Social - Political - Spiritual
ramblings, musings, poetry and opinionations
A Canadian misfit
saying what he thinks about this fucked up bullshit world
and its descent into
dog eat dog
economic and social cannibalism
Free Speech testing system in effect....
"The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media."
CIA Director William Colby
Pretensions of objectivity must be left at the door, clothing is optional...
The Wholy Order of The MEEK
An Atheist Pagan Hymn
My first book of Atheist Spirituality
What Canada REALLY NEEDS !!
SG Atlantis and their Unethical BS
Ring of Corruption
"All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development accorded the individual."-A. Einstein
"Ain't it funny how the factory doors close, around the time that the school doors close,
around the time that a hundred thousand jail cells open up to greet you, like a Reaper...." -Zack de la Rocha
They say "Sing while you slave!", but I just get bored... -Dylan
"It's NOT a 'War on Drugs'. It's a war on Personal Freedom.Keep that in mind at ALL times" - Bill Hicks
"Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one" - Anon
"I'd get pretty bunged up without my asshole" - C. Taylor
"If you're going to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you" - O. Wilde
"It is likely to excite dissatisfaction against government and incite people to non co-operation..."
Friday, February 04, 2011
Forced Christian Reprogramming for your measly $260 Vancouver Welfare cheque
thinking about a Jewish worker getting $10,000 for being made to put pointsettas in a window
Instead of real social workers,
that actually know about social work,
Vancouver Social Services has McWorkers
that don't really want to have to do their job
They have a year or 2 of college
as a "SS representative" or "counsellor"
not an actual degree holding social worker
then they get to lord it over us
a rerun
of the vicious Stanford Jail experiment
created into an institution
So they want to force me to walk,now
with a hernia and damaged cartilage in my knee
an additional 40 blocks
to get my little pittance
I have to beg, for what I am entitled to
at the very base, the bottom
I have to beg
at a Christian Reprogramming Centre
Baptist Medical Plaza II, Suite 800
2021 Church Street
Nashville, Tennessee 37203
says the address of their head office
Government religious discrimination
a Faith Based institution now has the right to hold my cheque
if I do not comply with any whim they may have
An Atheist Pagan.
seems a bit more serious than putting some pointsettas in the window.
I look closely
at the Christian Reprogramming/Brainwashing/Labelling/BURNING
Behavior Modification Specialists
Christian Psychology seems like an oxymoron in my personal worldview
They have more scientists in this facility than a conference in Apologetics
all written up to make it sound
like forced Deist therapy
is normal in free societies
a "Service" to the poor
Why? Why am I being sent for electroshock?
Because I actually wanted to talk to a real worker
about what's been going on with my disability claim
but they all were having a nice quiet time in the office
So I got bitched out
for daring to want a human
to actually treat me with some respect and dignity
and listen to my concerns, issues, and questions.
Instead I got a snarling, snapping rude cunt
looking at me like I'm a piece of shit
for daring to ask for a an entitled crisis amount
to buy a bag of dog food
and maybe some peanut butter
after the long holiday of increased canadian poverty.
I'm the piece of shit
because she had to move her fat lazy public service employee ass
her unionized "I want to have a splendid day chatting with my friends" job
was being disturbed
by my very presence
she had to move 2 feet
and sit down to talk to me
while I stand on the other side of her "impervious" motorized barricade
The 7 women in the office
make more money in salaries
than the people their office make from their base welfare cheques
and I'm the leeching parasite
one of "Them"
hobbling in
if we're going to have McNonSocial Workers
why don't we just hire sarcastic rude high school students
give them a uniform and minimum wage
we can line up to the take out wicket
to get bitched out
instead of paying CUPE
or the BCGEU
to decide what rude cunts will "serve us"
Like Ken Kesey's protagonist in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
I'm getting LABELLED, screwed over, fucked
by a power tripping bitch
Do you think its right?
I think, personally, that I should be able to sue them for religious discrimination
and get twice as much as the Jew got for just putting some pointsettas in the window
The lazy union bitch Kate
and equally lazy supervisor
can force me to harm my physical body
and require my attendance
at a reprogramming centre
for the base welfare
that anyone should get?
Oddly enough
its worst at the Commercial Drive office
but this is going on all over Vancouver
well off union employees
and treating their clients
like fucking shit
If YOU agree
that my rights as a HUMAN being have been ignored
and trampled
then please tell their head office for me
Suite #910 - 360 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, BC V6B 6B2
because I don't have a lawyer
and they are trying to force me to sign a form
saying I am mentally ill
before I can get
the smallest of pittances
So the cunt files a police report
saying I threatened her
that I said "I'll get you."
pretty much word for word
was THIS
"I'll get you back for this you fucking cunt, I'm going to WRITE a letter to your head office detailing your rude treatment of me and then I'm going to write the entire incident on my blog and you can read about it yourself
you fucking rude cunt"
They have video cameras in every welfare office
but when it comes time to go to court
this will conveniently NOT be admissible
or available
as you can see
I didn't threaten her
I threatened TO TELL HER BOSS!
and I get picked up
and held for 12 hours
so I have to sign anything they put in front of me
or they threaten to hold me all weekend.
I was picked up at One in the afternoon
NOT charged with anything
and held for twelve hours
being told
there's no Justice of the Peace
until 9:30 p.m.
So you tell me
on a Friday at 1 p.m.
does it sound reasonable
that there is no JP in the court building?
they've done this to every activist and lefty
in the city
over the last 10 years
if you question Authority
or the Ripoff
we'll incarcerate you.
Social services
working hand in hand with the police
to target the poor
instigating instances like this
pretending to be following "policy"
when everyone knows
Social services leaves everything to their "personal discretion"
They learned it from the KGB
under Putin
anyone inconvenient
gets a mental health label
then no one will take them seriously
and they suddenly have
no rights as a human
That contact info once again:
Suite #910 - 360 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, BC V6B 6B2
because it took ME, a former computer tech
3 days to find that contact info
they REMOVED all the contact info for complaints
on all BC Gov websites before the Olympics
just before
they closed down the Human Rights Tribunal offices
so no one could complain
about being evicted or harassed anymore
I think walking an extra 40 blocks each month
and getting harassed weekly by christian brainwashers
is far more serious
than a Jewish man being forced
to move some half pound pointsettas.
on a christian holiday.
I just spent 12 hours in jail
8 hours of which the heat was turned down to 16 degrees or less
without a blanket or headrest, until the 9th hour
constantly shivering
for calling that nasty bitch a cunt
Why did I call her that?
Because she was fucking me over
on purpose
She had a huge smirk on
eyes sparkling
as she said
"I'll take him"
and the smirk
with rolling eyes
just got more mean
and vindictive every second
I'm 90% sure
she was a lesbian
which I don't have any problems with
except if they are in the 60%+ or so of them
that HATE "faggots"
maybe its more, maybe its only 50%
but the hatred is there, regardless.
that's just the same discrimination
that they've had against them too for centuries
then they repeat it against others
Kate's boss
backed up the "threat" accusation
I've had a few interactions with her
when the Commercial Drive office
was changed a year ago
from a Disability office
to a Social Services office
and Winnie's quiet domain of damaged people
became a horde of the filthy poor
offending her sight
and filling her office
with their smell
and their misery
I stood there one day
more than a year ago
I was surviving outside
I hadn't had a bath in weeks
I stood before her
watching her lips purse with disgust
covered in her gold rings
gold necklaces
bling everywhere
The bling of and old conservative
the huge ring of a married union worker
I've never met an older married union worker
who didn't harbor hatred for "faggots"
It's endemic
if you aren't a conservative when you join the union
you will be before you retire
The bling of a long term union employee
who can fuck you over anyway she wants
and she'll never really get reprimanded
and its her DISCRETION
who she will help or fuck over
I used to support unions
for decades
but years of this treatment
poor service, condescension, animosity, hate
smirking power trips and loafing Entitlement
I cannot support them any longer.
I'm asking for the form
for a welfare pass to the community center
so I can shower more than once every 2 weeks
She's only had welfare people in her office a couple months at that point
and she doesn't actually know
what we are entitled to get
"Oh, no
we don't have those
I have to pay for my pass
so do you"
I'm trying hard to be cool
I was told by a member of the Brittania community centre
that I could get one of these forms here
to take to them
I persist until she gets the form
then she tries to throw it away
right in front of my eyes
"It asks for an address her
so you're not eligible
because you have no address"
It takes me almost ten minutes
to get her to stamp it and put NFA
I can see it makes her angry
to have to stamp the page
and write 5 words
I wait for another day to ask about
what my card covers in dental
because she thinks
I get nothing
but the SS site, at the library
says I can get minor work done
Britannia gives me my pass with a smile
they don't give me any
"what's your address?"
They're glad to see
that I can use the shower now AND the pool
even though they did let me
use the shower once in a while without a pass
It nice to be able to soak
my blistered feet and use the steam
before going back
slowly dying as everyone watches
and laughs
so I spend 12 hours in jail
because of a lazy, spiteful
nasty unionized
bitch twat
But John Lenic, Robert Cooper, Mike Elliot, Jennifer Patterson
and all the other rip off fuckers from Stargate Atlantis
have never been detained or questioned
for a second
for fucking me over
and trying to have me killed.
not one fucking second.
I watched earlier today
as 2 cop cars and 5 cops
dealt with a shoplifter
at a corner store
Law is NOT Justice
Law is a consensual hallucination
fed by the programming
of the rich
who fuck over anyone they want
with impunity