Social - Political - Spiritual
ramblings, musings, poetry and opinionations
A Canadian misfit
saying what he thinks about this fucked up bullshit world
and its descent into
dog eat dog
economic and social cannibalism
Free Speech testing system in effect....
"The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media."
CIA Director William Colby
Pretensions of objectivity must be left at the door, clothing is optional...
The Wholy Order of The MEEK
An Atheist Pagan Hymn
My first book of Atheist Spirituality
What Canada REALLY NEEDS !!
SG Atlantis and their Unethical BS
Ring of Corruption
"All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development accorded the individual."-A. Einstein
"Ain't it funny how the factory doors close, around the time that the school doors close,
around the time that a hundred thousand jail cells open up to greet you, like a Reaper...." -Zack de la Rocha
They say "Sing while you slave!", but I just get bored... -Dylan
"It's NOT a 'War on Drugs'. It's a war on Personal Freedom.Keep that in mind at ALL times" - Bill Hicks
"Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one" - Anon
"I'd get pretty bunged up without my asshole" - C. Taylor
"If you're going to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you" - O. Wilde
"It is likely to excite dissatisfaction against government and incite people to non co-operation..."
Thursday, October 01, 2009
Screaming into the Void...
slavery or the Gauntlet
Obey, or laugh as you are beaten
Healing to repay in time
Run only to gain distance
to turn and prepare...
I recently got some new readers. I owe them a short explanation.
Welcome. Thank you for reading.
I hope you take something away with you.
I hope some of the ideas or stories enrage you,
or maybe something helps you in your Path to some kind of enlightenment,
maybe some of the poetry makes your eyes moist,
maybe you like some of the links to other artists/musicians/poets/sites
I hope you read some of the Archives
Most of all, I hope you will talk to someone, sometime,
about something you've read here.
Long ago I started this blog for a set of articles I was working on, dealing with social justice, political reform, "class" issues, and the like. I was going to have separate blogs for just poetry and my philosophical works and the comparative mythology/occult/spirituality research I've been up to in the last couple of years. Then it just exploded. Life, that is.
I got ripped off, like many poor inventors/artists/writers who don't have the money to print or produce their works themselves. I ended up broke and poor and without a home, while the people who worked on the project I wasn't paid for, all have houses and cars, new children, boats, all bought with money made in the last 7-10 years working on a series that I was consulted in the creation of.
My dog and I live with nothing, trying to keep out of the rain,
while someone else who worked on this series drinks $500 bottles of wine.
We gather bits of food to make soup with,
while hundreds of people on the project eat at work
then go home to their almost paid for houses
and order delivery while they watch their widescreen TV's with surround,
their kids playing downstairs on new X-box's.
The man who refuses to pay me for the work I did on the pilot owns a dozen houses.
Right here in the neighborhood where I live in my van.
They all get together and laugh.
There's money to throw at peon lawmakers.
Here in Canada, justice is bought, not blind.
It's frustrating to see the illusion of a "just" society completely peeled away.
It's disturbing to see people reduced to rats, vultures, snarling fighting dogs.
Cannibal carnivores spewing shit about "community" as they fuck each other over for scraps.
That's why, over the last 3 years, my blog has become a bit ranting, sometimes repeating concepts, lots of poetry and vehement shouting, the banter and screams of a bloodied fool.
More than 400 people work for Pegasus productions on this project, SGA
They all have money, cars, houses, kids, a decade of work
I haven't recieved a single penny for the ideas That came from me
The ideas that form the basis of this series.
Editors, soundmen, lighting people, costumes, craft services, PA's
I know EXTRAs from the lot who made $50k a year for the last decade.
I have jack shit, and the pilot was made from at least 6 of my ideas
Straight from my conversation with Robert Cooper.
All those people got paid.
And they laugh at the fact that I got ripped off.
Its a huge joke to them.
Hypocrites and anti-life.
I hope they all go to hell
wherever that is
I hope their marriages break
their children get sick or become delinquent
I hope they fall from favor
get blacklisted
or just lose their jobs when MGM pulls the show
I hope that everything they own is stolen
I hope they end up like me
Stargate Atlantis is produced by hundreds of hypocrites
I will curse them til the day I die
and beyond, if that is possible.
As much as I hate the concept of a curse
of using spirit malevolently
they fill their show with BS about truth
and justice
and people sticking up for each other
honesty and friendship
but the truth is
they are all mad dogs
and none has any moral integrity
or true courage
As they spit on me and laugh
they show their willingness
to stab a fellow human inthe back.
I swear this is the truth
and they themselves know it is.
So I will ask any spirit I find in this world
god or less
to bring them to task
and take from them what they have gained
by robbing me
Any seeker of truth
who finds guidance here
on these pages
I do not wish for darkness
but I have been waylaid
and will have what is rightfully mine
and I will aid
those who aid me.