
Pretensions of objectivity must be left at the door, clothing is optional...

My Poems - My Music - My Paintings - My Serialized Novels

The Wholy Order of The MEEK
An Atheist Pagan Hymn
My first book of Atheist Spirituality
What Canada REALLY NEEDS !!
SG Atlantis and their Unethical BS
Ring of Corruption

"All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development accorded the individual."-A. Einstein

"Ain't it funny how the factory doors close, around the time that the school doors close,
around the time that a hundred thousand jail cells open up to greet you, like a Reaper...." -Zack de la Rocha

They say "Sing while you slave!", but I just get bored... -Dylan

"It's NOT a 'War on Drugs'. It's a war on Personal Freedom.Keep that in mind at ALL times" - Bill Hicks

"Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one" - Anon

"I'd get pretty bunged up without my asshole" - C. Taylor

"If you're going to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you" - O. Wilde

"It is likely to excite dissatisfaction against government and incite people to non co-operation..."

Monday, December 29, 2008

Vancouver - The land of artist ripoffs - no wonder its called the "city of no fun"

I know how many people think I'm crazy.
Talking about pedophile rings, sick little covens hell bent on human sacrifice, cia backed canadian gangs and film production company fronts, cointelpro in canadian coffee shops, corruption in gov't and law enforcement, human rights violations in our friendly happy land of poverty....

I really don't give a shit if you want to believe I'm crazy.
There's a reason I run into these things, I've been a target for a while.
I got used to it by the time I was 20.
It still wears me down.
But recently someone stole something from me, and the fucker made enough money at it he paid someone to fuck me up so I couldn't claim my rights in the matter.

I could cry I guess,
but I decided to pick up stones and swing my slingshot
long ago I decided that.
Like when I was 12 and knew I wasn't going to get anywhere
in this "suck rich cock to succeed land of ever present bullshit and stupidity"


I'm one of those guys that talks this shit on the coffee shop patio
I'm one of the reasons you can't smoke on a patio anymore
to shut people like me up
fucking sheep we've become

Live music in Vancouver pretty much sucks these days
they've migrated to colder cities with warmer hearts for live music.

So I know there are a lot of people who are mad at what I've said about my stint at Stargate Atlantis. Suck my dick, its true.

I came back to Van in Jan. 2003
I spent that winter-spring-summer hanging at a coffeeshop on commercial drive
shivering with various other malcontents on the patio as we smoked and bitched about the destruction of culture and the rise of the new culture of misery

I am fucking serious about Robert C. Cooper ripping me off at that coffee shop across from the park.
with his little marantz recorder
asking me about what I thought about Atlantis, the lost city.
I know a lot about myths and science fiction.
I told him I thought it was not an island, but an island submarine, it didn't sink, it submerged
and after he pried and dug more I suggested that it was never found because it launched into space a la Eric Von Daniken. Of course it went on a journey of enlightenment, but if they ever made a movie about it they'd fill it with something stupid like "Army vs. Space Vampires"
Then I was talking about my "universal power block" idea which I've been going on about for a few years. Sound familiar? Is it zed or zee?

this is in 2003, early summer late spring

I know you don't believe it. But it's true,
and someone is out there who has worked with the bastard and hates Robert Cooper.
Someone who has heard him boast about ripping off that crazy hippie cat.
Maybe they even have a copy of that cassette, or one of Robert boasting.
We even shook hands on the deal, Cooper and I.
I saw his recorder, I told him "If we talk about this myth and you use some of my ideas here you're gonna pay me AT LEAST 15%-20% right?" He tried to squiggle out, but he was intent on his plan, so he VERBALLY AGREED and then SHOOK MY HAND on it.
That's a binding deal. Not only does he pull the rip off, he tries to mess me up.
So I'm gonna keep fighting for compensation Robert, and talking about this.
And soon I'll call in a couple debts to get some pressure on you
You fucking balding wiener wanker.

I'd challenge Cooper and all of his staff to a polygraph showdown, any day!
Chickenshit fucker.

So consider that all of the nasty assholes I've run into in the last 2 years, all of the people trying to bring me down, losing my place, people tracking me, gangsters actually trying to drug and kill me, all of this started AFTER I started working for Stargate. As soon as they had my address, robert had people targeting me to mess me up.
Think about it. I may never be able to prove he stole some ideas from me, but he doesn't want to take the chance, he's made a couple million off of even a couple of the ideas he snarfed from me sitting at Turk's, I'm a loose end, he has connections through the entertainment industry to gangsters. He tried to get me discredited, f'd up, and possibly even killed.
I can't prove it at all, but I've been a target for assholes since I gave my original address to my SA employers. Don't believe me, I really don't give a shit.
But when I disappear or get sick and die, keep in mind, I'm healthy right now.
Other than a hernia, and an f'd knee, I have had recent xrays and I have no cancers in my chest or abdomen. I state right now that someone in the next year is probably going to try and kill me in a staged "mugging" or I'll be poisoned somehow. If you trace it all back, like anyone would care about some dead broke artist fuck, it's going to point to R. Cooper. Call me paranoid, it doesn't mean I'm not right about being a loose end some rich fuck wants to tie up.

Would you set some gangster assholes after someone if that person could cause you to lose more than $500k? Seriously, you just gotta shut them up and you'll have tons of cash for life?

I wondered a lot why they hired me at SA. Why people said weird things during my time there like "this is the guy!" "This is him?" lot's of odd looks. Like something weird was going on behind the scenes. Questions out of the blue about what I'd do if something I wrote was stolen. I wondered about it a lot, I've been doing Info Tech for the last 10 years, why hire me instead of a film school brat. It was tweaking me the whole time I was there. A lot of people know about it, obviously. It's also a good cover, "We didn't rip him off!! Honest! He's just a disgruntled ex-employee!"

As soon as they had my address for administration, the shit started happening in my life. The house I was renting rooms out to people in suddenly filled with gangsters, whores and pedos. People sucking money and energy from me, gangsters tailing me across 3 cities. Tagged for removal. I wonder how much it cost? Or did they do it for free to protect their own film industry investments?

Maybe my punker friend will realize that she witnessed the ripoff sitting there at Turks that day, and that might be why she's having some hard times too. Another loose end. She probably won't believe it until it's too late. She still thinks her "friends" "accidentally" broke her guitar the night before she went east. Fool. Like your dark foul toothed "friend" Elizabeth who kicked Koala, badmouths me to everyone, and happens to be close buddies with the same Nigel and his brother mentioned elsewhere.

Want to hear something even creepier? My APC friend that had the spook eyeballing her? The spook turned out to be old roommates with Christopher Stewart, the man who hired me at SA, and seemed to be looking for someone in particular, not just someone to fill a seat. Is that creepy or what?

I counted over 120 gangsters total on my tail across 3 canadian cities.
Fuck I suddenly got popular with the boys in beards on bikes.
Not that I usually have anything against the more respectable gangsters,
after all that's where all the decent quality drugs come from.
No gangsters and we'd all have to be clean freaks.
But seriously, they generally ignore me.
Not after I signed up for SA though. Fuck.

I'll never be able to prove it unless someone else speaks up
All those people on the crew, RC had to boast to someone.
Consider, if the lighting guy works all day on a scene, and the props person spent a week on the set, is it cool to send them home with no money?? How about credit? If someone works on a show, in a gig where they are supposed to get credit, does everyone just laugh and say "oh well" if they get their credit ripped off? You there, Ms. Coordinator, would you laugh off the removal of your credit? Or your salary?

I can write, that's all I can do I guess, short of amassing an arsenal.
and I write a lot of satire and science fiction
so get prepared this coming year
for the online novella

"Space Tunnel to Asslandia"

You'll laugh so hard you piss yourself
I guarantee it....

The You Tube version will be even better, when I can get something faster than a 486 to work on. I'm an animator/artist/writer so maybe I'll make something funny enough that every SA fan will want a copy sitting beside their box set.

I'll make the RC character a bit like Kenny, dying 10 times per episode in some disgusting way, only to be revived for his next unpleasant death.

so here's some more shit for you to look at that started soon after I started working for SA:
Oct of the year I was working for SA, Masha and her bf stayed at my house for a week at my asshole roomate Piere's invitation. Remember this?

"Man, 29, murdered in Mexico Burnaby woman, 24, survives, boyfriend killed Ian Austin, The Province; with Canwest News Service Published: Tuesday, May 20, 2008 The shades were drawn low and tensions ran high yesterday at the Burnaby home of Masha Heikali, who was shot in an attack at the Mexican resort of Cabo San Lucas that claimed the life of her boyfriend, Bouabal Bounthavorn...."

Perhaps you think I'm imagining things. Tell you what. Masha has a skin disorder. An algae/fungus sort of thing that would probably disappear if she would soak in chlorine filled hot tubs or pools, but being a little earth-witch she never would. How would I know that?
I liked Masha. I didn't like her boyfriend as much. I'm not sure why. A feeling I had.

Pierre is connected to these folks through a dick named Nigel. Pierre caused a lot of grief in my house and is also connected to these dicks who are involved in fucking up the minds of a lot of good little earth-witches. Luciferians masquerading as Fey and sucking up the little good witchies in a never ending "organic" dance party.

Do you see the Canwest?
Canwest Concrete = Canwest Entertainment = Alliance = SA

I personally like the Big Red Machine, because I like good drugs instead of shitty drugs.
Big Red learned from that Rolling Stones fiasco that bad publicity is bad for business.
So I don't think they're really happy about pedos or human slavery happening anywhere that might be remotely connected to them.
I could be mistaken. But I don't think so.

I'm pissed off. Really pissed off. Clean up the fucking shit boys.
This is Canada, not South America.
I don't like what's been happening.
It's not like I'm making an invisible connection, fuck, it's like saying some other crew comes from Sicily. Open secrets can't really be broken.

Why would I bring that up?
Because 2 roomates after Pierre, who said they didn't know each other, both worked for Canwest concrete. While I'm still working for SA.

I after 9 months with SA I got a roomie whore whose "brother" is making suspicious VPN connections to Toronto, a pedo named Greg Cairns using a "flight simulator" to connect to Australia and Belgium at ping rates no self respecting flight simulator buff would ever connect to, another whore with midwife training who has no child in sight but is lactating heavily, a pregnant "wife" and husband bullshit team with serious domestic violence under containment, and a "white Jewish Rasta reggae drummer" with a penchant for baby talk. It couldn't get worse, or could it?

Pour those boys in some fucking concrete. That's what it's for isn't it.
Why I'm not in some, maybe they want to clean up the real mess using someone not connected.
I speak the truth, as fucked up as it seems. Reality trumps fiction in the fucked up category.

I'm fucking mad.
Creatives getting ripped off is bad enough. Trying to off them/discredit them to cover up the ripoff is about as disgusting as I can imagine. It's shameful.

And why would I trust "the police"?
Shit, I trust Big Red more than them.

When I got arrested for this made up bullshit "assaulting a PC" charge I had a great big CanWest concrete fucker in the same processing queue, and a crown prosecutor with a coven of 5 beauties behind him that were specifically brought into the room when I was brought to the cage.
"bring in the students" was the cry, and I stood and waited while they arranged themselves behind him for his spiel of made up bullshit. I'm not joking, I said a coven behind a fucking crown prosecutor. Look it up on the courtroom video Mr. Internal Affairs. Fuck.

Think about this. There are over 3000 Luciferians alone in this city. Never mind the other evil organizations. Gangs with names like "Satan's Buddies" are often covens. See the fucking link yet or are you really blind. Luciferians will fuck anyone over if you pay them. No one alive really matters to them. They'd work for Georgie Bush at the drop of a cartload of cash. Canada doesn't matter when there's big money in it.

Seriously, get Leonardo to paint the Last Supper, then kill him and sign your own name to the painting and put your name on his fucking notebooks.

I've only fucking scratched the tiniest of surfaces on this, and I held off till now because I'm not against big organized crime, I just fucking hate injustice.

Let them tell you I'm on drugs.
Believe it at your own ignorant peril.
I'm just fucking pissed off that rich fucks can rip people off and fuck people over and the cops are so infested they'll help the rich fucks first. I said COVEN in the court and I fucking meant it.
Do they serve law? or something "higher"?

I'm already on borrowed time, so fuck the bullshit...