
Pretensions of objectivity must be left at the door, clothing is optional...

My Poems - My Music - My Paintings - My Serialized Novels

The Wholy Order of The MEEK
An Atheist Pagan Hymn
My first book of Atheist Spirituality
What Canada REALLY NEEDS !!
SG Atlantis and their Unethical BS
Ring of Corruption

"All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development accorded the individual."-A. Einstein

"Ain't it funny how the factory doors close, around the time that the school doors close,
around the time that a hundred thousand jail cells open up to greet you, like a Reaper...." -Zack de la Rocha

They say "Sing while you slave!", but I just get bored... -Dylan

"It's NOT a 'War on Drugs'. It's a war on Personal Freedom.Keep that in mind at ALL times" - Bill Hicks

"Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one" - Anon

"I'd get pretty bunged up without my asshole" - C. Taylor

"If you're going to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you" - O. Wilde

"It is likely to excite dissatisfaction against government and incite people to non co-operation..."

Sunday, April 08, 2012

Christy Clark's new Poverty Plan: Forced relocation to remote minimum wage labour camps

I can't believe that no one has actually sat down with this woman and discussed the practices of a certain 1940's dictator and their similarity to this plan she espouses. From the pages of the metro and 24 I read it aghast. A fjnord screaming silently from uncle sams mouthpiece of media filtration.

Or maybe she could sit patiently and listen to a chain smoking asian elder and hear about forced labour and relocation, B.C. style. They got away with it before for years. Always a good reason for forced cheap labour.

The real estate market always digs relocation strategies.

Christy, if your government is in financial trouble, its because Gordo and his boyz siphoned too much off...before he went to his new job in Britain, payment for getting every British Columbian's personal medical records shifted to a company 2 miles from cia headquarters. Great job Gordo, have an MI-6 cigar.

Maybe send Christy one to smoke surreptitiously around a windy corner while she fucks us all over again.

Let's see, what are you going for?

Iron Christy? Chrome? Weathered Aluminum?

Give her a mace covered in the gore of unresponsive slaves that limped too laconically through their serfdom. Her face cleansed in the soap of dead peasants and other social parasites.

Pores filled with fatty off colored foundations, crumbling...

You want to save money on services to the poor?

Stop paying 70% of the cash flow to the rich organized crime poverty pimps that were doing lots of Gordos T4 dirty work, give more actual money to the poor and make sure that everyone on welfare has the following:

1. Full heallthcare.

Temporary disability for surgeries and recovery time to make sure that we don't have poor people limping and gasping as they try to be good slaves for their subsistence wages. Enough of the continual medical need disqualifications.

Cover everything. If their brains aren't scrambled, fix up their knees, arthritis, elbows, eyes, feet, debilitating warts, whatever. No BS, which is what's happening now. People can't work with damaged bodies. If it can be fixed it should be fixed, body and mind. Cover the physical therapy, cover everything and get them healthy first, then they can be more effective slaves for your rich friends and our rich friendly southern neighbors.

Give them glasses. Fix their teeth. Remove their moles, warts, corns.

Everyone will be better off. Everybody. We are losing sight of what medicine must be for our evolution as a species. Corporate pay-to-live medical extortion is not the way, our brothers and sisters down south illustrate that perfectly in painful statistics of suffering and bankruptcy.

2. Let people on welfare make up to $500. That plus welfare is enough for a person to gradually get going. Its still less than a foreign refugee gets in Canada, but its a start. It gives people a motivation.

Get this. I tried to do a weekends work about a 2+ years ago.

I worked a 19 hour day, starting at 7 a.m., walked there from the park I was sleeping in, about 25 blocks. Had no food or money on the isolated site. Worked hard, did a great job, saved the presentation basically from a bungling superior co-worker, hurt my knee and hernia consistently all day, left the site having NO FOOD. Waited 4 hours nearby without shelter sleeping a bit. Came back to take apart the setup I had helped build, tore my knee up bad doing some loading that I specifically told the other crew I couldn't do, but did it, in pain.

Walked "home" to sleep in the park. Hurt. Had no money or food after busting my ass. I tore the knee so it was swollen for almost a week. It hurt longer than that because I was constantly moving with a pack, living outside.

Waited 2 weeks, starving. Got paid $180. Ate, bought some things, relaxed, still hurting.

next week

I get a $50 welfare check - for the month.

So I worked, in pain, starving, for free, and then had nothing for a month

in far more pain than if I had not tried to be a good citizen.

But, really, if you ask people. I'm just"lazy".

3. Replace the "client assistance workers" in MHSD offices with welfare recipients working for their $500. The union workers are making $20+/hr.

It's a lot cheaper to use the welfare recipients. No more dour well paid yuppie bitches sucking the public teat while pissing little trickles into the mouths of the poor, after making them grovel and squirm for their pittances. Gets rid of that massive public service pension plan headache from now on too.

Most people don't realize that we, as a society, pay more for the wages of the 8-10 people per office on the other side of the $50,000 of recently installed glass and metal barricades than we pay for all of the wretched filthy poor with their hands out for a minimum starting point that stand in that office and take their yuppie abuse. Staring at fat gold rings and ostentatious necklaces while we grovel beneath their mocking iron gaze. Why don't I get to look at another person in the same position doing the minor administrative tasks.

Makes a lot more sense, really.

4. FREE TRANSIT for welfare recipients. That way they can actually access all of your decentralized or over centralized service bungles and poverty pimp enclaves. Then they actually could get on a bus and go do work somewhere else in the city on fairly short notice, and get home, and go back the next day. Then they could get their human gathering needs done in a few hours instead of WALKING AND WALKING.

You could just chain them in a visible spot and make them pick embedded rocks for our amusement. It would be about as pleasant as watching someone with nothing hobble long distances to jump through administrative hoops. Bloody feet and fingers will make them see the error of their ways...

5. Give everyone on welfare a phone. Every MHSD client services representative repeats the mantra of please take this number and call there to make an appointment and don't bother me with your requests because we only accept appointments over the phone.

I don't know HOW MANY job offers I missed pushing that cart around to garbage bins for food. Or sleeping in a bush. I could have been getting calls.

I think it decreases social isolation as well. The ability to communicate and co ordinate. It would cost you like 5 bucks a phone or less in that kind of bulk order, and the unlimited minutes could be bought in bulk.

Then they could actually take care of their own business better and maybe get going. You could keep tabs on them with gps too, that should satisfy your backers.

6. Get with the New Millenium. The glorious 21st century.

We have this thing called email.

For some reason, after more than 25 years, our government has yet to implement email communication between citizens and government fiduciary agents.

Can she do it.

Most multinational corporations have managed to do it securely for a while.

Communication that is.

7. Go one better. Give everyone on welfare a phone and a govt paid internet acct that is capped at 150k or something miserable and wretched like that.

If they use their govt internet service to make the connection it can have a vpn function of some kind.

We have modern technology now.

If the bandwidth is bought in bulk it would cost less than the physical offices.

It actually costs everyone less if someone can log in to fill out their form that everyone has to fill out. Why can I not fill out the form online

We actually do have the technology.

The dark ages implementation can be upgraded safely now I think.

Doom will not occur if people can email or skype an interview with an MHSD worker.

OMG - imagine

you could even arm them with ministry netbooks

an army of eager to work meatrobot slaves would rise from the gloomy despair of subsistence to applaud your queenly rise to benificent fame and glory.

Ahem. Hack. Pfftht. Splat.

what was I saying? free computers for the poor with chips that securely link them to government communication and services?

Would solve a lot of communication problems and ridiculous walking exercises endured by already tired humans.

You say itès not possible, I say there were no gas stations when there were only 3 cars in a town.

8. Increase libraries and open internet access. Information and communications gets kids out of poor conditions, not team sports or multimillion dollar sports arenas. That makes good robots.

Make libraries a secure place to fill out any MHSD or taxes or other government document. Every library machine could make a secure tunnel, and if you invest in cams on monitors in libraries then a visual identification could be made, even in a place with no talking.

9. Accept the burden of transient humanity in a larger country and stop trying to affect policies of forced displacement. Use the opposite approach.

Instead of giving organized crime a couple hundred million across the province to build a small number of units that will then be managed privately.

Think bigger and smaller at the same time.

You have in the lower mainland, almost 3000 homeless people permanently.

There's always been about that many, for 20+ years

So instead of building apartments for 30 at a time while the number increases

stop using the throw a bunch of people in a room shelter strategy and make a couple of large buildings filled with those japanese style executive coffin suites.

build for 4000. It will cost less than all your other housing projects for the poor

being small, modular to build and repair, and easily cleanable or hoseable from all the blood and snot and piss that humans exude.

Build it bigger than necessary. Make larger family coffins or human and pet coffins. Pods. Maybe call them pods instead of coffins. It sounds better.

more nurturing and generating.

It can be done, we see examples of it.

maybe get people on welfare to operate it for their $500 extra?

10. Educate the poor that have the ability to learn.

Let them take courses. Give them a little more, pay the entrance fees in bulk, get all the non morons into actual studies that will assist them , not poverty pimp resume workshops and life skills coaching crap that your sinking money into by the millions.

Set them on the path to diplomas and degrees and they might pay more taxes than what they used up a few years later. In a year.

11. Give younger people the option of some form of support where they can work for a few extra hundred dollars a month. There are a lot of people living outside the system basically living at subsistence because they donèt qualify, but that is a really lame excuse, them not being able to qualify for the basics. Many are not on good terms with parents or authorities and they have to make money somehow. Previous models have been failing miserably, perhaps giving persons as low as 13 some form of independent supported living allowance would reduce a lot of crime and prostitution.

There are more prostitutes under the age of 18 now than there were 20 years ago Christy, because of Gordo's right wing policies which you wish to continue.

You can't criminalize and lock people up if they are surviving. The old model was to arrest the 15 year old whore who is trying to survive when the government just wants to enact more poor laws and work houses. More GRUEL PLEASE, Christy.

Seriously. If you make lots of the above pods, everyone can fit in...

Of course, if you are adamant

once you have them concentrated in one place like that you can round them up into buses and trains for involuntary volunteer labour that some lucky buddy of yours pays less than minimum for. Or you could create some sort of reserve or township where they work and pay for their housing and food with 90% of their wages.

or something like that..

Evolve Christy,


Evolve soon.

And while you are at it, why don't you rename the MHSD.

Its title does not accurately reflect its real world function.

It kind of has a doublespeak name


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