Social - Political - Spiritual
ramblings, musings, poetry and opinionations
A Canadian misfit
saying what he thinks about this fucked up bullshit world
and its descent into
dog eat dog
economic and social cannibalism
Free Speech testing system in effect....
"The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media."
CIA Director William Colby
Pretensions of objectivity must be left at the door, clothing is optional...
The Wholy Order of The MEEK
An Atheist Pagan Hymn
My first book of Atheist Spirituality
What Canada REALLY NEEDS !!
SG Atlantis and their Unethical BS
Ring of Corruption
"All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development accorded the individual."-A. Einstein
"Ain't it funny how the factory doors close, around the time that the school doors close,
around the time that a hundred thousand jail cells open up to greet you, like a Reaper...." -Zack de la Rocha
They say "Sing while you slave!", but I just get bored... -Dylan
"It's NOT a 'War on Drugs'. It's a war on Personal Freedom.Keep that in mind at ALL times" - Bill Hicks
"Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one" - Anon
"I'd get pretty bunged up without my asshole" - C. Taylor
"If you're going to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you" - O. Wilde
"It is likely to excite dissatisfaction against government and incite people to non co-operation..."
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Intersex in the media: new stories only scratch the tip of the eugenics iceberg...
Now, because of the Caster Semenya story we see a story on the front page of the Vancouver Province today about an intersex woman telling her story...
This issue highlights a serious human rights and sexual discrimination problem in Canada.
Unfortunately, even though we supposedly have "hate speech" laws and laws against discrimination based on gender, no one actually gets arrested under these laws, and even more disturbing in a country that has always had a HUGE problem with racism and homophobia, nobody, really, has ever been convicted or spent any time in jail for these crimes.
A law that is put in place to protect a targeted minority, that never actually results in any perpetrators being jailed is a disturbing use of "spin" to show "we are actually tolerant"
The truth of life in Canada does not bear any resemblance to the media portrayal of Canada when it comes to gender and race minorities.
I'm going to throw some shit at you. Disturbing ideas for you to consider. Some of these things seem too hateful to be true. I'm not going to back them up with anything, I'm just going to say them, and I trust in time and the few independent true journalists that are left in the world to one day prove my points. I'm broke and homeless so I don't really have the energy right now to give you a lot of reference links.
Semenya, in Canada, would never have gotten to where she is. She would probably be dead or a whore here. Now that her story is plastered all over the world I think its inevitable that someone in her country with a hate on for "freaks of nature" like her will attempt to kill her.
I don't think the human race will ever evolve further sometimes.
Intersex humans born in Canada have the following things occur to them by family, society, policy, and the targeting of them by certain special interest groups:
1. At birth if an intersex determination is made the child is given a sex reassignment surgery based on the "determined" sex. That means if the child is more male anything female would be cut/sewn/removed and vice versa. This is usually done before the age of 2 nowadays, in the past it was so many people had the second thing happen to them. In certain cases the parents may be given the chance at hormonal change therapy while the child is still in the womb to cause a chemical switch, or sometimes the parents are given the opportunity to abort based on the mixed gender visible in prenatal scans.
2. The parents were told to move to another place away from family immediately and wait until near puberty and never tell the child, raise them as one or the other gender as seems right. The the child before the age of 18 would go in for some other benign surgery or complications from the intersex configuration they were never told about, and without knowledge or consent the previous operation would be performed, preferrably before puberty.
3. The human who then moves forward in life never quite understanding why they seem to have a strange hormone mix, weight problems, etc. who can't figure out why they can't attract the opposite sex (intersexuality fucks your hormones up so your pheremones are messed up too), why people laugh at them, make "Pat" jokes, etc.
That person is NEVER told by anyone in the medical profession that they meet throughout their life that this intersex gender configuration exists and that alterations were made to them. I find this kind of disturbing, an unwritten (or perhaps somewhere it is actually written down) policy of lying to a patient about their medical history based on a cultural bias that allows people to selectively be misinformed about the medical state of their bodies because of gender.
If the intersex person begins to suspect that something is wrong, even with all of their family lying to them, their family doctor lying to them, never getting to see any internal soft tissue scans, etc., if they still persist they will continue to be lied to and any further inquiries will have them sent to a psychologist. There, without any supporting documentation regarding the actual state of their bodies they will be grilled for at least 3 visits and every opportunity will be used to make them decide to stay "the gender that they are" or "switch" apparent genders.
No attempt will be made to gather proof of past genital mutilation, any request by the intersex person to know what was done to them will be met with an outright lie. Most intersex persons would like to be as they "are", as they were born, without mutilation/snipping/sewing up/tying/etc. This is not an option for them anywhere in the system, they must choose male/female. They won't be given the option. They don't get the choices other people get about their bodies.
No lawyer will help someone who is intersex get information about themselves or what was done to them. No lawsuit will ever go to court over the forced assignment surgery. Not this year or the next or the next. It's for the "good of the gene "pool".
4. Health care requires a lot of support workers, anyone in the chain that deals with intersex persons could potentially give their personal information to groups that target intersex persons for religious or cultural reasons of hatred. Although seemingly unthinkable, many religious and cultural hatreds of "hermaphrodites" (visible intersex expressions) is extremely deep and virulent. In many world views intersex humans are not classified as human beings, but as "abominations" and sterilization or destruction is seen as "God's will" or "for the good of the race/gene pool/society". Medical health services is a job like any other and many extreme orthodox religious views are represented in the patient handling chain, since specific facilities for intersex persons do not actually exist in most Canadian provinces.
5. In the age of electronic file management, any hospital technician or receptionist can access data about intersex individuals, and some can even search databases of patients using this as a search term. Workers in the same offices that are supposedly aimed at helping intersex persons get what they need can easily get recruited. Turn some pimp/gang on to 3 or four of these people a year in exchange for an extra $50K? Extra money just to give some freak's address out? Do you really think our technicians and doctors are so righteous they won't pick up a phone for ten grand and say "I got another one?"
If you believe that, I have some real estate in Heaven to sell you cheap...
6. Technicians that come into contact with intersex persons can at their discretion in many cases use the medical scanning device they are operating to cause damage or infertility to the intersex person. This was also a common method of sterilizing First Nations women or persons with Refugee status who had "too many children". Most persons with severe mental or physical hereditary conditions had this happen to them during the '60's to '80's in Canada, but in fact this practice continues to this very day.
7. As strange as it seems there are many groups that target intersexual persons in order to exploit them or destroy them. These groups usually have either money or religious motivations.
-Pornographers and gangs that make money from prostitution. An intersex person depending on their configuration can make as much as $10, 000 per day for these people. Rich people will actually pay much more than that to have them abducted for sex slavery if they are attractive.
Any of the following and previous persons can be paid money by one of these groups for locating another target.
These next ones are gonna have you scratching your head at first. Keep in mind that congregations of the following religious groups actually exist in every larger Canadian city.
Maybe also keep in mind humanity's continuous record of killing each other for believeing something different, not just for being somewhat different...
-The Church (ie: Christian based religious groups) "in the image of God" doesn't allow for significant aberration. If the child isn't killed it will certainly be sent off on its own by puberty.
Regardless of the "love your brother" schtick of the hype, most christian sects have very little tolerance for anyone deviating from the rest of the herd. Most likely some of the young christian righteous males will put a beating on the intersex individual if the story gets out, and in much of Canada at least, where orthodoxy rules, such a person would get tied to a post or hit with a truck while walking. We're very highly evolved here.
-Islam (Muslim based religious groups) pretty much dead at birth in these strongholds. Toast.
-Jewish I don't have the details. I can't tell if these people love or hate intersex. I know they feel strongly, the name "elohim" when broken down means roughly "goddess men". What is clear, however, is that almost any path connected to Cabbala hunts intersex people.
-Cabbalah(but non Jewish) based religious groups originating from europe from such as OTO, Golden Dawn, anything associated with Crowley, and all forms of Freemasonry generally consider these people to be legitimate targets to be ripped off of any ideas or property of value and systematically attacked by members of the group until they are destroyed or kill themselves. How many Masonic Lodges or masonic based practices that have women as members, never mind women leaders? Well basically, if you're not a "man" then you can be a target. In much Masonic lore, based on previous occult writings, the suffering of an intersex/hermaphrodite person is considered like a trophy. You can brag about it like having a stag head on the wall.
-Occultists (of varying orders) Some occult systems venerate intersex, in many cultures they are the Seers/Oracles, often they are Shamans, in some Hermetics they are seen as a higher vessel of spirit. In other darker systems they are tortured and abused to create the maximum amount of misery so that the dark practitioners can absorb the pain energy emitted. Many of these paths actually bfriend the person, appear to be giving them support or friendship, but work together as a group to make sure that the intersex person is in a constant state of emergency or trauma to generate the spirit energy they are "gathering". There are actually a lot of these darker paths that see intersex persons as a spirit battery or energy source, but the person themself is simply "used" and then discarded or killed. Apparently a "hermaphrodite" generates more "spirit energy" when it is tormented than other humans do. People write this shit, other people read it, and yes there are people who believe it strongly and actively seek out intersex people to practice what they read on. Unfortunately in the "ME" society, the number of people who can see intersex people as oracles and seers is smaller than the combined groups of wannabe dark occultists who would hunt and torment them.
-White power/purity/eugenics/hate fanatics attempt to beat up or destroy any queer person, but intersex persons are targeted with more venom than any other form of queer person because of the actual physical "abnormality" involved. The violence of attacks against intersex persons is usually extreme and many persons like this have severe dental damage from violence, especially if they are more androgynous.
-Almost anyone can rip off an intersex person with impunity. As the example of Da Vinci shows, they are extremely powerful, artistic, thoughtful, creative human beings, but they get ripped off on a regular basis for their works. Who's going to care if someone rips off a "freak"?
So what can be done?
Should we "help" these people?
Most aren't very happy with the "help" they've been given by science.
What do they need?
This is what I think:
1. Lifetime disability status.
Face it. Everyone wants them dead. 4 out of 5 people will try to screw them any way they can.
If they're visibly different they can get attacked on the street. Police will laugh at them as often as help them. The hatreds and attacks they face are difficult to prove in court and there are few lawyers that will even think of representing them, and that's if they have money.
Landlords and employers regularly shun them.
From birth everyone with an intersex issue, whether it shows or not, should have disability and the education options disability provides.
2. Total control by the the individual of what they wish to do with this throughout their life. No genital mutilation or reassignment in infancy. At 12 they should get the rundown, fully, and it should be their own choice. They should get to choose for themselves before puberty. They should also have the option of just leaving it as it is and getting some surgery later if things need to be adjusted.
3. Each province should have a clinic specializing in intersex, everyone who works there should be bondable and have psychological testing to determine their amount of prejudice. Information should be doctors eyes only and should only be available to the doctor and patient. Intersex patients should have the right to copies of every test or scan. Free psychological counselling, from psychologists who are themselves intersex (honestly, they do exist). If a specialist in another province is needed, health care should cover the trip.
Very few people realize that there isn't even an actual specialist in Intersex in Vancouver, the "queer friendly province". Just GP's and regular surgery specialists, no one who has specialization in the specific problems for Intersex. Even though there are a few thousand intersex people in BC.
But again, none of them will ever get actual treatment. So who cares if they get a botched job and useless nerve endings.
4. Specific protection for intersex persons under the charter of rights as there is no particular protection for gays, lesbians, transgendered(who are often unknowingly intersex), and intersex. Specific laws designed to protect them from exploitation. Gender identity based crimes are almost never prosecuted under hate legislation, just simple assault.
There really is more but...
I'm at a library and can't stay more than an hour. So bit by bit it will grow...