Social - Political - Spiritual
ramblings, musings, poetry and opinionations
A Canadian misfit
saying what he thinks about this fucked up bullshit world
and its descent into
dog eat dog
economic and social cannibalism
Free Speech testing system in effect....
"The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media."
CIA Director William Colby
Pretensions of objectivity must be left at the door, clothing is optional...
The Wholy Order of The MEEK
An Atheist Pagan Hymn
My first book of Atheist Spirituality
What Canada REALLY NEEDS !!
SG Atlantis and their Unethical BS
Ring of Corruption
"All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development accorded the individual."-A. Einstein
"Ain't it funny how the factory doors close, around the time that the school doors close,
around the time that a hundred thousand jail cells open up to greet you, like a Reaper...." -Zack de la Rocha
They say "Sing while you slave!", but I just get bored... -Dylan
"It's NOT a 'War on Drugs'. It's a war on Personal Freedom.Keep that in mind at ALL times" - Bill Hicks
"Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one" - Anon
"I'd get pretty bunged up without my asshole" - C. Taylor
"If you're going to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you" - O. Wilde
"It is likely to excite dissatisfaction against government and incite people to non co-operation..."
Friday, September 21, 2012
Canada's Falun Gong - The Rape, Robbery, and Murder of the Neo Pagan Movement in North America
Now, as Harper and his christian minions fine tune a decade of policies directly designed to scatter, rob, murder, rape and destroy the cohesion of non christian groups, we barely see them. They didn't disappear, they just went back into hiding once they realized that the Canadian government schtick about freedom of religion and protection from discrimination were all just hot air.
If the United States warships and planes full of Christian troops surrounding all of Islam don't convince you of the reality of monotheist christian jihad, I may be wasting my time.
What I find amazing is how many people think of the American Christian Purges as "righteous". Anyone who's not an xtian is obviously the enemy, both here and abroad.
It's not really a question of skin color, but mental beliefs and religious control structures that are at war.
Our TV programming makes us all believe that the puritanical beliefs and self righteousness of fascism are in the past. We have Glee, Brokeback Mountain, Harry Potter. We can buy wizard kits for the kids on Halloween and its fun, but if we talk about what is really happening to "witches" or other neo pagans in Canada, we find ourselves confused.
Elementary school teaches us we're equal, but reality proves we are not.
I really can't stand second world war history, but our great and fearless leader Mr. Harper and his provincial lords have happily followed the footsteps of puritanical supremacy and christian self interest in law and society to the actual point where we can claim genocide and oppression exists here based on religious beliefs. And not just for people with visible things like turbans.
Hiitler was messy. Hegemonies today understand that the softkill must be used. Bodies with wounds in the streets made the previous attempts unpalatable for the remaining slave population.
It is better to whisk people away. Or institutionalize them, criminalize them, denigrate them publicly, entice criminals to harass them with free meals and underhand deals.
Just get rid of THOSE people.
I'm still amazed how much fear the word witch induces in some people.
Personally I don't really use the word on myself, I consider myself more of a shamanic druidic celtic buddhist type of "spiritual practitioner". But that is a lot harder to say than "occult"/"witchcraft" or "Pagan".
Neopaganism is, like most extended branches of spirituality, a loose collection of widely differing belief systems, many of which don't get along or actively oppose each other. But they have to share the same overarching umbrella.
It is very difficult in Canada to start any form of Temple or Coven as a legal business entity with proper protection for religious rights. That's why there aren't any, not because they don't exist, but they are not able to get their business licenses validated in most Canadian jurisdictions.
Early in life, at the time most young witches discover the beginnings of their craft, there are a host of christian designed loopholes and laws to restrict their religious beliefs to that of those caring for them. The number of young witches who get beaten by their own family members is a lot higher than other belief systems, mostly due to irrational fear and ignorance.
There really is a lot of ignorance in Canada. There are a lot of jocks and meatpuppets.
I was reading about some man who's wife wouldn't stop wearing a pentacle, just south of the border. He almost got beat up a dozen times.
I used to see a lot of pentacles on pretty little canadian girls. Most of them got raped at some point with GHB. It is amazing how little interest a redneck police officer will have for a little witch who claims they've been drugged. No, you just drank too much and became a slut. Don't all little witchies love group sex?
That's actually the number one tool used against little green witchy pagans that I've seen. Their own sexuality. Everybody who starts learning reads all these wierd things. They start to believe a lot of it, even though a lot of what witches read is coming from christianized sources.
To be a witch or pagan doesn't mean you need to have group sex with everyone. There are lots of covens/houses/blots where there are family members living together. They don't commit incest. Those are mostly myths or, as I said before, you might be confusing a golden dawn or LaVeyan satanist orgy with one of a couple hundred other forms of nepaganism that aren't totally centered on their crotch. There are a LOT of them. Yes there are particular fertility rights in some beliefs, yes there are festivals, but honestly, 90% of neopaganism is NOT about everybody fucking everybody.
Witches and pagans are often realists. They can make the connection between hypersexuality with multiple partners and STD's.
What most covens or houses or working groups or circles are about, is a group of people who are familiar enough with each other that they can communicate. Most xtian beliefs try to keep people from communicating, and promote lying to each other. Pagans mostly believe that lying about and hiding life, sexuality, spirituality is dumb.
Neopagans are actually targeted through databases. Keep that in mind, that privacy laws have been shredded in the interests of consumerism and "stopping terrorism".
Neopagans are as much terrorists as any muslim to a "good canadian christian."
There was an article about a wiccan priestess being turned down for a corrections clergy position. I would bet if you really looked at the ACTUAL demographics you will see a misrepresentative amount of pagans in the corrections and rehabilitation systems.
I have a lot more to say on this.... but.... no computer or internet.... guess.... you .... have to wait....
Coming in the future as I expand this, an explanation of witch enemies and their methods of attacking neopagans:
In no particular order, the sects and groups that actively rob, murder, rape, and harrass witches and neopagans would be:
- Modern Canadian Masons and their Lodges - masons aren't some fairy tale illuminati conspiracy. They are a bunch of fat rich white men who don't allow women into their club (or intersex people) and who lord it over everyone else since they own more than half the judges, police officers, doctors and lawyers. They manipulate the justice system, politics and healthcare in Canada. Anyone who is not a fat rich white person is their prey and ANY neopagan faith that has more than one singular god is their target, since they use the christian system as part of their rigid control scheme. These fuckers are worse than any gang and the source of more than half of the corruption and fraud in Canada. These are Harper's good buds.
-LaVeyan Satanists
-Christian dominated unions (neopagans are forced to receive services from christians in many public sector services dominated by these christian unions, who have database access).
some specific ones you can look into for yourself: Canadian IATSE/Teamsters, cupe, bcgeu.... These people are mostly Atheists or LaVeyan Satanists, and they'll rip any witch or queer off of their ideas and have impunity before the law. They bring in too much money for the cops to investigate them. If you are a neopagan and these people offer you a job, you will be paid less than any other employee and you will probably suffer a workplace accident. They hate you that much and are that sure of their untouchability. See my article on StargateAtlantis and Robert Cooper and his family. I've had dozens of mocking conversations with these union members. They seek me out in the park to sit and mock me and laugh. What are you gonna do about it faggot witch? We ripped you off and paid the cops and court to look the other way, and NO ONE WILL CARE or help you.
-Gangs with christian or pure atheist/LaVeyan "leadership"- there are so many, but the ones with predominantly older stodgy members are usually more racist and discriminatory towards pagans and littler witch girls. These are the folks who sell the ghb that is used to rape little witch girls with in Canada
-Christian operated poverty services. Poverty services are contracted out now. Mostly to christian organizations that are operated by gangs because of the money laundering capabilities. Christian poverty services discriminate agains t pagans. These organizations have counselling and psychologist services which are all geared toward christian labelling of non-christians. If you don't believe in their god you get less services, and will end up with mental health labels attached to you for the rest of your life. Its designed that way. Oddly enough, they have no problems harassing neopagans in need, yet the criminals, rapist, and murders and wife-beaters get as much as they need. That's the christian way. I watched one church spend about 2 grand on a shitty alchoholic that was one of the crappiest most evuil fuckers I knew. But he said all the right apologetic things. Fuck I hate christians like that. The same church wouldn't spend any time at all helping someone who was a neopagan. Because that person is crazy, whereas the drunk is just a "victim of fetal alchohl syndrome". Fuck off. Fucking crap.
-The Police and the court system. Yes there are a lot of racist, homophobic, witch-o-phobic meatpuppets wearing uniforms. A little witch girl crying about being gang raped gets a good dose of laughter from at leasthalf of the police officers she might interact with. It was obviously her own fault, she should stop being a little witch girl and she wouldn't get raped right? That's the way the mason puppet system works.
-The Conservatives and the liberals - Politicians are predominantly christian in Canada. There is almost zero neopagan representation in Canadian politics.
-Other witch sects. - Catholics hate protestants. Likewise LaVeyans hate all other neopagans, the Golden Dawn(some sects of it at least) actively acttack other neopagan sects and their members. The Masons fall in here too even though they would staunchly pretend theat this is not so. As well, many neopagans are very rigid in their beliefs, espescially wiccans, golden dawn, and dianics. This, in the end is almost as bad as being enemies, and this inability for various sects to put aside differences in the face of rich enemies is probably the greatest weakness of neopaganism.
anyway, there's a lot more going into this article, some personal anecdotes and observations, and a lot more for you to think about, but if you are a neopagan, perhaps you should pull your head out of the sand and stop acting like an Eloi, or you'll end up being devoured.