
Pretensions of objectivity must be left at the door, clothing is optional...

My Poems - My Music - My Paintings - My Serialized Novels

The Wholy Order of The MEEK
An Atheist Pagan Hymn
My first book of Atheist Spirituality
What Canada REALLY NEEDS !!
SG Atlantis and their Unethical BS
Ring of Corruption

"All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development accorded the individual."-A. Einstein

"Ain't it funny how the factory doors close, around the time that the school doors close,
around the time that a hundred thousand jail cells open up to greet you, like a Reaper...." -Zack de la Rocha

They say "Sing while you slave!", but I just get bored... -Dylan

"It's NOT a 'War on Drugs'. It's a war on Personal Freedom.Keep that in mind at ALL times" - Bill Hicks

"Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one" - Anon

"I'd get pretty bunged up without my asshole" - C. Taylor

"If you're going to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you" - O. Wilde

"It is likely to excite dissatisfaction against government and incite people to non co-operation..."

Saturday, January 20, 2018

What Canada REALLY Needs: An Evolution in Basic Education...

I'm really appalled at the ignorance of Canadians.
We have more than 40% of our population believing in concepts and ideas that are complete fucking bullshit.
Stupidity. Actual stupidity is RAMPANT.
Our educational system is watered down and christianized.
Practically 1/3 schools in Canada are run by a religious organization such as a "Catholic School Board".
It is a premeditated and planned brainwashing of children by christians to ensure that they grow up believing in a creation and the innate evilness of assfucking and anything that makes you feel good like booze, drugs or sex.
And of course we havethe ever present alter boys and orphans getting rooed by priests who can't marry.
even in public education
50% or more of our teachers are christian
so any course in evolution
or anything important gets shrifted
because of the cultural bias of the instructor and their inherent religion based discriminatory world view where witches, fags, dykes, fornicators, drinkers, and other various  heathens are inherently wrong in their lifestyles,  expressions, and actions.

Why in a modern world where we understand genetics and anthropology and physics and chemistry....
Why would we allow someone,
degree or not,
to instruct anyone
if they themselves can't pass a basic test in human evolution, world evolution, and the basic tenets of current human rights law.
If they can't pass that test, why are they allowed to teach, judge, police, doctor, interact with the public, etc.?
This is the BASIC REALITY.
Its not discrimination to not hire people for being extremely stupid. It should be a basic practice.
For public institutions, however, it needs to be law.
A grade K-12 teacher who believes that an invisible god created two primary humans "in the beginning" should not have ANY access to children, never mind teaching them.
Because when children learn about dinosaurs, they need to know the pre-simian precursors that humans were 65 million years didn't have rope or clothes or spears.
You would NOT believe how many Canadian adults I have sat beside who have stated loudly and forcefully "I don't believe we came from monkeys..."
The science is irrefuteable at this point and time for all evolved hominins to understand it.
Some of the details are fuzzy,
but the basic core truth lies in the strata stones
and can't be ignored.
That plants and animals are from the the same genetic precursor needs to be understood by 5 year olds.
We can eat the carrot and get nutrients from it because it is a cellular organism based on dna like us.

Our need for an evolution in basic education goes much farther than that however.
We need a lot more reality in basic education.
Real information.

Right now most schools are really a babysitting/brainwashing mechanism for stupidity manufacture.

And schools are the core beginning of all our issues with discrimination, social malfunction, and plain ignorance.

Canadians as a whole are proud of their education.
They are fools. Trained to be. Just enough learning to understand the CBC. Nothing more.

Maybe you don't care. Then don't. Apathy is common in fascist societies. You can't change it, so don't waste pleasure time on it.

So this is what I really think is missing in Canada's pathetic "basic education/babysitting" system.

1. Evolution and cultural anthropology pertaining to exact times of stone/blade/stick/rope/clothing/sewing/complex tool behavior.

2. Complete covereage of Mass Extinction events, the death of the dinosaurs, and where was humanity at those crucial times of large scale genetic wipeout.

3. Communication skills. Real ones. Deep stuff about altering attitudes and vocabulary. How to interact in small groups, small group psychology, the methodologies employed by religions and cults, negotiating rather than fighting.

    Students really don't get any of that, because the coherent whole of language and social interaction are separated in school into Language Arts and Social Studies.
    Canadians actually can get through all of high school and be completely deficient in social interaction skills and conflict resolution.
    When teens are reaching puberty we should be focusinf a lot more on pure human to human or human within a group psychology and interactive language studies. We don't.
    So roughly 30% of our population can barely read a novel, calculate anything and are basically ignorant mofos.
    human beings are really very shitty to each other on a fairly regular basis.
    We don't really give people tools for that in school
    but we should.
    Our high schools are pumping out ignorant violent sociopaths and christian mind-fucked sheep-people because these realities are not researched and assesed in classes by the students.
    They're teaching themselves while being bored in long, idiotic, unrelated to reality, classes of bullshit.
4. How to grow and brew and the science behind it.
    At 15 human beings start to try beer and pot.
    Face it already. That is REALITY.
    Fuck off with the christian schooling bullshit.
    Instead of spending money on buying pot and beer from criminals and doctors with canna clinics, we should be showing them in chemistry and biology how to grow pot properly and make really good beer.
    It would actually SOLVE most of our problems with teen drinking in public places.
    Teens are broke. They have no rights and bulshit all you want about a great economy, most teens can't get a job in a coffee shop for the Temporary Foreign Worker program, or anywhere else, because the "career minded" schooling is really a bunch of crap at high school and they don't really learn enough for anyone to hire them unless they are a big monkey that can carry things.
    I remember high school well enough.
    It took all week to save to get enough beer and pot for oneself on the weekends.
    If we show the how to make their own beer and wine at the beginning of their life, they will never be spending much at all because a standard 500ml of consumer beer at $2.50-$5 each becomes 50 cents when they brew it from malt.
    It's a great science project and it makes them understand real world applicable science, the science of the yeast organism and its symbiotic relationship with humans.
    All of the young women would learn the details about yeast and if we taught them the science of YOGURT and probiotics they would learn how to wipe out personal yeast infections with the lactobacillus of yogurt instead of spending $40 on Midol over and over.
    Most importantly, if you did the pot/beer/winemaking course in the last year of high school our society would have almost 0% dropouts!
5. Complete small business accounting, taxes, and credit negotiating.
    Everybody. All of them.
    Part of graduating should be your business loan acceptance for your small business.
    For every single student. Graduating should mean a loan or credit on the business that you set up and simulated or operated through the entire 6 years of high school.
    I actually think we should start this in grade 3-4.
    We shouldn't be wasting time with advanced algebra, calculus, logarithmics, that's bullshit.
    Every student should know by grade 7 how to balance the books for a small company. That  is what is actually relevant to our lives. Even if we work for someone, the concepts are vital to all individual Canadians.
    Why do so many people need to get someone else to fill out a simple tax form? There are THOUSANDS.
    It is a vital part of actual economic life and students should get more than a passing education in it!
6. Complete civil and criminal personal casework.
    It's a MYTH!
    The last 20 years of Canadian fascism completely obliterated the representation the boomers enjoyed.
    Everyone ends up with a tired duty counsel or
    So that's what we should learn in high school.
    The ins and outs of self representation for both civil and criminal charges or statements of claim.
    Everyone should know on graduating how to ensure the protection of their own rights without the need to rely on the scumbag legal system.
    They should be taught the REALITIES of details, jargon, sequences, forms.
    It's more important than a lot of other shit they're being taught, and I think we could squeeze it in.
7. Basic house construction. We need housing? Students need the experiences that are learned by building a simple decent house. Everybody needs a house, so everyone should learn how to make one.

8. Basic food prearation. Cooking.

    It is unbelievably astounding  how many people cannot cook a basic meal. some can't even make mac n cheese right.
    I heard of a class taking 2-3 classes to learn "the 20 or so spatulas". That is crap.
    Why not kill 2 birds with one stone and end student hunger and basic cooking ignorance. Why don't we supply the food and make EVERYBODY cook their own lunch each day.
    Most students take 5 minutes to eat the salami and cheese slice sandwich they have.
    Instead everyone should take part in making lunch and actually cooking and eating together.
    At the end of high school everystudent should be able to take any 4 vegetables and make a soup, the should be able to make a hamburger, different sandwiches, pizzas, pastas, stews, roasted meats, etc.
These are the real BASIC things that should be covered in detail in school, everything else in school should be built around them.

9. Teach people about their ASS.
    I am so serious.
    Want a world free of sexual discrimination?
    Start by teaching people about how their ass works and how to rinse it out.
    Discussing this one taboo subject in a classroom will help people communicate and get over their anti bum hangups that the     christianized fuckwads around them have brainwashed them with since birth.
    Fag & dyke hating starts in high school, and it never stops.

    This is a WIP...more is coming