Social - Political - Spiritual
ramblings, musings, poetry and opinionations
A Canadian misfit
saying what he thinks about this fucked up bullshit world
and its descent into
dog eat dog
economic and social cannibalism
Free Speech testing system in effect....
"The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media."
CIA Director William Colby
Pretensions of objectivity must be left at the door, clothing is optional...
The Wholy Order of The MEEK
An Atheist Pagan Hymn
My first book of Atheist Spirituality
What Canada REALLY NEEDS !!
SG Atlantis and their Unethical BS
Ring of Corruption
"All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development accorded the individual."-A. Einstein
"Ain't it funny how the factory doors close, around the time that the school doors close,
around the time that a hundred thousand jail cells open up to greet you, like a Reaper...." -Zack de la Rocha
They say "Sing while you slave!", but I just get bored... -Dylan
"It's NOT a 'War on Drugs'. It's a war on Personal Freedom.Keep that in mind at ALL times" - Bill Hicks
"Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one" - Anon
"I'd get pretty bunged up without my asshole" - C. Taylor
"If you're going to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you" - O. Wilde
"It is likely to excite dissatisfaction against government and incite people to non co-operation..."
Sunday, March 07, 2010
The importance of "Telling Stories"...
accuse me of "Telling Stories"
as in "lying" or "fabricating"
because of my previous "conspiracy theory" sounding articles son
Human Sacrifice,
Sects of Satanist's and OTO and (OMG)Masons running amuck in Vancouver,
Gangs as shock troops,
communities altered by the negative actions of small sects acting within them,
ties between foreign gov'ts and domestic gangs,
actual foreign gov't and "enemies of Canada" intelligence activities permeating our societal infrastructure and underbidding for core infrastructure and personal data sub contracting by corrupted puppet domestic local gov'ts,
the american military/project mockingbird, its very real propaganda effects on our domestic media, news, and culture
and of course,
Robert cooper and the US military"vetted"(backed) "Canadian" SGA production ripping me off my agreed upon creative consultant's fee for the pilot series of SGA.
First off,
You don't have to read it if it's bothering you or causing you ontological dissonance.
Honestly, if you think I'm full of shit, then turn your eyes away and surf to cnn or cbc
nothing will hurt you there. Being an ostrich isn't so bad.
I wait a very long time before adding disturbing things to the blog, and I put as much linkage as I can without coming right out and pointing a direct finger, since being vague is the only way to apply free speech in an era of massive litigation. For those with money of course, if you are wronged and have no money there's no litigation. I never wanted to have things like that here, it was supposed to be about spirituality and creative work. I had no choice after what happened.
and thirdly,
the people I'm actually referring to,
have other people, that are involved in the mess
yakkin in their ear
like Wormtongue manipulating Saruman
turning white to an unwitting agent of black
And Fourth, about my claim about consulting with Robert Cooper on SGA:
When something is created, the idea has to come from somewhere.
It's never the money people at the top who come up with the good ideas, its always someone who is paid a lot less who actually comes up with the idea that is reworked by the other various writers and artists(more lower paid schmucks).
Robert Cooper isn't a writer.
He's a rich prick who calls himself a "producer" with a recorder who can rip off other people for ideas, hand the tape over to some other poor schmuck to expand upon it, and he takes the credit and gets all the money, which he scatters a few coins to the real people who did the work.
That's how big american media works, and they're trying to convince everyone that that is just the way it is.
Its for this very same reason that all the best filmmakers in the last 50 years started by making their own films outside of the ripoff L.A. system, which SGA is run from.
The only reason the stargate franchise is made up here is because they can pay people shit, the government gives them money (which they hardly give to REAL canadian productions) and they don't have to pay canadian crews the same residuals they pay to american crews.
I am a writer,
as I have proven over and over here.
I also am specifically a screenwriter,
and I have scripts I recently digitized to post as proof for you to see.
I also study spirituality and mythology seriously,
which is where the the "atlantis" meme resides in our history,
and I have been a hard science fiction fan for about 30 years.
Robert didn't come up with the ideas for the series, other people did and he took the credit and money.
I came up with 7 main ideas that became the core of the SGA pilot series during a consultation with him at Turks Coffee, on the patio, less than a month before he had to pitch his big "atlantis" spinoff from the stargate franchise.
Robert Cooper owns 10 houses in my neighborhood.
He did actually come to see me, made a deal with me, recorded the ideas in the consulting meeting, and then he took that and gave it to his writing team to flesh out.
I'm not delusional or crazy, at all.
I'm a creative writer and thinker who was consulted on a series plot development by a rich producer backed by american money and I haven't been paid my fee.
These things happen, yes, but I do deserve to be paid my fee regardless of how many other stories of ripoffs like mine there are.
There are at LEAST 300 people in my home area of East Vancouver that know R.C. ripped me off. There's even more (mostly IATSE employees and crew from SGA) actively bad mouthing me on his behalf. Not because they are his friends, but because they don't want the guilt of believing that they've been part of a rippoff of a creative artist.
I also need to point out, this is a form of gang theft. It really isn't just Robert, he is acting as the head of a larger group that is backing up his deeds.
Go now and bury your head in the sand!
Its a mixed up messed up fucked up world and its not going to get better if we all be good little meat robot serfs and shut up while the masters murder and pillage us, or set us against ourselves to do the same.
Everything I have written on this blog is the whole truth,
as I have seen and interpreted the events and assholes in my way
as we all do, in our subjective realities
interpreting the signs and actions of the world.
I'd swear on a bible,
but I don't get the concept of telling "truth"
while holding a book filled with misleading and discriminatory passages
So I simply swear, on myself, its ALL true.
And if you don't believe it
You are allowed.
But those of you who know me better,
who understand how important truth is to me
Look more closely around you
because its a continuous process
evolving out of "old ways" that some guru espouses
that pit us more against each other
and cause us more harm
than good
These clans and organizations have built up over centuries
Many have been at war with each other the whole time
So many clans and beliefs
trying to tell other people how to live and act and be
looking down on those with other ways
all fighting over the control of the serfs
and the money they generate
When innocent people or children are murdered or enslaved
when minds are wrapped in waves of brainwashing
when young people are drugged and raped while unconscious
or when a lone person is surrounded by the gang and robbed
shouldn't someone tell that story?
Or maybe we should be good sheep and scurry away watching silently
less the docile community, it's herders, or its masters see us thinking instead of working
And last of all
I tell you clearly
if they try to tell you
"he was on drugs and seeing things
he made it all up"
believe me when I say
you can give me any drug I have used in my life
and I'll tell the story the same and answer questions lucidly
just maybe a bit slower, with pauses.
And when I did the really hard stuff,
it was AFTER I had already realized
who I was surrounded and being attacked by
and I wouldn't be alive if I hadn't done that shit.
believe it
or not.