
Pretensions of objectivity must be left at the door, clothing is optional...

My Poems - My Music - My Paintings - My Serialized Novels

The Wholy Order of The MEEK
An Atheist Pagan Hymn
My first book of Atheist Spirituality
What Canada REALLY NEEDS !!
SG Atlantis and their Unethical BS
Ring of Corruption

"All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development accorded the individual."-A. Einstein

"Ain't it funny how the factory doors close, around the time that the school doors close,
around the time that a hundred thousand jail cells open up to greet you, like a Reaper...." -Zack de la Rocha

They say "Sing while you slave!", but I just get bored... -Dylan

"It's NOT a 'War on Drugs'. It's a war on Personal Freedom.Keep that in mind at ALL times" - Bill Hicks

"Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one" - Anon

"I'd get pretty bunged up without my asshole" - C. Taylor

"If you're going to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you" - O. Wilde

"It is likely to excite dissatisfaction against government and incite people to non co-operation..."

Monday, December 10, 2012

East Van Genocidal McMedicine - Quack Diagnosticisms for all...

44 minutes
I',m in the waiting area for a McClinic on Commercial at Broadway.
I'm calculating
My time.
My life in a McMedicine line
Thank you Mr. Harper, and you especially, Mr. Martin
For McMedicine
I have lost 44 hours of my life
for less than 2 hours of medical attention
because they get paid by the visit, not the ailment, so I must come and come and come and sit and wait,
because it's better for billing the government.
44 hours of my life.
3 hours at a time for each 5 minute McVisit
a half hour each way
2 hours wait EVERY time plus some longer waits
3 hours per McVisit
5 minutes of face time
per McVisit.
and after all of that
we have:
Jack Shit, really.

The form in my hand must be filled out by a doctor,
he get's paid a hundred dollars to do it
It can't be done in 5 minutes
So I have come here
14 times I've slgged my sore foot held my hernia, waited in the rain for the doors
14 times 3+ hours of crap
so that he would have been able to gather enough visits
to make the time in billing.
For accounting I have come here ad nauseum
while daily I freeze outside without a bus pass
and from the FIRST visit
ALL I have wanted
was for the doctor to fill out this form
Not "make something up so you'll be sure to get visibility"
I have come here 14 times to have it filled out accurately
with no embellishment.

The system thinks it is on the right course, full steam ahead
44 hours for less than 2
dog freezing
and now
"just sign up for mental health and it will be fast tracked Mr. Taylor"

I came for accuracy,
and am offered a quick road to warmth
for lies

fucking liars.

There's this crucial component of modern medicine.
Its called diagnostic imaging.

Its important to have proper diagnostic imaging for medicine. Very important. Its important for lawsuits regarding malpractice as well, but you have to pay out of pocket for that, since the system will never pay to investigate its own people for wrongdoing.

If you've read some of my blog, you may be familiar with my rants regarding the horrifying and dangerous quality of care I have recieved in British Columbia. I am literally scared shitless of lying murderous doctors. There are so fucking many of them.

So. Short summary.
I have a congenital condition called intersexuality, which is an actual physical genital difference created by genetics and endocrine development factors during gestation. No bullshit.

So after doctor number TEN that I have been to in the last 5 years, we have this. 4 doctors literally LAUGHED. 3 doctors refused to interact with me for treatment, and 4 of the doctors tried to put something on my file regarding delusions or other mental dysfunction - WITHOUT PHYSICALLY ASSESSING me. They didn't even look.

Now we come to medical imaging and its importance.
Doctor or nurse is trying to call me a liar and delusional. If i had a proper DIAGNOSTIC IMAGE I could pull it out and show it, but I don't have one.

Ten doctors, half a dozen nurses, and I have NO DIAGNOSTIC image of the area in question. I have asked EVERY SINGLE doctor for this, over the course of 5 years.

My library time is almost up and I will have to add to this over the weekend.

So. 3 months ago I try a new clinic, like clinic number 7 in 5 years.

Its at broadway and commercial.

For the first time in 5 years a doctor or nurse actually asks me to drop my pants and take a look.
She doesn't understand it but agrees its not what she normally would see.
I ask her to order an ultrasound of my perineaum while I am getting one for my inguinal hernia in the upper groin.
She agrees, and contrary to my wishes and commoon practice writes "hermaphrodite" on the imaging notes. The term is Intersex, there are less than 1% of all intersex people who would be termed actually hermaphrodite. I was a bit offended but she ordered the scan so I was ok. I ask her to use CML, in the new Jim Pattison(ie: Hell's Angels) constructed medical building at broadway and commercial, across the street from her. There is a reason. They destroyed some of my ultrasound images at the beginning of the 5 years at the request of a Dr. Cooper and Dr. Brown, both of whom are mudering genocidal religious fanatics, I SWEAR!


I book my ultrasound.

the story of Jin the genocidal radiologist - goes here! and is still being expanded:
Short summary: Jin is pattronizing. He takes 32 pictures of my 1-1/2 inch balloned out inguinal hernia, then scans my perineum for 5 minutes, after turning the monitor away from me, and he doesn't snap a single frame of my perineum!!!!
I went for a diagnostic image, one that I could show to other doctors...and not one single image was snapped into his digital system!!
That medical building is where they are moving the transgender clinic from downtown. So all of the clients of that "service" can expect to be lied to in that building if they are intersex and not trans.

here's my email to Jin's boss:
Hello Diane.

I am very upset. I will try to be short and clear.

A couple of days ago I was booked for an ultrasound at your broadway commercial location.
The technician was Jin.

Jin was the same technician on duty in the old office 3 years ago. I remember.

I have a congenital condition known as Intersexuality.

It is not a mental disorder, like transgenderism, it is a disorder of sexual development, a physical expression of non standard genitalia  caused by different  factors, some genetic and some endocrinal. Approximately 250, 000 people in canada have some form of one of the 5 kinds of intersexuality.

I came to your clinic for a scan of my right side anguinal hernia and a second set of my perineum. So I could take the IMAGES, which are the end result of a professional DIAGNOSTIC, to a PROFESSIONAL with SPECIALIZED experience.

You might notice, if you look, that there are 30+ images of my hernia.

and ZERO images of my perineum.

He didn't snap a single image. This isn't the days of $100 film stock. Digital space is almost free.

3.5 years ago I had a scan done, when it was strips of paper and not on file.

I watched as Dr. Cooper (who severely compromised my healthcare) actually TOOK 3 sheets from that set back then, in front of Jin.

Therapeutic Privilege should be a CAPITAL crime. IMHO.

There is no SCIENCE without DOCUMENTATION.

Thank you for your time, Diane.

As you can see, I'm kind of pissed off.

Christopher Taylor

So after all that. The new doctor tells me that he can't really fill out my disability form without using "schizophrenic" because he really wants me to get on disability and he really doesn't want me to get a CT scan for this:


This is what it is all about.
They will absolutely not give me a CT or ultrasound image of this under any circumstances!
They would rather kill me first, slowly, in front of all of you!

So you tell me, ladies, how many boys have that between their balls and ass?
Honestly. How many? You've seen that lots?
The well-trained Dr. Mah, with no examination whatsoever, called it "probably extruding colon material". I'm pretty in tune with my butt. If I rub a one inch section of one spot of my colon for half an hour I don't curl up into a ball.
Rub that and I do.
I think I deserve better from a scientifically advanced culture.
There are specialists for everything, but we are happy with the techniques of modern genocide here, so clean and quiet.

I am tired of this shit.