
Pretensions of objectivity must be left at the door, clothing is optional...

My Poems - My Music - My Paintings - My Serialized Novels

The Wholy Order of The MEEK
An Atheist Pagan Hymn
My first book of Atheist Spirituality
What Canada REALLY NEEDS !!
SG Atlantis and their Unethical BS
Ring of Corruption

"All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development accorded the individual."-A. Einstein

"Ain't it funny how the factory doors close, around the time that the school doors close,
around the time that a hundred thousand jail cells open up to greet you, like a Reaper...." -Zack de la Rocha

They say "Sing while you slave!", but I just get bored... -Dylan

"It's NOT a 'War on Drugs'. It's a war on Personal Freedom.Keep that in mind at ALL times" - Bill Hicks

"Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one" - Anon

"I'd get pretty bunged up without my asshole" - C. Taylor

"If you're going to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you" - O. Wilde

"It is likely to excite dissatisfaction against government and incite people to non co-operation..."

Sunday, March 10, 2013

The Girl didn't Die From Bullying, She died because of lack of justice...and indifferent police.

In B.C.
What about that girl that was gang raped at the Pitt Meadows bush party?
Oh, right, she didn't kill herself so we can forget that happened here.
I mean, she wasn't killed like that girl on the train in india, so it wasn't really that bad.
Just "kids"
having "fun"
in the Greatest Place on Earth

Not much the police can do about it.
They don't really care

They get paid either way
and I bet one or two of the boys involved
has a rich dad

Amanda Todd didn't die from internet stalking
or bullying
she died from an institutionalized indifference

Every day in canada
someone else who is seriously fucked over by a gang or bullies
every day in Canada, they call the police
and are laughed at

unless you can prove it yourself
the police won't spend resources to prove what happened to you
you're just another slave
and union resources like police
are expensive

The girl's trauma was caused by no one
not even herself
doing something about it

and since her death another 150 people in Canada her age have killed themselves
over something similiar

Where no one did anything
and everyone tells them to call the police
who stand around chuckling
before saying

"There's really nothing we
can do"

Bullies and gangsters make more
remember that
be a bully
and you'll be rewarded


But what about the adults?
They get it worse
we've spent as a society about $30 million
on Bullying conferences for kids
Save the Kids!
Save the Kids!

There are 4 or 5 times as many adults
experiencing the same thing
every day
but the conferences ignore them
because they aren't kids

That;s what's wrong
its not just a high school thing
it permeates our society

We know the police are inneffective
except in simple violent crime
but when someone kills themself
there are no bruises

and the police are allowed to choose
whether they will bother
to investigate

Its easier to build up your employee file
doing simpler things
arresting drunks and such

spending a couple of weeks trying to help one person?
they don't even bother

There is no justice in Canada for anyone who cannot afford to make their own.

And what about that young 19 year old ontario girl
locked away for more thsn s yesr for stealing a cd and throwing an apple

She didn't get any justice
She was trying to kill herself because of the inherent injustice of the situation
an injustice the police were propogating
the justice who sent her to jail should be lynched

but there are no repercussions for bad judges, policemen or politicians

The main problem is that the police officers are allowed to decide for themselves whether or not to investigate any particular crime, and they specifically are instructed to not waste resources.

Someone who is harassed online for showing their tits is really just a laugh to them, when they can make 5 arrests in an hour just targeting drunks and crackheads. They aren't going to charge anyone for calling someone a slut. They won't charge someone for calling anyone any names at all. They don't consider verbal harrassment by social groups to be a crime.

It was OK for all the yuppie jocks to mock the goth kids of columbine. That's ALLOWED. The outsiders retaliate and they are seen as the "evil bastards" but really, if there was proper justice and court and legal representation for people they could maybe taken the rich whelps to court - NOT.

If you get robbed by a gang and they are gone when the police arrive, they won't look, its a waste of time to them. I had a friend have $5K worth of stuff burgled, an officer didn't even come to the door. A crackhead steals a pack of smokes and 6 cops will be there, a crackhead or drunk is passed out in the deserted house down the street and they sent 2 firetrucks and an ambulance, $2K worth of union workers for a drunk.

Do you think any police officer is ever going to investigate the fact that my CT scan was swapped on orders from a doctor involved in Therapeutic privelege? Do you think any cop is going to investigate the rich american fucks who ripped off some east van faggot?


They'll drag a drunk off to the tank for $10K worth of Detox, but they didn't spend any time or effort on dying whores, robbed and harassed faggots, or little girls who can't keep their shirt on.

They don't give a flying fuck, its just a job, and they are only in it for the money and power.

If you have money and power, you'll get justice.
Otherwise, just be a good slave and shut up, because they aren't going to investigate anything on your behalf when there is good money to be made taking bribes from gangsters to ignore the whores and drug dealers.

We have a "community cop" in our neighborhood, and he stands around joking with the crack and heroin dealers!

What about police harrassment?
Is that included in your new "bullying" law talk?

2 times a police officer from the VPD has made comments on my blog after a court appearance.
Twice. Mocking me.
What about being jailed for 3 days for calling a doctor a cunt because she was the 9th docotr I went to and all 9 mocked me for my birth genetics. They laughed. They swapped medical records, they mocked me right in the CT scan lab!
My last court appearance the prosecuting attorney tried to make the REMOVAL OF THIS BLOG as a condition of release!

How many millions have we paid out to "talk" about bullying in school, when its really a society wide problem with a number of right wing union backed groups involved.

The girl in Nova Scotia?
She did't kill herself because of bullying
she killed herself  because she was RAPED AT 15 by 4 young men
and because she was drunk and possibly drugged
it was her fault

her whole community and schooturned against her and mocked her
She filed a police report, she tried to use the "process"
but no charges were ever laid against 4 young rapists
so then the fact that the police wouldn't lay charges
became another funny thing about it

It was the police response that killed her
not the cackling mocking bullies
because that's our whole society now
mocking and tormenting people

I've spent 7 years trying to get justice and healthcare
I limp daily
my whole "community" mocks me
they laugh as they watch me eating garbage

There will never be charges pressed
for any of it
I want to kill myself sometimes too
because of the police

doing their job
or sucking cia cock