
Pretensions of objectivity must be left at the door, clothing is optional...

My Poems - My Music - My Paintings - My Serialized Novels

The Wholy Order of The MEEK
An Atheist Pagan Hymn
My first book of Atheist Spirituality
What Canada REALLY NEEDS !!
SG Atlantis and their Unethical BS
Ring of Corruption

"All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development accorded the individual."-A. Einstein

"Ain't it funny how the factory doors close, around the time that the school doors close,
around the time that a hundred thousand jail cells open up to greet you, like a Reaper...." -Zack de la Rocha

They say "Sing while you slave!", but I just get bored... -Dylan

"It's NOT a 'War on Drugs'. It's a war on Personal Freedom.Keep that in mind at ALL times" - Bill Hicks

"Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one" - Anon

"I'd get pretty bunged up without my asshole" - C. Taylor

"If you're going to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you" - O. Wilde

"It is likely to excite dissatisfaction against government and incite people to non co-operation..."

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Sauron's Eye

I'm disconnected once again.
no internet
I spew from the library
that's why this article
is all over the place
it's not  like it matters
I have only a dozen readers
and they don't really care
it's just interesting to read
about someone dying or getting fucked over
I have Court next month
where the Liars and Judges
will again try to stick their book of mythology and lies before me
and try to force me to touch it and pledge "Truth" to them
as if they would hear it.
The "C" word is worth a years probation
And of course,
since being degraded by the MHSD worker
my file was sent to a "Third Party Service Provider"
and now all my emails regarding my health and MHSD interactions
go through
We pretend we have privacy commissioners that actually do their work
and we pretend that rights are equal
and the police are just and actually INVESTIGATE the actions of thieves and gangs
but Robert Cooper of SGA is connected to here in Vancouver
so someone who ripped me off and owes me money
has access to my MHSD info and all my communications with them.
Right before court.
And these people at E-Fry do basically nothing at all for me
except pass messages between me and the ministry
and with their spam provider
who sends it to Robert Cooper.
They get THOUSANDS for handling my file
I get shafted
jumping into dumpsters for food
holding my groin as I walk home
So much for justice
Anna Cooper, Donald A. Cooper
both related to Robert Cooper, Producer at Stargate Atlantis
both have been in charge of my medical file in the last 3 years
both caused significant delays to my disability application
both mocked me out loud and ridiculed me in their offices because of my intersexuality.
both have endangered my life in the Vancouver Coastal Health authority
but the College of Physicians is really there to protect its members from malpractice
not to protect the public
I know.
I have the correspondence and will post it one day.
I wonder what connections Dr. Brown, Dr. Calvert, Dr. Aronshtam, Patti Zettel have to Robert Cooper. I know that Kate the social worker has a connection
she tried so hard to instigate me so she could send me to E-Fry
where my emails would be subject to redirection and delays
by robert's company.
Seems he has a lot of family in healthcare.
Murderous rippoff asshole and his IATSE gang of H.A. backstabber fucks
He can get all these people to fuck me over
and no detective will investigate
even though the Ravensong is across the street from a cop shop
As I walked up for my interview
they all piled out
20 cops laughing
at the intersex man trying to get a specialist
trying to keep the crazy trannny nurse from labelling him a tranny too
because that's the "policy"
of genocide
no one gets left
Thats because the police are accomplices in this genocide and murder
what white straight cop will ever investigate the murder of a queer
especially if it's Doctors
Doctors have never killed anyone...
the highest death rate in the continent is from improper medications
but no one gets charged with that
read about that fag in the paper who got his jaw broken in East Van?
Apparently it wasn't a hate crime.
The guy only called him faggot about 20 times,
it wasn't like he was actually putting his life in danger
3 months for breaking someones jaw and a year probation
The Jim Pattison group just built a medical centre for transgender people
5 blocks from there
Guess the trannies can expect beatings without justice
that's if they survive the centre's psych labelling system
Gangsters that run whorehouses running the facility for trannies
guess we're gonna have more T-whores in east van
They sure won't get actual healthcare that builds them up.
Hundreds more intersex people will get fucked over
courtesy of East Van - Grandview - Woodlands
A community that pretends it cares
while genocide occurs under it's sleepy nose
and I get a year of undertakings for calling a social worker the "C" word
when she mocks me while I attempt to get a service I am rightfully entitled to.
The fiduciary agent making the client squirm outrageously for their rightful pittances.
Judges and liars and books of lies.
I can't afford a good Liar/Lawyer
so I have to defend myself
against another attempt at criminalization
or "behavioral modification" (aka institutionalization)
I will NOT go to anger management for calling a bullying social worker bitch, who was mocking me to my face, a  CUN_.
She was mocking me.
She was being a CUN_.
There are CUN_S in the world.
There's a "childsafe" filter here
so that's why she's a cun and has no "T"
42 years I rarely used that word
I have used it every day since I was jailed for using it last year
multiple times
and will use it out loud every day
multiple times
until I am compensated for this abuse of the police and the courts against me
for using the "C" word against a BULLY.
Lots of bullies in the MHSD.
They've been harrassing me and denying me my human rights
through their system
ever since the incident
but they are "allowed"
And they deny me access to service providers who would actually give me some SERVICES in exchange for the THOUSANDS they are paid each year to have me as a "client"
I live on less than $7,500/year
access to healthcare services and transportation for someone with a damaged body from working. I worked here for years and ripped my leg and abdomen up.
but I don't get healthcare unless
I'm an active slave
That is my promise to the court
if I am not compensated I will use the "C" word the rest of my life
its not against the law.
every day, out loud
every single day
the criminalization and institutionalization of the left and all public dissent is upon us children.
The Jails are being expanded for you all to Occupy
Public protests against the slavemasters are terrorist activities
work until you die slave
or be Beaten
Socialism is Terrorism now
Sauron's eye looks down imperiously
and Big Brother pulls the plug on my internet
just when I need the communication link
So I will update less frequently this month
but I will probably be stressed and angry while researching and writing
my re-TORT
so I will dump at least a few hundred words on you in chunks
just expect them to be vile chunks...
really vile...
The Eye gazes imperiously down upon me
Sauron of Solomon
I piss at the feet of your monolith
a gang of pirates
that feed off life
cloak yourselves
in your lies
of Law
and Just Compensation
a cloak of justice denied
made of invisible thread
fat naked white "emperors" prancing about
showing off their "superiority"
their fat corrupt white supremacy