
Pretensions of objectivity must be left at the door, clothing is optional...

My Poems - My Music - My Paintings - My Serialized Novels

The Wholy Order of The MEEK
An Atheist Pagan Hymn
My first book of Atheist Spirituality
What Canada REALLY NEEDS !!
SG Atlantis and their Unethical BS
Ring of Corruption

"All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development accorded the individual."-A. Einstein

"Ain't it funny how the factory doors close, around the time that the school doors close,
around the time that a hundred thousand jail cells open up to greet you, like a Reaper...." -Zack de la Rocha

They say "Sing while you slave!", but I just get bored... -Dylan

"It's NOT a 'War on Drugs'. It's a war on Personal Freedom.Keep that in mind at ALL times" - Bill Hicks

"Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one" - Anon

"I'd get pretty bunged up without my asshole" - C. Taylor

"If you're going to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you" - O. Wilde

"It is likely to excite dissatisfaction against government and incite people to non co-operation..."

Thursday, September 18, 2008

#12 - NDP secret election plan - Reinstatement of previous Media Ownership rules!!!

I'm sure I'm not the only one who's sick of it.
All across Canada, one story is repeated over and over. They don't even bother to rewrite it. It all trickles down to us from one or two actual sources, and we hear it regurgitated ad nauseum.

Our country used to be filled with reporters. Communities actually had their own reporters.
Not now. Now every paper in Canada is owned by one of two companies, and they're both a bunch of right wing fuckers when you look at the top executive.

Break these TV, newspaper and radio monopolies up. We're all getting the same feed. We need variety of thought and opinion, we need more journalist eyes and brains and mouths working.

Didn't anyone else get taught about the horrible practice of "state run" media in communist countries? What's the fucking difference between that and what the CRTC has served us up for the last 10 years.

Different owners of different city and community newspapers gave us different, very different views about what is going on.

Now it's all about "personalities" instead of actual journalism.
It's bullshit. They've become monopolies and they are being used to direct our minds away from the real shit that's going on, by focusing on only the outrageous or mind numbingly stupid, then squawking repeatedly about that same shit for days on end.

slice and dice them Jack, and those little community newspapers and co-op radio stations will once again hail the exploits of the NDP as they used to do.

The CRTC sold us out to big American media interests at Paulie boy's request. Chop that fucking dragon up before it turns us all into front page mantra-zombies doing the payola shuffle.

#11 - NDP secret election plan - Smokers rights - Federally protected!!!

I agree it was out of hand way back when.
When you smoked in the halls of every business, airplane, library, university....

But too clean is just as much a rights infringement as too much smoke is.

We need BALANCE. Not knee jerk overreacting. The people who work for committees have got their way, over the good of BALANCED society.


Give them their squeeky clean aromatic flourescent light boxes with sterile atmospheres to slake their coffee urges in smoke free bliss.

For me to actually feel that I have FREEDOM in Canada I need to be able to walk somewhere that has some kind of license or special air cleansed area where I and my fellow rebellious nicotine cranksters can watch the smoke curl between our fingers while we drink our coffees and expurge our convoluted philosophies of disgust at society.

It's been a way of life for humans for centuries. Millions of works of ART, poetry, fiction, social commentary, philosophy, and humour have been created by rebellious, smelly, cigar and pipe chomping thinkers.

And that's REALLY why its being made illegal.
Because smokers are the REBELS.
They always have been, over and over.
They are the ones who refuse to work through their break, or their lunch. They are the ones who will sit together outside, trying not to bother others with their smoke, sitting in their little COMMUNITY pools of smokers, talking shit about the clean freaks and administrators with their belligerent attitudes.

Smokers converse with other smokers they have never met before. While all the non-smokers stick to their own tables, not interacting. Smokers are always interacting with others, bitching about the world as they see it.

That's why they are being outlawed. They TALK too much to each other.
Instead of just being good little meat robots walking around consuming, they talk about stupid shit and call it stupid right out loud. And we certainly can't have THAT.

It's not smoking that causes 90% of the cancers in our hospitals.
Its industrial pollutants, building materials and their fumes, solvents, paints, home pesticides used at far higher than standard concentrations, manufacturing processes, toxins created by industry. That's where 90% of cancer comes from.

If they wanted to reduce lung cancer in smokers they could make a law that only pure organic tobacco, untreated in any way, can form a cigarette. Tobacco tested and turned away because of benzine or cyanide taints (which are common and not present in organic tobacco).

No smoking anywhere is as much an infringement on our personal rights to congregate and converse as is some kind of state enforced religious practice. Which it is. Most anti-smoking organisations have a STRONG christian bias, and this is really about prohibition and control.

Make laws enabling one or two out of every 5 cafes to pay extra for a smoker license and mandate that only smokers can work at them. A pagan can't get a job as a technician for the catholic church, so a non-smoker shouldn't be serving coffee at a licensed smoking cafe.

Back this one to the hilt, Jack, and the NDP ranks will swell with every smoker in Canada.

Imagine William S. Burroughs (or insert your own heavy smoking cultural icon) coming to talk and being told he couldn't have his cigar on stage. That's all his ambiance out the window.

#10 - NDP secret election plan - Huge fines and actual investigation of foreign worker importing!!

Timayyyyys! That oil company with the mollusk logo, shipyards, fruit orchards, nannies and caregivers, nurses and laborers, any low wage big franchise you point to in Canada is doing it along with millions of unscrupulous small business owners.

They actually advertise in foreign countries. The workers are hired directly from their home countries, given all kinds of passport and help finding lodging, then they are flown right into your local big chain coffee shop, gas station, super mart, or into a rich person's home to take care of their brats and their elderly.

There isn't even an ad placed locally. It's only posted in another country.

The wage is unlivable, so the worker has a low quality of life. They come with $$$$ signs in their eyes, because it seems like its a lot, but in Canada this cost more than their homeland, so they really go only further in the hole, and they never complain about long days or being ripped of for overtime, breaks, holidays, and medical benefits.

Give companies involved with this type of importing some hefty real fines and actual mandates for the RCMP to investigate. Give whistle blowers some kind of compensation for turning these unscrupulous employers in.

If the wage they've been paying is unlivable for Canadians, and they can't get Canadians to do the job for that wage, they need to raise their remuneration and better the working conditions so Canadians will take the job.

Higher paid workers mean more taxes paid. By CANADIANS of all races. There are plenty of people already here from other countries who have lived their whole life here being paid shit by these outrageous wage and employment policies that have crept up over the last 2 decades, while we were being distracted by media concentrated doom and gloom headlines.

The employer drives off in his SUV complaining to his wife about the cost of employees while they ride out to the golf range he pay's more than an employees salary to be a part of.

Low wage workers are one of the NDP's largest demographics Jack. Stop sucking corporate dick for party coffers and back up the grassroots Canadian and you'll get their votes Mr. Layton.

Take a look...