
Pretensions of objectivity must be left at the door, clothing is optional...

My Poems - My Music - My Paintings - My Serialized Novels

The Wholy Order of The MEEK
An Atheist Pagan Hymn
My first book of Atheist Spirituality
What Canada REALLY NEEDS !!
SG Atlantis and their Unethical BS
Ring of Corruption

"All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development accorded the individual."-A. Einstein

"Ain't it funny how the factory doors close, around the time that the school doors close,
around the time that a hundred thousand jail cells open up to greet you, like a Reaper...." -Zack de la Rocha

They say "Sing while you slave!", but I just get bored... -Dylan

"It's NOT a 'War on Drugs'. It's a war on Personal Freedom.Keep that in mind at ALL times" - Bill Hicks

"Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one" - Anon

"I'd get pretty bunged up without my asshole" - C. Taylor

"If you're going to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you" - O. Wilde

"It is likely to excite dissatisfaction against government and incite people to non co-operation..."

Friday, May 03, 2013

Why can't the police shut down the Hell's Angels? Because the government gives them more money each budget than the police.

Why can't the police shut down the Hell's Angels?

Because the government gives them more money each budget than the police.

Payment for keeping those poor people in line at their poverty pimp money laundering charity establishments like the Salvation Army, The Food Bank, Theo, The Kettle, UGM, Quest Foods, Narc-anon, The Recovery Centre, and a hundred other "legitimate" poverty pimp businesses, all controlled by a bunch of people who barely finished high school and became rich selling drugs and being rapist murderer bullies. Every state needs to put more money into those guys instead of the police eh? Get their heroin hillbilly punker kids with banjos and meth to trash every cultural scene.
Worked for the nazis.

I bet if you calculate just the tax writeoffs and subsidies for IATSE productions alone you would be at the cops budget.

That's why IATSE pays cops to stand around as security on their sets
its cheaper to protect a movie set's worth of coke if theres a union cop at the entrance to the set.

I mean its obvious they have more money than the police
Look at the airport and the seaport
All these billions of security cameras
looking out at us
watching all of us walk by
scanning us as we get on the plane
slowing everything down
so many uniforms
so may cameras
tasers everywhere
but behind all of that
which supposedly guarantees that no bomb gets on the plane

But the coke is on the plane or the boat or the train or the truck
on the other side of the camera
the other side of the fence
the other side off the security that cost billions for us
on the other side of that

there is still tons of coke getting off planes and boats and trucks every day

We so admire the boys who git er dun
we're willing to fund all their shenanigans
I mean jeez
look what a great job they did
cleaning up those whores and getting a good patsy to face the international press

We don't have a genocidal rapist gangster problem
we just had too many crack whores
that were made from the crack
that came off of the boats
and planes

The heroin in victoria park and the crack in the Commercial drive area, all the meth that people thieve and steal to get

came through the anti terrorism security system.

It ALL did.

Great job Christy
keeping Gordo's dictator support system functioning for so long after he's gone

It's called Crime (Mis)Management

And these fuckers suck up so much fucking money from all of us
yet they are too fucking cheap to pay me
for my work
cheap ass fucks

Sucking Bald Eagle cock while you fuck over the people of your own country
fucking nazi fucks hiding behind your charity scams
you fucking owe me for my writing on Atlantis

This is the thing
I come from a town where I watched 300+ people each week
idolize a huge fat priest
who diddled children for years

So you fat fucks ripping me off and then all standing around your multimillion dollar charity money laundering scams and gloating in your warehouses with the coke stash can fuck off.

You have enough to pay me for my work you fucking cheapskates.

Get Robert and his two buddies to pay me in full and give me my fucking goddamn credit you fucks.
and stop hiding your fucking thieving ignorant drug dealer rapist bullshit behind some fucking "Christian" charity you hypocrite fucks. Ex pimps and drug dealers hiding behind jesus' fucking skirts and pointing at everyone else
you fucks.

This is the perspective for everyone else you fraudster extortionist dickwads.
A person who works as a senior technician with a screen credit on Atlantis would make a salary of $70k
Plus they would still be getting residuals of a few grand each year
the fucking residuals for a senior tech/coordinator would be still, after these years, more than I'm living on per yer.

I have jack shit and you fuckers owe me a creator credit for Atlantis along with a per episode fee and fucking residuals. Brad and Robert did not create it and all you fat git er dun fuckwads know it. They were producers who took the work that I created and made the show with it. I want the fucking goddamned credit, I want a correct fee, and I want my fucking residuals you fraudster fucks. Pay my fucking fees. Rippoff motherfucker assholes.

The math isn't hard. Its a lot less than what you scum off all of us with your shit.
Let's say $100K/ep + residuals of 10% is $10M+
That's the lowball figure. Its a waaaay low figure.

But it makes the point you ripoff union gangster motherfucker shitfucks.

Sure its been fun burning me. I'm done laughing.
You owe me for my work you fucks.

The fucking bikers for jesus giving to the poor schtick while you launder your fucking money and rip me off laughing
is pissing me off.

sucking up government money and pretending your doing things for the "community"
its fucking bullshit

You all realize after I wrote this I had 2 people with unmuzzled german shepherds from the heroin crew stalking my dog and me. German shepherds, wolf crosses, should be muzzled. They can kill someone if poorly trained.
and they usually are.
I promote gun legalization for that reason.

To the police officer reading this
because there has to be at least one
I just wrote and gave links to witness accounts of fraud and extortion and attempted murder
and even possibly espionage and definitely genocide
but you don't even have to follow up on it
because its too much work.