Social - Political - Spiritual
ramblings, musings, poetry and opinionations
A Canadian misfit
saying what he thinks about this fucked up bullshit world
and its descent into
dog eat dog
economic and social cannibalism
Free Speech testing system in effect....
"The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media."
CIA Director William Colby
Pretensions of objectivity must be left at the door, clothing is optional...
The Wholy Order of The MEEK
An Atheist Pagan Hymn
My first book of Atheist Spirituality
What Canada REALLY NEEDS !!
SG Atlantis and their Unethical BS
Ring of Corruption
"All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development accorded the individual."-A. Einstein
"Ain't it funny how the factory doors close, around the time that the school doors close,
around the time that a hundred thousand jail cells open up to greet you, like a Reaper...." -Zack de la Rocha
They say "Sing while you slave!", but I just get bored... -Dylan
"It's NOT a 'War on Drugs'. It's a war on Personal Freedom.Keep that in mind at ALL times" - Bill Hicks
"Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one" - Anon
"I'd get pretty bunged up without my asshole" - C. Taylor
"If you're going to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you" - O. Wilde
"It is likely to excite dissatisfaction against government and incite people to non co-operation..."
Saturday, December 08, 2012
updates are slow...
They are teasers I guess, just check back and re read tehm, they might get very large and interesting!
We only have 1 hr at a time at the library again since we are outside.
Christmas wishes...
Hmm. I haven't got much spirit of happiness right now.
I have nothing to give out, except sharing a bit with the ground level people around me.
And THIS. For whatever that is worth.
But, if you are a gift giver, these are the things a ripped off freezing-starving writer likes.
1. Justice. I wish that I, personally could get a team of lawyers to make sure I got justice against Robert Cooper and the Stargate crew. Good luck, I know, but a gift card for a hitman would be almost as good.
2. A place for a man - dog - cat that is $450 or less inclusive and preferably doesn't have 6 people sharing the shower. I will do with a covered heated garage and access to a toilet though. Closets are also welcome. If they are in gay-friendly houses. I don't really care about inet, though it's nice, I don't care about cable, but I'll watch a bit if it's there. I care about a plug to plug in my computer and a place to sleep and crap. I can wear sweaters if its an unheated space. Yes I know this is impossible.So what. Its my wish and I can wish for what I want.
3. Tobacco. A pouch of Tobacco. Maybe you disagree with smoking, so go to the next number. For those of you that can maybe understand, consider: it's 3 am, and I'm broke and cold and hungry, sleeping on cement. I get up and have a smoke.
Small pleasures are important when you have nothing.
I like Drum, Players, or Export 50g pouches - premium.
If you give me a "rolls 100% more" bargain pouch I will not complain though.
I like zig zag blue or white papers, and an extra pack of them is so fantastic...
The little things.
4. A Tim Horton's card with some money on it. I like coffee. If you give me more than $10 I'll get a tin of the hot chocolate powder and one of the toffee cappucino, just add hot water and yum. I can drink Shitbucks too.
5. A liquor store card. YES I DRINK. I AM FROM ALBERTA.
Make sense? I'm not a 2 litre cider a day alchoholic, I drink about 10 6 packs in a month. I usually buy 3 tall cans or a six pack in a sunny day, and drink them while I throw the dogs frisbee forever and ever.
5. A really good rain poncho, and some super mitts. Size 36 pants with a belt. Unused longjohns. Wool socks. An israeli sub-bullpup with R. Coopers address in the box with it. Hmm. I feel so warm.
6. A pretty girl. Self explanatory, but she must be warned that she has to shower me off or she will probably gag.
7. Weed. Well. I meditate daily and smoke weed, not always in that order. I keep myself with enough for my daily meditations, but if you have extra of something nice, Thanks!
8. Small change.
9. A computer that doesn't suck. I use the UDK for developing games. Yes I am a homeless person. But 10+ of the best games of all time were made by a small team with one tyrant at the lead. Those are the games I like, and I'm going to make one.
unfortunately the UDK requires shader moder 3, my meshes, landscapes and textures require 4G of ram or better to build properly and test, and a terabyte will only be just enough. I'm a power user with a shopping cart, but when I get into a warm closet with a plugin I continue to work on my games.
So what I would ask that santa dude for would be a 4 processor I7 with a shader model 3 (dx10) video card with 2g+ video ram and a terabyte+ hard drive. I need 4 G fast mobo ram minimum. That's what I need. To work at full speed with maya-zbrush-max-silo-udk and test. I'm limping along on a 4 year old build of udk mounted on a P4-2.8ghz with 1 g of slow ram and only a 350g hd. It sux. Big time. But I can do it if I have to, since I know that there is no santa, or justice, or god, or devil, or fate. Just people who believe you and people who don't. A laptop is obviously more convenient, but if it isn't shader level 3 I'd be happy with a tower. I'll be inside healing after 2 operations and will need something to do.
10. Did I say Justice would be cool? With the VPD in the pocket of Big Red and the Mafia? With Genocidal doctors in every clinic of Least Van and Canadian Human Rights protection at an all time low. Hmmmmm. I am wasting my time I know.
11. A Traditional Tarot deck. A traditional rider-waite/radiant deck. My favourite deck is the Fey deck, but it's a mail-order expensive thing, right now I have this Arthurian deck which is just too weird for most people, and it's too christianized for me. I'm going to write a book about Tarot in a non-mystickal structure one day. Yes, I am an atheist pagan and I read Tarot from a jungian archetypal perspective. It works for some people and I can actually make a couple dollars here and there with it without begging, which is against my spiritual beliefs. Willing to trade this deck for yours if you like it.
12. A job that doesn't require lifting or heavy pushing or running. I am a certified Network Administrator, I can walk a dog, I can repair your computer or show you how to use it. I can make up to $500 a month while on PWD. I can do linux/windows/mac for homes or businesses, but I can't lift things off the ground.
Food: We actually do pretty good for food usually. Sometimes its tight, but we can't store anything really. Hot food though. Or hot coffee, harder to get and welcome when we get it.
Powdered hot chocolate, dark chocolate, tins of survival food like sardines, food cards.
We never trade in gift cards for money, we always use them to get food.
For Koala:
Koala really needs a good visit to the doctor.
She's 10 and needs her paw looked at and a teeth checkup. If you can donate a bit of money to the SPCA with a note asking them to help your buddy Koala when she's in, they are really nice to her.
1205 East 7th Avenue
Vancouver, B.C. V5T 1R1
Phone: (604) 879-7721
Emergency Phone (if available): (604) 879-7343
Koala likes Tripe. Tripe in a can. And tasty canned dog food. And frozen turkey necks, or chicken legs. The tripe is good in the winter for her coat. And dried liver sometimes. Mr. Pet's or Sophie's both know her and will give her the gift anonymously if you want. She could also use flea stuff of course since B.C. is perfect flea temperature. We really have enough toys.
Koala really wants a place more than tripe tho
she likes couch cuddling while watching something.
My wishes for you this Christmas/Solstice?
Find some small happiness,
and rid your world of some large hypocrisy you've been holding onto.
Maybe clear up some family secrets or decades old lies, clear the air a bit, build Trust.
happy happy, everyone.
I can't do it. Fuck optimism. It's cold. BAH! HUMBUG!!!!