Social - Political - Spiritual
ramblings, musings, poetry and opinionations
A Canadian misfit
saying what he thinks about this fucked up bullshit world
and its descent into
dog eat dog
economic and social cannibalism
Free Speech testing system in effect....
"The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media."
CIA Director William Colby
Pretensions of objectivity must be left at the door, clothing is optional...
The Wholy Order of The MEEK
An Atheist Pagan Hymn
My first book of Atheist Spirituality
What Canada REALLY NEEDS !!
SG Atlantis and their Unethical BS
Ring of Corruption
"All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development accorded the individual."-A. Einstein
"Ain't it funny how the factory doors close, around the time that the school doors close,
around the time that a hundred thousand jail cells open up to greet you, like a Reaper...." -Zack de la Rocha
They say "Sing while you slave!", but I just get bored... -Dylan
"It's NOT a 'War on Drugs'. It's a war on Personal Freedom.Keep that in mind at ALL times" - Bill Hicks
"Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one" - Anon
"I'd get pretty bunged up without my asshole" - C. Taylor
"If you're going to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you" - O. Wilde
"It is likely to excite dissatisfaction against government and incite people to non co-operation..."
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
"Magical Thinking"
defining all spiritual experience outside of the predominant christian cultural bias as “madness” or more commonly, the pejorative “schizophrenia”
Please keep in mind this work is a WIP
and I’ve been working on it over 3 weeks
so it’s changing
and probably will for another few weeks
“Magical Thinking” is a criteria of assessment for a number of thought “disorders” listed in the DSM-IV
These assessment tools are routinely used against poor people with a consistent (planned) lack of adequate legal or medical representation.
What is magical thinking?
This “empirical” criteria
for which we can be Burned
until we submit
that our minds
are in “error” ?
Big topic really. Very wide.
covers a LOT of things
making it an excellent “blanket” label to pharmaceuticalize someone with
So let’s define the sub-headings which are below the label of “magical thought”
1. Manifestation of Will and Desire
2. Synchronicity and Fate
3. Telepathy
4. Etheric projection, shared mental spaces and interactions
5. Visualizations, meditations, self transformations
6. Manipulation of chi/life energy with thought/will/action
7. Manipulation of objects with thought
we could also add other concepts such as spiritual marriage vs. physical marriage, which would also be a kind of “Magical Thinking”, but since the christians espouse it, it’s usually conveniently overlooked unless the person talking about it is a non-christian. Then it would be crazy of course.
The first 2 and the last numbered one, are, in my own personal view
a lot of crap. But I’ll explain, gradually.
the other 4 are all aspects of spiritual expression found in numerous faiths, even “christianity” and certain spiritualized forms of atheism.
so let’s focus mostly on christianized versions of these “madness” indicators
1. Manifestation of Will and Desire
So the “christian” version of this is called “prayer” sometimes, but it is different from many other forms of prayer or meditation in that you have a specific selfish goal.
This is where you visualize yourself “having” something that you don’t actually have. Then when it “suddenly” materializes or “manifests” you have some form of “synchronicity” or “fate” to revel over for “providing” for you.
Fucking shite.
Usually when I hear some little witchy going on about manifestation,
it makes me want to hurl
because this is the “truth” about the”secret” of “manifestation”
it’s crap. It sold bazillions of new age dvd’s, but..
unless you’re a hot hippy chick with gorgeous boobs and no bra and you’re flailing all about with your “the world is full of love” fucking shite
a whole fucking lot of cool good shit is going to “manifest” for you
it doesn’t work for everyone that way.
believe me.
What does it mean for the average joe?
It’s really a sort of “mind networking” concept.
You see, Belief #3 is the real working principle
You have people around you,
they know you are looking for this thing/object/person/job
you keep looking for this thing
the more other people in your group
the more potential matchmakers there are for you and your passionate goal
If you are all positive and uplifting and hopeful
it’s easier to get others interested
anything you do as an interaction with people using words
you can do as well using the technique of Belief #4 with your group
If you don’t have a “group”, it’s time to start thinking of who you already use the techniques of Belief #3 with on a regular basis
or of course go read a book
because that usually plugs your brain up enough to stop
talking to shadows
So let’s continue.
2. Synchronicity and Fate
I don’t even want to go into this one too much
except to say
bullshit. Fuck fate.
Just fuck it all to Hell
“fate” is usually a current justification for “consequences” of “the past”
fate is similiar to the christian concept of
“all sinners go to hell”
which is more crap
You can observe and observe,
and yeah, sometimes things line up
but predestination
is really
3. Telepathy
so now we get to something REAL.
This is actually what 90% of religious wars and oppression
centuries of misery
this is what it’s all about.
You can hold a conversation on two or more levels.
That’s reality.
You can’t sift through someone’s memories or thoughts, usually
but if you love them
or hate them
you can hold a conversation
underneath the conversation
not just:
pheremonal signals generated throughout the conversation
which you could consciously generate or visual cues
but straight up underlying conversations and….
long conversations with people
you can’t walk to
but love enough
to talk to
4. Etheric projection, shared mental spaces and interactions
This is the Big Secret
wrapped in a
You could walk
and walk
and climb
and climb to get to the old man’s hut
the old yoda on the mountain guy
but he will just send you back
you weren’t supposed to walk
you were supposed to just
to him
This is where we come to the incubus/succubus part as well
for you demon lover freakazoids
Succubi and incubi make a lot of sense, really.
just…hear me out first. Really
If you can see and feel and project
and you have a lot of love for someone
you can communicate across a distance
including touch and visual representation
Jerk off thinking of someone you TRULY LOVE works at the start
That’s why jerking off is a “SIN”"
because if you love them and they love you
you might realize theres not just masturbation
and if you say that you love someone fully
but you don’t have this etheric connection
try jerking off thinking of someone else
that’s the trick to it
the Purpose of it
Christianity tries to demonize the process (especially the jerking off part)
Incubi and Succubi
are humans trying different lovers out
before settling on the ones
that make them feel
more than human
like treeman or tree woman
or flame people
or two dragons, or cats or something
that would be a good mate for a while
regardless of the car/house/moola/suit/dick size situation
most sects or systems that demonize this form of communication between people
and focuses on the energy drainage and time wasted by engaging in this form of communication to the exclusion of actually being true lovers and then still end up being spiritually divorced because of societal pressures based on religion designed to break such connections between people
you can waste a lot of time interacting with someone this way
if they aren’t honest
so test them early in RL
this also explains the christian/monotheist assertion that a binary couple is supposed to be lifelong, though in truth this is a minority configuration
more lovers = more close communication = OMG I can actually communicate this way with a lot of people = OMG is this god dude real?
playing inccubi/succubi is considered a “gateway” behavior to more advanced witchiness and demon consorting.
Daemon. I’m going to tackle the demonology in more detail in the future,
but really, the origins of demons are in humanity itself
grown into a horrifying fear
from the metaphorical communication of Aspects
which it embodies
this strong connection doesn’t have to be one man and one woman
like the christians are always on about
threesomes really are fine
and many sects
seem to get along
with the idea that if everyone fucks
they’ll all be mentally connected together
its a bit much for me but some people think its grand
but it’s easier to keep the dynamic of 2
and the male-female polarity plays some part
but everyone can find someone to interact with
that brings this out in them
So the basis of the xtian concept of this magic
is a “in theory”
that 2 mates should be in constant connection with each other
kind of hard in the modern world
but it can be done
whether its an “eternal” thing
or a few years
a deeper multilayer spiritual connection
and communication bond
the xtians
basically have the same form of “magic”
its just
chained to one form
disconnected from its higher
forms and aspects
I will even go
a teeny deeper into this
and say
that in my extensive wanderings perusings and musings on the ass sex taboo and its place in christianity and other more orthodox religions
I’ve come
to the conclusion
that many sects
that ass sex
increases telepathy
and the ability to project an etheric self
not just in the act,
but as an after effect
of the “dirty deed”
I’m actually not kidding
I know its a bit much to swallow
butt I swear it is the Truth
so help me…
back to our topic:
most people are dead
in their minds about this
I figure some people can see better, some hear better, some feel better
just like some people are better with cars, or basketball, or spatial reasoning
some can visualize a secondary layer of metaphorical/symbolical/spiritual/energy/chi
I was trying to measure the “usefulness” of meditation or “spiritual insight” or “etheric visualization” or “etheric projection”
The Christians and Muslims, and many other formal religions
specifically call this a Sin and make it such a vile practice that it even permeates their practices of Psychology. Hence the Incubbi/Succubi/demon lover stories to fill you with fear. So if someone who loves you pops up in your bed at night you’ll run around screaming and babbling about witches and demons instead of getting it on and realizing you might have found a good partner match.
Don’t want that. The congregation you are part of will almost always try to break up couples(or threesome) that have this kind of connection.
Which kind of makes you understand how IMPORTANT they view it.
Pagans of most nations view it as of Positive importance and an aspect of personal spiritual practice. Many people do.
Not necessarily the jerking off part, mind you
See that’s just where the realization comes from.
That you suddenly aren’t alone, you’re interacting with someone that wants to interact not just the pictures you started with.
and eventually you maybe realize,
when you’re drinking your tea
that you can have other kinds of conversations in this multilayered medium of visualization, and visionary beauty.
Deep, conference call style interactions, with different costumes start to emerge
within the mental space
of your
and that is why you must
and be harried
and talked to
or you will start to talk amongst yourselves
5. Visualizations, meditations, self transformations
Do these kind of things have value?
People pay a lot of money to go to seminars and stuff
and its all labelled “healthy” and “healing”
are they all nuts?
Visualization of “energies”
in yoga, tantra, meditations
books and books and books
and DVD’s
all talk about humans visualizing various energies
Why aren’t those authors all locked up?
Why don’t the mental health authorities bust in
and round up these madmen and women?
I guess it’s not that crazy after all.
Animism isn’t dead
its just finally being understood
the “animal totems”
are visionary experiences of yourself
as another form
taking on some of its qualities and thought processes
as a human ability
it only requires
The LaVeyans have their “wolf” transformation
but maybe you’re not really a wolf
maybe you find it easier becoming a tree
or a deer, panther, lion, satyr, firehuman, dragon, owl, etc.
are you really a tree?
obviously not
but still,
you stretch your branches up,
and roots down
and sip your tea
its not crazy
people have been doing it
for thousands of years!
What benefit it has to you
is up to you to discern
but try these visualizations
while you make out with another person that you see that in them
for some stupendous results
and compare to the written accounts
of the concept called “godforming”
you could follow those instructions
of the theosophist, GD, and masons
and “become” various egyptian deities
whichever one is closest to your being
but myself
I detest egyptian based magic
so you might consider
aiming for a celtic, nordic, hindi, or greek pantheon
to pull your
Ishta Devi
These experiences in visualization or “visionary states”
can definitely induce sickness
especially if your world view is rigid
but try reading
“the varieties of religious experience”
by William James
It might help
and I would caution you
to not drive a vehicle
for a few days after you first achieve self visualizing results of any magnitude
it could be messy
you also might find yourself
susceptible to mind games or manipulation
that’s why people do this shit in a quiet place
and avoid others for a little while
other than their lovers or other quiet peers
6. Manipulation of chi/life energy with thought/will/action
This is really an extension of Belief #5
7. Manipulation of objects with thought
This is pretty much
the Bohunk Daddy of all Bohunks.
Fucking crap
you can’t manipulate objects
you can manipulate situations, people,
and in some very focused instances
you can manipulate fields slightly
you can’t actually move objects with your mind
It would be nice
to be able to send all the butcher knives flying at your mom
like Carrie
but the shit doesn’t work like that
this thing is still a WIP
(Work in Progress)
and its a messy one at that