
Pretensions of objectivity must be left at the door, clothing is optional...

My Poems - My Music - My Paintings - My Serialized Novels

The Wholy Order of The MEEK
An Atheist Pagan Hymn
My first book of Atheist Spirituality
What Canada REALLY NEEDS !!
SG Atlantis and their Unethical BS
Ring of Corruption

"All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development accorded the individual."-A. Einstein

"Ain't it funny how the factory doors close, around the time that the school doors close,
around the time that a hundred thousand jail cells open up to greet you, like a Reaper...." -Zack de la Rocha

They say "Sing while you slave!", but I just get bored... -Dylan

"It's NOT a 'War on Drugs'. It's a war on Personal Freedom.Keep that in mind at ALL times" - Bill Hicks

"Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one" - Anon

"I'd get pretty bunged up without my asshole" - C. Taylor

"If you're going to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you" - O. Wilde

"It is likely to excite dissatisfaction against government and incite people to non co-operation..."

Friday, November 18, 2011

What Canada really needs #27: patient ownership of medical records and a class action lawsuit for adult Intersex persons mutilated or murdered by genocidal canadian doctors

What Canada Really Needs: 1-2
Everyone needs Justice and Healthcare.
Except those fucking hermaphrodites I guess.
There's only about 300,000 of them in Canada
So that's not many

to torment and kill

If we kill them off
no one will care
we've got lots of cops
to laugh and look the other way

Then we only have about
3,000 per year born
in various shades
and we can rayblast or poisen them
in the womb
once we can see
the difference
in ultrasound

but children have no voices
except for the tears and screaming
in a heartless hospital room

no way to say it hurts
no way to say
what have you done?

No way to remember
no rights to be told
the truth

It only makes sense right?
That don't look right
cut it off doc
sew it up

Can you help us Doc?

Seal up the family secret?

We'll sign a release
and besides
if we work together
they'll never know

Because the hospital owns
their records, and scans
not them
they have no right
to that information

hospitals make profit
off medical records of "freaks"
in a book
in the future
a Doctor will be exalted
for studying them
without their knowledge
right before we made them


Leukemia comes from ct's, xrays and mri's
most of the time
It's the fingerprint of murder in medicine
silent killer of queer humans

only a few people get Leukemia environmentally
like maybe when they were 3 they had a power transformer in their yard
and they played right beside it
but really, that's rare

usually its a sign

that someone intersex or a fag, or other undesireable
got blasted and killed
you can kill someone in the operating room too
or with poison,
these mason fucks love poison

but radiation is silent and barely traceable

no one will care
the cops won't ever question
a doctor, or nurse
for murder

Accidental overexposure
by "untrained radiologists"
union killers
is just a button and a dial

idiot proof screens
no safeguards for us
no tracking of how much
or how long the exposure

no evidence will be found
it's easily

or we'll just use
an older machine for them
and a technician with an extra $20,000
in their pocket

Courtesy of
the intersex genocide policy
and masons with deep pockets
evidence cleaned up
by the Order of the Eastern Star

idiot proof
even a redneck with a college diploma
could do it

rays kill cleaner
than anesthetic

they die at home
like "sinners" should
sinful bodies
like that

better they should die at home
puking and whimpering
while we laugh and toast their agony
not on the operating table

where there might be
but never are
any questions

after we rename them
divide them into specific types
they will have no identity as


a group identity
is dangerous
they might
acquire rights that way

because we'll simply
redefine them
Disorders of Sexual Development

malformed humans
which obviously
must be

we do it to dogs
why not them?
We certainly don't want
people like that

to have children

It's better to keep
the gene pool


rip off the extra skin from the child
adjust it so it looks more
so their parents will feel better about it

who cares about nerves
and Feeling

it LOOKS bad

just change it
who cares
what they
would want

are more important

never let them know
that the reason they can't get ahead
the Databases of Denial

is because the government and their rich mason cronies
the 3.5% that rule the 96.5% of us

have a grudge against them
a grudge of genocide
taken from jewish cabbalah

killing the children of the Elohim
murdering an entire group of people
because of their genetic heritage

600 years of torturing people
born different
because of their HOLY


Once treated with respect
of Shiva, Kali, Eleusia
the Oracles of Greece
"Goddess-men" they were called

We spit and call them Freaks now
trained by our masters in their lodges
to hate their enemy

because of their holy stories
which claim the age old hatred
as a Truth
Above the Law of men

the lies
of men

now they are hunted
by the killers
of Christ

the money changers and priests
the "Warriors of God"

Christian Taliban
drug smuggling weapons importers
of god

Those who speak of righteousness
willing to kill for their "god"
for purity

under the table

When you watch those old movies
about nazis

look how self righteous the SS is in those old movies
when talking about
cleaning up
"civilized" society

Ask any VPD or RCMP officer, or conservative politician
about intersex genocide
more than likely they'll say

"it's for the best"

with the military and the masons in agreement
genetic cleansing can be made child friendly
with a television show

The heroes will save us
from the monsters among us

at least on tv

That killer nurse went undetected for 10 years in ontario
Canadians would rather believe
their own human rights media hype
even though we have some of the most disturbing serial killers

we'd rather believe
that Olson, Bernardo, Pickton
were strange anomalies in this vast land of ignorance
Pickton was the fall guy.
For the East Van Whore Cleanup
Gotta get rid of those whores
and faggots.

it's for the best

Canada is a big place
lot's of killer rednecks
trained on UFC and military television programming
Conservative Big Red filling our Global TV with the bot programming of Uncle Sam and Jesus