
Pretensions of objectivity must be left at the door, clothing is optional...

My Poems - My Music - My Paintings - My Serialized Novels

The Wholy Order of The MEEK
An Atheist Pagan Hymn
My first book of Atheist Spirituality
What Canada REALLY NEEDS !!
SG Atlantis and their Unethical BS
Ring of Corruption

"All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development accorded the individual."-A. Einstein

"Ain't it funny how the factory doors close, around the time that the school doors close,
around the time that a hundred thousand jail cells open up to greet you, like a Reaper...." -Zack de la Rocha

They say "Sing while you slave!", but I just get bored... -Dylan

"It's NOT a 'War on Drugs'. It's a war on Personal Freedom.Keep that in mind at ALL times" - Bill Hicks

"Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one" - Anon

"I'd get pretty bunged up without my asshole" - C. Taylor

"If you're going to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you" - O. Wilde

"It is likely to excite dissatisfaction against government and incite people to non co-operation..."

Sunday, October 19, 2008

2010 Olympics Activism - Why I can't fully support the Anti Poverty Committee and the Olympics Resistance Network

You know, sometimes you meet and get to know someone
and regardless of all the things in the way
age, beliefs, life, bullshit
you're inspired by them
and you always catch yourself thinking
this person is really special...
Maybe you give up trying,
but you still care enough to worry when you see them in trouble.

And that's the reason I have to write this.
Some really good hearted people are headed for the cliff
and I know they're not Lemmings
so maybe we can talk about some bullshit
and avoid a massacre.

The Anti Poverty Committee and the Olympics Resistance Network.
Both groups have some similar problems, and there are people who work for both organizations.

Now. Think clearly here. COINTELPRO
Keep that word in mind at all times.
Olympics, activism, dissent, RCMP, cointelpro, CSIS, big money.
Get it straight. This isn't a small thing. It's a big fucking deal.
An expensive fucking party whose historical purpose has been disenfranchisement of the poorer classes of the participating city/state. Everyone is partying so loud that they can't hear the bulldozers and batons and screams. Whole communities disappear overnight.
Lots of good people go to jail.

Agent Provocateurs in abundance. Surveillance so tight they can see your fucking panty lines.

Following me? Watch Arlington Road and scare yourself shitless if you need visuals.

You see, instead of giving fair time and space to protesting CANADIANS at events that are disputed, the new canadian police agenda tries to segregate dissent so there is no disturbing media picture, activists then have to crank up their efforts to be seen and heard, a few police disguised as activists can then instigate

a riot.

And since riots are frowned upon by the modern Canadian programmed urban meat robot,
all kinds of left wing poor people who are tired of being suppressed
get suppressed and jailed.

Which is completely counter productive to the aims of the activist message.

And this is my first major beef with the APC/ORN
Fucking stupid marketing.
Trying to market a RIOT to the fucking nation of sheep.
People don't want to get behind riots. Riots are the herd mentality gone awry.
Intelligent dissent becomes stupidity with a fucking rock.
Burnings, pogroms, lynchings all arise out of this same fucking idiocy.
And everyone that SHOULD be behind the protesters, suddenly claps for their arrest.

And yet somehow this RIOT 2010!! marketing bullshit is still holding strong in the APC/ONR clique.

Because they've been infiltrated.
This great idea, the Anti POVERTY Committee, a great big thick sharp thorn in the side of the right wing property ownership agenda, got derailed a couple years ago by a team of instigators, and gradually an intelligent, benign, thought provoking, and EFFECTIVE group has become a marginalized bunch of rock throwers.

The APC website USED to have thought provoking writing, useful links to activism, articles on responsible activism, articles that were intelligent.

Now its "Punk RIOT!!!!!"

Preaching to the converted is NOT the fucking idea you fools. A small number of punks is NOT going to win the battle of everlasting corporate greed.
You need to get the Yuppie housewives involved, the poor single mothers with children scraping by, the nice elderly couples who are being evicted, and like it or not, none of them will support a riot. Some paint on a sign? ok. A theatrical display? they're behind you. A fucking riot? They don't want to get involved.
Activism is about getting PEOPLE involved, not just a little clique of do-gooder crusty punks.

When the APC trashed that office, and splashed some paint on a logo clock, that was cool, they got the media attention they needed.
And a hundred reporters clamored to their site and the Wikipedia to find out more, and they were met with an out of date website promoting pure punk anarchy and a Wikipedia article that was basically written by police and right wing sympathizers. They made a splash, but didn't have any of those well balanced articles and ideas waiting for the journalists to make printable articles from. So in the end, something effective became portrayed as a temper tantrum of children.

My wonderful crusty punk friend sings songs about the Weathermen.
She idolizes their grit and spunk. They all went to jail. Their families lost their homes. Their friends were harassed and arrested. In all over 100 people went to jail, most for over a year.
I sat with her one day, on the patio, smoking, last winter, before the snow.

We weren't talking as much by then, too much interference. But it was good to see her.
Across from me was someone I never saw there before, writing in that way that psychologists write about their subjects. I'm observant. My friend left, and I asked the woman, after warming her up with some small talk, about what she was writing.
"Oh about some activist friends of mine." I gradually got more out of her. She was "writing" about her friends, the Weathermen. About how they ended up n jail.
None of it was lost on me. I'm observant. Cointelpro sat before me with a pen in her hand writing furiously, that detached psychology student way of writing and looking about.
My friend has been on their radar for a long time.
They don't have to put her in jail. They'll slowly destroy her life and surround her with grungier versions of the woman who sat before me. Her "film industry" friend beside her.
Oddly enough, she knew personally the man who hired me for Stargate Atlantis. Irony in spades.

"No Olympics on Stolen Native Land!!!"
Fuck me in the ass with a tank cannon.

Don't get me wrong, I support First Nations land claims, on a case by case basis.
BTW, where I grew up, the reserve kids preferred to be called Indian, not "First Nations".
I support indigenous peoples and many but not all of their causes. I think I've shown that in a few previous posts. I've also met enough mean motherfuckers to know not every brownskin is cool as much as every whiteskin isn't evil.

My problem is not their claim of stolen land.
My problem is the same problem as the punk issue before.
Mixed mandates.

If I'm going to ACTIVATE!!! on an issue, say pro gay marriage.
I'm not going to tie that issue to an anti-abortion stance. (I'm not anti abortion, I'm illustrating here). Do you get it?
Remember, yuppie housewives, elderly people, single moms, etc?
Instead of garnering the widest support possible for their cause, the punk/land claims issues are diluting the support of these two groups.

My friend has some Tribal affiliation by blood. Great. Fan-fucking-tastic.
Be part of an anti-olympics group and its anti-poverty/suppression stance, and after that meeting go over to the other meeting and be part of the anti-olympic colonialism land claims crew.

By putting "Land Claims" on every poster and web site for these groups you are taking a huge fucking chainsaw to your possible SUPPORT base. You need as many PEOPLE as possible to get your message heard. You need as many PEOPLE as possible to help you get out of jail after they frame you for some stupid fucking shit that one of these other specialty causes pulls off.

Separate the extra issues and support them as well, but keep your marketing message clear, focus on one thing: The Olympics creating poverty for EVERYBODY in the lower classes.

If you can manage that, you might get thousands instead of hundreds to gather.

And if you haven't figured it out yet, yes, instigators who are part of a TEAM have directed you all, very slowly to divide your message and coat it with too much violence. Because they WANT YOU TO FAIL.

And finally, I guess I just need to say
they are gonna railroad you into the ground if you keep the fully democratic approach to organizational hierarchy. They don't just want to catch you people, they want to discredit you fully, make your private lives fall apart to drain you, instigate you and rile you at every possible moment so they can get you full of arrest warrants, destroy your relationships with gossip and false information, whisper campaigns and batons.

Until the APC/ORN can actually get it together and clearly study the methods of cointelpro they will one by one be brought down, and as a group, you will be twisted and turned against your own interests, you'll be turned against your friends, friends will turn out to be fake infiltrators or enemies, others will be turned against you, you'll be distracted by a lot of directed and manipulated bullshit.

The best thing you can do for yourselves is to keep much clearer heads, and speak much more intelligently on all your marketing. Think and look critically at all the shit piling up.

Because you, like me, are a target.