
Pretensions of objectivity must be left at the door, clothing is optional...

My Poems - My Music - My Paintings - My Serialized Novels

The Wholy Order of The MEEK
An Atheist Pagan Hymn
My first book of Atheist Spirituality
What Canada REALLY NEEDS !!
SG Atlantis and their Unethical BS
Ring of Corruption

"All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development accorded the individual."-A. Einstein

"Ain't it funny how the factory doors close, around the time that the school doors close,
around the time that a hundred thousand jail cells open up to greet you, like a Reaper...." -Zack de la Rocha

They say "Sing while you slave!", but I just get bored... -Dylan

"It's NOT a 'War on Drugs'. It's a war on Personal Freedom.Keep that in mind at ALL times" - Bill Hicks

"Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one" - Anon

"I'd get pretty bunged up without my asshole" - C. Taylor

"If you're going to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you" - O. Wilde

"It is likely to excite dissatisfaction against government and incite people to non co-operation..."

Sunday, December 04, 2011

Murdered slowly in plain sight – the Canadian version of the nazi t4 progamme

There’s this short story by Poul Anderson. I can’t remember what it was called, but it was at the front of a very large collection of his short stories. It was one of his early ’60′s pieces.

I can’t really spoil it, because it’s fifty years old.

Mr. Anderson‘s protagonist ends up in a lab in an “alternate earth” scenario.
I hate them so much, those alternate plots.

The Doctor in the lab is showing him how they process newborns, which are born by a natural process, not cloned (I’m NOT going to spoil THAT sick part of his story, you’ll have to read it yourself). The babies are separated at birth between those who become citizens and have a nurse and then family, and the others.

The Others, are not visibly different upon quick inspection, so a gene analysis is done on each child to determine this. So 2 children from the same birthing set could be split into a citizen and

A cow, or horse, basically. A slave.

These children run through an assembly line shortly after birth. Their genitals are removed, they are blindfolded, shot with various hormones and placed in sensory deprivation for the first few months of their lives and they are basically treated from that moment as a working animal. They are never taught to speak and their vocal cords are surgically damaged to prevent more than grunts. The obviously get no schooling or healthcare later in life.

So, I don’t have the story with me, but I’m going to weave pieces of it’s ideas and wrap them around my experiences and observations of the process I’ve been put through.

The “process” which has denied me a proper medical for the last 6 years. And I’m starting to get to the point where I can’t even move well enough to search for food. I’m dying slowly, and an entire community is so busy thinking happy thoughts they can’t see what’s happening in their neighborhood.

So what is the t4 programme?

It’s related, intrinsically, to the TIA effort, and the use of databases to track record and schedule. They used it to wipe out about a quarter of a million people, using DOCTORS.

You see, the Nazi’s would have never been able to process all those Jews and Queers and anybody else “different”, if it hadn’t been for IBM. Their efforts to catalog everyone and sort the useful from the indesireable was only possible because off their early war investment in American IBM punch card systems. Yes, the Germans bought early computing systems from the americans to sort everyone through their TIA like system of humanity assessment and disposal.

so before they began rounding up everybody, they marked, on punch cards, who was jew/queer/disabled/mentally ill/had a hereditary disease.

The T4 programme focused on a eugenics programme that was tasked with making sure that people with hereditary diseases or mental illnesses would be quietly euthanized (in the doctors office), sterilized, or marked for starvation (why spend money killing someone, just make sure they get nothing to eat).

What would happen is that when the client went to the doctor, the doctor filled out a form, it all got put on punch cards, the patient would be flagged as one of the “undesireables” and then would be called back in to the doctor. If the doctor was one of the select few doctors in the inner circle of this masonic style organization, he would be tasked with quietly offing the person, otherwise they would be then on scheduled with another doctor, one was in the special group.

The person would be injected, or given prescriptions containing poisons, or operated on and then dying in the O.R. (bleeding to death), or, if they were invalid or mentally incompetent, they would just be left without food until they died.

250, 000 patients were murdered by doctors under the T4 Action.

Now, I’m specifically going to talk about one hereditary genetic configuration, intersex, and how the exact same tools are being used by a group of doctors with common religious and political affiliations. Religious affiliations that consider this genetic condition to be “aligned with the devil”

I fucking kid you not.

There are 2 places in vancouver that an intersex person is sent to if they ask about their condition, The Three Bridges clinic, and the Ravensong.

Both places are listed in government media as being the place where Intersex people can get a specialist.

But there are NO SPECIALISTS.

Because the religious order that is in majority control of these two facilities has set them up for the specific purpose of fucking over and even causing the death of intersex patients that show up there.

I’ve been to both facilities. I have been mocked and snickered at in both places. Neither helped me, both tried extensively to make me just give up asking for a specialist, or “be a tranny”. That’s the second option.

I’m not a Transgender person, I’m Intersex.

They aren’t the same.

I started trying to get a specialist here about 6 years ago, because my hernia had gotten bad, but I am afraid to go to surgeons I don’t know because of what was done to me at 15.

I was operated on at 15 and given no knowledge of what the real purpose of the operation was. I didn’t learn until I was after 35 what had happened, because my mother was uber-christian, so I never got told what was happening, and I was never appraised of it by the medical profession in my adult life.

If I go to a doctor right now, and he makes me an appointment for a surgery, unless he personally knows who the surgeon will be and I have an observer, then what will happen is I will die on the operating table. I will be falling under the anaesthetic, and doctor Brown (the evil fucker they keep trying to send me to) or some other Mason, will show up.

Or it will be one of the many doctors and nurses in the lower mainland who are RELATED to Robert Cooper.

I will die on the operating table,

because the Masons have been in control of VCH and it’s scheduling functions for years.

And they have a 600 year old history of tormenting and killing any “hermaphrodite” or intersex person they can find.

It’s not a conspiracy, it’s reality.

Canada tries to tell us that everyone is equal, everyone gets equal care.

That’s not true. I know it for a fact. I live it each day.

And I’m DYING right now, because I can’t get a specialist who actually knows what they generally do to people like me. Because they’ve been doing it to us for decades here.

The nurse who has been holding up my disability application is Anna Cooper. She’s related to Robert Cooper, who ripped me off, and she has control of some of my medical records now. The Kettle doesn’t care about the fact that the olnly place I have left to get to a health provider is run by a relative of someone who ripped me off and has tried to have me killed. They only care about limiting ther liability, not making sure I get actual healthcare after almost dying while this woman revels in a conflict of interest situation that should be enough to put her in jail for a couple of years. She’s laughing, Roberts laughing, the kettle pretends they are good people and I’m being stupid.


The Tranny at the Ravensong is the head nurse, she’s had over $100,000 in surgery and psychologists to flip her from man to woman, and she’s sittingthere mocking me, and telling me that I can’t get a specialist at the Ravensong for Intersexuality.
I think they paid her $20 grand or so to delay my healthcare, for pushing “the policy” of denial of service for the intersex.

Do you know why?
More than half the people who end up “transgender” were actually intersex to begin with, but the doctors wouldn’t tell them that, or tell them that they probably had hormonal treatment applied to them at in utero and shortly after birth. to flip them one way or the other. But through the tool of Therapeutic Privelege, no one who is intersex is given any real information about what was done to them.

This is a horrible crime, because the practices and procedures of modern medicine toward intersex people is that the well being of the PARENTS and their beliefs is more important than the rights of the child to later self determination in care.

So if they don’t know, and feel wrong, the government offers them psychiatrists and specialists and thousands of dollars in surgery and retraining and disability. As long as they are willing to switch

because that immediately takes them out of the gene pool.

Getting Trans surgery done makes people sterile. So that’s why everyone intersex is pushed to forget about it or switch.

If you try to insist on getting an ACTUAL SPECIALIST in intersexuality, you will find there is none and no one will help you, and the associations the government has placed there SAYING you will have services actually have none.

Did you realize that Action T4 was operated through the Charitable Foundation for Cure and Institutional Care. Sounds very helpful doesn’t it?

It’s called DOUBLESPEAK.

Want to know something REALLY interesting?
Throughout this process, I’ve encountered quite a few Germans. Yeah, ones in health care or poverty services that have done something that would fuck me over or cause me grief,

or destroy medical evidence.

The fucking tranny nurse is even german I believe.

My apologies to my trans friends if I sound a bit pissed and use tranny like a swear right now, yes I know at least 5 trans people I drink and talk with. I’m not anti-trans.

But they get specialists
and I get murdering doctors and techs blasting me with xrays
delaying my care until I die
none of it will be investigated

because I don’t have
the human right to proper medical care
in Canada

People like me
are denied their rights
to law and healthcare

Denial of Service attacks
from the government
against people

who they want
to get rid of

Families like Robert Cooper’s
can do anything they want to people
like me
I don’t really


So let’s go through it all
step by step
and look at who

is involved

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