
Pretensions of objectivity must be left at the door, clothing is optional...

My Poems - My Music - My Paintings - My Serialized Novels

The Wholy Order of The MEEK
An Atheist Pagan Hymn
My first book of Atheist Spirituality
What Canada REALLY NEEDS !!
SG Atlantis and their Unethical BS
Ring of Corruption

"All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development accorded the individual."-A. Einstein

"Ain't it funny how the factory doors close, around the time that the school doors close,
around the time that a hundred thousand jail cells open up to greet you, like a Reaper...." -Zack de la Rocha

They say "Sing while you slave!", but I just get bored... -Dylan

"It's NOT a 'War on Drugs'. It's a war on Personal Freedom.Keep that in mind at ALL times" - Bill Hicks

"Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one" - Anon

"I'd get pretty bunged up without my asshole" - C. Taylor

"If you're going to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you" - O. Wilde

"It is likely to excite dissatisfaction against government and incite people to non co-operation..."

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

The Jesus Stories....Poor Jesus...

I study a lot of different religious beliefs from around the world,
the ideas, lives, and the changes in what many Great Teachers have said.

I think a lot of it is bohunk. But there's lots of little gems of the spirit in there.
The whole White Robed White Man God floating above the little ant farm he created in seven days really doesn't do it for me.

But Jesus, the man on earth, the poor wanderer, the Great Teacher,
he's actually a pretty cool cat in my books.

I have quite a few of my own Jesus stories that I've written over the years,
and I'm going to share them with you, one at a time.

Of course any time you talk about Jesus outside of Orthodoxy, you are a Heretic
But I actually like being a Heretic.

Because if you think about it, Jesus was a Heretic to what the priests of his time were saying.
He was poor, he was looked down upon by the Suits of his time,
he was a Rebel.
Yet the rich hypocrites who fill churches today, SUV's in the parking lots, singing praises to the Great Teacher.
Most of them would spit on him when he supposedly "comes again"

Because when Jesus "comes again", if he ever does, He won't be in an SUV, he won't be in the opulent buildings they've built to glorify his dying, he won't be invited to breakfast with the Pope,

Just like before, he'll be wandering around, sleeping outside, volunteering at food lines so he can eat, in his sandals, with his long hair, without a real job.

In fact, contrary to the moral position of the self righteous who claim authority to put words in his mouth,

He'll probably be in a park, drinking some wine, sharing a sandwich with some peaceful people, smoking a joint, bitching about how society wants him to flip burgers and lick rich ass.
And those Bankers of course.
We could make beds and MRI's and even absolutely free dental and eyecare for everybody
For ten years
for the same amount as we're going to bail them out for

It's a distorted and twisted culture ripoff
this thing called

He'll be bitching about the hypocrites in their churches who give bibles to poor people, instead of soup and a place to sleep.
Fundamental nourishment
We'll feed children in Sudan breakfast
but fuck the human trash in our own skid rows

give that smelly do-gooder hippie
a shower
and hand him a fucking burger flipper and apron

Don't you think?