministry
>>>>> of
>>>>> social services, and the radiologist, as well as U of A, Alberta
>>>>> Health,
>>>> BC
>>>>> Health, and the provincial and federal health ministries for failing
>>>>> to
>>>>> provide specialists for my condition.
>>>>> I need the VCH to be forced to pay for me to go to another province or
>>>>> country for proper specialist care since they apparently do not give
>>>>> healthcare to intersex persons in BC.
>>>>> 30 years ago intersex people were being sterilized in this province.
>>>>> The practice actually continues along with therapeutic privelege.
>>>>> Thank you for your Time.
- Hide quoted text -
>>>> --
>>>> .............
>>>> Christopher Taylor
>>>> Please use email to contact me
>>>> blog:
>>>> "All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for
>>>> development accorded the individual."
>>>> -A. Einstein
>>>> --
>>>> .............
>>>> Christopher Taylor
>>>> Please use email to contact me
>>>> blog:
>>>> "All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for
>>>> development accorded the individual."
>>>> -A. Einstein
>> --
>> .............
>> Christopher Taylor
>> Please use email to contact me
>> blog:
>> "All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for
>> development accorded the individual."
>> -A. Einstein
> --
> .............
> Christopher Taylor
> Please use email to contact me
> blog:
> "All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for
> development accorded the individual."
> -A. Einstein

Christopher Taylor
Please use email to contact me


"All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for
development accorded the individual."
-A. Einstein
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Clea Parfitt
Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 2:27 PM
To: "christuusgnosis ."
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Hi Chris,

I agreed to assist you by requesting your records. I have not moved
forward on this and will try to later this week. I have a trial
Tue/Wed this week that I am working on until then.


- Hide quoted text -

On 12/9/15, SEX SENSE wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm sorry again that you are having this experience.
> I found a few more resources for you, in case they are more helpful:
> You may have already found this website, but I wanted to pass on the
> Intersex Society of North America's website, as you may be able to find
> resources and support that you want through there:
> As there are many different intersex conditions that affect people's bodies
> in different ways, as far as we know there is not one type of doctor that is
> an intersex specialist. Some doctors or clinics have more experience
> working with people who are intersex, and may be able to provide better
> healthcare than others.
> Depending on the health issues you are concerned about, the best doctor to
> see may be a gynecologist, a urologist, or an endocrinologist. You would
> need a referral from a family doctor in order to be seen by any of those
> specialists.
> Have you heard of the BC Centre for Sexual Medicine? There website
> indicates that they see patients with sexuality concerns related to
> intersexuality. You can find more information about the BC Centre for Sexual
> Medicine here:
> Bye for now,
> Robin
> Supervisor
> 1-800-SEX-SENSE
> If you have any other questions you could call the 1-800-SEX-SENSE Line, a
> free, non-judgmental, confidential and anonymous service of Options for
> Sexual Health. This line provides information and referrals to callers. We
> answer questions about sex, contraception, sexually transmitted infections,
> pregnancy options including parenting, adoption and abortion information,
> sexual orientation, sexual assault and anything else to do with sexuality.
> In the Lower Mainland the number is 604-731-7803, anywhere else in British
> Columbia the toll-free number is 1-800-739-7367. The phone line is open
> Monday to Friday 9am-9pm. You can also visit our website
> -----Original Message-----
> From: christuusgnosis . []
> Sent: Wednesday, December 09, 2015 10:20 AM
> Subject: Re: Your question
> When I asked
> The Catherine White Holman Wellness Centre for assistance and a set of names
> of intersex specialists I was mocked called "gender dysfunctional"
> referred to as a disorder of sexual development not INTERSEX which is the
> preferred term by people who ARE intersex.
> I was mocked
> they had NO RESOURCES for me
> they are for TRANS people only.
> On 12/9/15, christuusgnosis . wrote:
>> This is what I expected.
>> Complete crap.
>> I was laughed at and mocked by the health workers at both the 3
>> bridges and the Ravensong.
>> Dr. Sakakibara at the Ravensong LAUGHED He giggled and said oh that's
>> nothing Mr. Taylor.
>> Patti Zettel at the Ravensong
>> Snickered and snorted
>> and said oh that's not intersex Mr. Taylor She didn't even give me an
>> examination Dr. Wilson at the Ravensong told me that there were no
>> specialists and that no specialist would be covered
>> I want an intersex specialist and a primary care copntact who
>> understands intersex
>> When I tried to go to the BC human Rights tribunal I first went to the
>> Coalition for human rights as you suggest
>> I was sent to a Clea Parker
>> Who basically blocked me, and said oh well you will probably have to
>> pay for that yourself the healthcare system won't cover that and she
>> did nothing for me
>> You have just repeated
>> to me
>> the 3 places that the gov't pretends there are services for me and
>> there are not
>> If I was Trans
>> I would get healthcare
>> because transgender medicine causes the recipient to become STERILE As
>> long as I accept STERILIZATION they will give me a specialist but
>> there is no healthcare of any kind for intersex people
>> because it is a policy enacted by Vic Toews in the second year of the
>> Harper Regime that all gender issue clients have to be on a mental
>> h3ealth label to get care care that ignores them and their needs or
>> that sterilizes them.
>> Thank you
>> This letter will be presented as evidence to the Supreme Court of
>> British Columbia and eventually to the Supreme Court of Canada
>> I need a list of INTERSEX SPECIFIC resources NOT TRANSGENDER resources
>> Resources in another province are fine I will have them send me there.
>> Read about the nazi program this set of policies was modelled on
>> Thanks
>> for repeating the same bullshit I already spent 8 years going through.
>> On 12/8/15, SEX SENSE wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Thanks for your inquiry, I'm glad you got in touch with us.
>>> I'm very sorry to hear about the dismissive experiences you've had
>>> with healthcare providers. You should be able to receive care for
>>> health issues unrelated to your intersexuality, without having to
>>> discuss your sexuality or genitals with doctors if you do not wish
>>> to.
>>> There are clinics in Vancouver, BC that offer health services to
>>> gender diverse people. The doctors there work with many people who
>>> do not fit into a gender binary (including intersex and trans*
>>> people), and would be able to offer non-judgemental care and refer
>>> you to an endocrinologist or specialist as needed.
>>> If you live in the Vancouver area, you may be able to access
>>> healthcare through Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH) Trans* Specialty
>>> Care (appointment required). Here is more info:
>>> Knowledgeable and specialized care for transgender and gender diverse
>>> persons who reside within the Vancouver Coastal Health Region.
>>> Services offered include: hormone readiness assessment, endocrine
>>> (hormone)
>>> therapy, hormone injecting supplies, referral for surgical readiness
>>> assessment, pre-operative information and education, post-operative
>>> wound care, limited counselling
>>> Where: Three Bridges Community Health Centre and Raven Song Community
>>> Health Centre
>>> 1041
>>> How to book an appointment: No referral is required to book an
>>> appointment.
>>> You are welcome to book an appointment by contacting our intake
>>> nurses at 604-633-4248. The nurse will identify the clinic that is
>>> able to see you and provide you with a date and time for an initial
>>> consultation appointment.
>>> Who can access service: Those living in the Vancouver Coastal Health
>>> Region
>>> - Vancouver, Richmond, North Shore, and Coastal Rural. Youth (under
>>> 25), refugee claimants, those with complex mental health diagnoses,
>>> and individuals with post-operative complications who live outside
>>> the VCH Region will be given special consideration regarding access
>>> on a case-by-case basis. This may include referral to another health
>>> care provider or organization.
>>> If you do not meet the criteria to be seen at VCH, there is another
>>> clinic in Vancouver, Catherine White Holoman Wellness Centre, that
>>> provides healthcare to gender-diverse people, including people who
>>> live outside of the Vancouver area. Here is more information on
>>> Catherine White Holman Wellness Centre:
>>> The Catherine White Holman Wellness Centre aims to provide
>>> low-barrier wellness services to trans and gender diverse people in a
>>> way that is respectful and celebratory of clients’ identity and
>>> self-expression.
>>> is entirely volunteer run and operates 2 days per month, therefore
>>> waitlists for doctor or counselling appointments may be quite long.
>>> Some of the services they offer are: general health care (STI
>>> testing, pelvic exams, hormone support & injection supplies, mental
>>> health, education etc), community kitchen (and nutritionist),
>>> counselling, legal assistance, yoga classes, an art drop-in group,
>>> etc. Please see website for full details on upcoming clinic dates.
>>> When: Sunday Clinics (twice per month) 4-7pm For info:
>>> or email or phone
>>> 604-442-4352
>>> I'm sorry I cannot offer you any specific recommendations for
>>> lawyers, however the CWHWC does provide legal assistance, and Trans*
>>> and intersex clients can receive summary advice from a lawyer there.
>>> You can try contacting the lawyer by email:
>>> Here are some other suggestions for other places to find a lawyer
>>> through:
>>> - The BC Human Rights Coalition may be able to help with human rights
>>> concerns and complaints. Call them at 604-689-8474 or 1-877-689-8474.
>>> Collect calls are accepted.
>>> -
>>> -The Community Legal Assistance Society (CLAS) may be able to help
>>> with human rights claims, judicial reviews, mental health cases,
>>> social assistance, welfare, Canada Pension Plan, and Worksafe BC
>>> issues. Call 604-685-3425.
>>> I hope this information is helpful. Please write back if you have
>>> any other questions, or call us at 1-800-739-7367
>>> Bye for now,
>>> Robin
>>> Supervisor
>>> 1-800-SEX-SENSE
>>> If you have any other questions you could call the 1-800-SEX-SENSE
>>> Line, a free, non-judgmental, confidential and anonymous service of
>>> Options for Sexual Health. This line provides information and
>>> referrals to callers.
>>> We
>>> answer questions about sex, contraception, sexually transmitted
>>> infections, pregnancy options including parenting, adoption and
>>> abortion information, sexual orientation, sexual assault and anything
>>> else to do with sexuality.
>>> In the Lower Mainland the number is 604-731-7803, anywhere else in
>>> British Columbia the toll-free number is 1-800-739-7367. The phone
>>> line is open Monday to Friday 9am-9pm. You can also visit our website
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: [] On Behalf Of
>>> Sent: Monday, December 07, 2015 12:05 PM
>>> Subject: Your question
>>> The following question was submitted on Monday, December 7, 2015 -
>>> 12:04pm:
>>> Enter your email: Have a burning
>>> question?
>>> Ask our experts your sexual health question!
>>> I am an intersex male 48
>>> I am having EXTREME difficulty getting any healthcare at all for my
>>> many health problems as soon as I talk about my intersexuality I get
>>> no more care I need a specialist in intersex healthcare, anywhere in
>>> Canada and a clinic that doesn't discriminate.
>>> I have 3 doctors actually trying to label me a delusional
>>> schizophrenic not a single one of them did a physical exam of my
>>> perineum
>>> I can take a picture of my tiny female genitals they are visible I
>>> was a victim of gender normalization therapy
>>> Please refer me to an intersex specialist or a lawyer.
>> --
>> .............
>> Christopher Taylor
>> Please use email to contact me
>> blog:
>> "All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity
>> for development accorded the individual."
>> -A. Einstein
> --
> .............
> Christopher Taylor
> Please use email to contact me
> blog:
> "All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for
> development accorded the individual."
> -A. Einstein

Christopher Taylor
Please use email to contact me


"All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for
development accorded the individual."
-A. Einstein