
Pretensions of objectivity must be left at the door, clothing is optional...

My Poems - My Music - My Paintings - My Serialized Novels

The Wholy Order of The MEEK
An Atheist Pagan Hymn
My first book of Atheist Spirituality
What Canada REALLY NEEDS !!
SG Atlantis and their Unethical BS
Ring of Corruption

"All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development accorded the individual."-A. Einstein

"Ain't it funny how the factory doors close, around the time that the school doors close,
around the time that a hundred thousand jail cells open up to greet you, like a Reaper...." -Zack de la Rocha

They say "Sing while you slave!", but I just get bored... -Dylan

"It's NOT a 'War on Drugs'. It's a war on Personal Freedom.Keep that in mind at ALL times" - Bill Hicks

"Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one" - Anon

"I'd get pretty bunged up without my asshole" - C. Taylor

"If you're going to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you" - O. Wilde

"It is likely to excite dissatisfaction against government and incite people to non co-operation..."

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Blogger vs. Wordpress - and Wordpress is the winner!!

I just realized, after checking my analytics and stats
that my wordpress version of the blog
is getting 10 times the traffic of this Blogger blog.

Which is funny, since the Blogger version of "Nobody ever listens to me anyway" has been around at least 2 years longer, and I haven't even marketed the wordpress one.

I'm in the process of switching my marketing materials to point to the wordpress blog,
and after that I will probably focus on spiffing up the wordpress one.

What does Agent Smith look like?

So, we've all seen The Matrix.
Some of us have learned to unplug from the lies and illusions and distractions,
where they tell us we can all succeed if we work harder,
or pay for more "education"(which is really just credentialism run amuck)
when really you only succeed if you join a pirate gang like the masons/catholics/etc.
Being a good serf will never get you anywhere
and if it does, the Pirates will take it unless you're a loyal peon.

In The Matrix, our friend Agent Smith and his buddies
are metaphorically representing Control, Assimilation, Gov't, Authority,
and basically a human form/face of the CIA/Military agent
The Agent of the machines...

when we look at it closely,
how do we recognize Agent Smith when we see him?
He can be anyone, anywhere, within limits
anyone fully plugged in and happy with the matrix' illusions
can become an Agent at any time

as David Byrne said in "Life During Wartime"
"We dress like students, we dress like housewives
in a suit and a tie
Changed my hairstyle so many times
I don't know what I look like...."

I bring this up because someone was trying to tell me that there are no CIA operations in Canada,
that the administration of our Canadian Medical Records by a company situated a few miles from CIA headquarters was just a coincidence, and that the Americans are our friendly brothers with no ill intent.
That the SPP was completely benign.
That the CIA getting all gov't records and data on every Canadian citizen given to them by our minority Prime Minister is somehow a "good" thing that will make us "safer".

So I asked him what an agent looks like.
Does an Agent of Amerika look like Agent Smith? The Men in Black?

They look like students, housewives, film producers, union laymen, even hippies and homeless people
In fact it's standard practice for agents in espionage/intelligence to take positions as whores.
Anything for their country at the expense of the target nation.
We are, with our oil, water, wood, uranium, and land, we are the target nation.

So, think about it.
without the "men in black" suit, and the give away shades
what would an Agent look like?