
Pretensions of objectivity must be left at the door, clothing is optional...

My Poems - My Music - My Paintings - My Serialized Novels

The Wholy Order of The MEEK
An Atheist Pagan Hymn
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What Canada REALLY NEEDS !!
SG Atlantis and their Unethical BS
Ring of Corruption

"All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development accorded the individual."-A. Einstein

"Ain't it funny how the factory doors close, around the time that the school doors close,
around the time that a hundred thousand jail cells open up to greet you, like a Reaper...." -Zack de la Rocha

They say "Sing while you slave!", but I just get bored... -Dylan

"It's NOT a 'War on Drugs'. It's a war on Personal Freedom.Keep that in mind at ALL times" - Bill Hicks

"Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one" - Anon

"I'd get pretty bunged up without my asshole" - C. Taylor

"If you're going to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you" - O. Wilde

"It is likely to excite dissatisfaction against government and incite people to non co-operation..."

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Canada's Society of Cruelty and Suffering pt2: Torture and Murder Pay Well in the Canadian Version of ActionT4

About $8k
That's what was spent
to torture and try
to murder me.

All the details...

A story of mass murdering doctors with UBC affiliations
Respected physicians involved in a genocidal copy of the action T4 project

I had a murder attempt on my life about 3 months ago.
I was admitted late at night to St. Paul's,
Tortured for almost 4 hours with inadequate pain relief, and then, at 4 in the morning 3 laughing doctors wiith ties to the Dr. Brown I have told you about before,
administered a large dose of ether to me.

Ether isn't used anymore because it causes strokes.

I've had more than 20 serious strokes since then.

I was coughing up white particulate for days.

Oxygen is a clear face mask and doesn't have a particulate, its clear.

At 4 am the anesthetist, who was wearing a red and black sweatsuit with white trim and had a mustache and mostly bald head with glasses, put a small white thing with two prongs up my nose, I remember seeing the white streams of particulate going up my nose.

I hacked up for 3 days.

These are friends of the Dr. I a litigating against because he refused to refer me to a specialist and has denied I am intersex.

This is Action T4 genocide of the Intersex in action here in Gregor's fine "inclusive" city, a block from where the nazi dykes and happy fags have their big queer parade that they happily suck fascist d1ck for.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: christuusgnosis . <>
Date: Thu, Oct 30, 2014 at 1:55 PM
Subject: Customer Care appointment

Hello Ms. Silver
I was told you were the person to contact.
approximately 2 months ago I was in your emergency ward at St. Paul's

There are some issues with my care at that time.

9106 138 513
is my carecard number
My name is Christopher Don Taylor
and my SIN is 638 510 933

I was brought to emergency about midnight.

I will need an appointment with you or one of your staff next week please.
Use email to arrange it with me.

I will require the following items from you or them:

the names of:
The anaesthetist, the two attending doctors, the attending intern, and the two nurses attendant at the application of the anaesthetic.

I will also require that youmake copies of the emergency room video recordings for the Police Department. An officer will contact you after our original meeting.

I will need a list of what was done to me, as recorded by your staff, as

as well I will need to know what kind of anaesthetic tracking system you have and a verification of the anaesthetic I was given.

I was given a high dose of ETHER in your emergency ward.
I know that it was ether as I saw the white granules flying up my nose and I hacked up white particulate for 3 days after.

You may be able to mitigate your liability somewhat in that the doctors were acting upon the prompting and advice of a Dr. Ross Brown

Dr. Brown and I will be commencing litigation this year
that's why I was attacked in your ward with ether.

You may find on my health file, references to delusion or schizophrenia.
However, I was assessed in your own psych unit twice and was release after being told I had no mental health problems other than depression.

I did not go there willingly
I was taken there after another of Dr. Brown's accomplices committed Abuse of Process and ordered a mental health seizure.

You would be wise to take me very seriously.
I have a 9 page resume,
and my last paid position was as an Information Technology professional with the Supreme Court of BC.

I will commence civil actions shortly after our meeting, and we can discuss mediation after that.

As well I am filing a police report as Attempted Murder and Assault Causing Bodily Harm.

Thank you for your attention to this matter

Christopher Taylor Swift​


Kaba, Sutinder [PH] <>
to me

Hello Christopher,

This email is to confirm I am in receipt of your complaint. I believe the best place to start is for you to let me know what your specific complaint is and what you would like to see happen. We can then discuss next steps. We can do this by email or you may want to call me. My number is listed below and I am here Monday-Friday 8:30-4:30. Please leave a message if you get my voice mail and I can call you back.

Thank you

Sutinder Kaba MSW

Patient Relations

Patient Care Quality Office

Providence Health Care


We hope this addresses your concern and that you are satisfied with our response to your complaint. If you are not satisfied with the response and wish and independent review, you have the option to contact the

Patient Care Quality Review Board

PO Box 9643 Victoria, BC V8W 9P1; Tel: 1-866-952-2448; Fax: 250-952-2428




christuusgnosis . <>
to Sutinder
Specific complaint?
Attempted murder.
I was given ether.
Attempted MURDER.

That is my COMPLAINT.


Kaba, Sutinder [PH] <>
to me

Hello Mr. Taylor,

In response to your complaint I reviewed your records. I hope the following information will address your concerns:

You were brought in to emergency at St. Paul’s hospital on June 11, 2014 at 2:02am. You presented with a large right inguinal hernia. It appeared to have increased in size and pain over the previous day according to what you reported to the triage nurse. The emergency room physician attending to you was Dr. Johnathan Theoret. He was unsuccessful in manually reducing the hernia and you appeared to be in much pain. Dr. Theoret then referred you to be seen by Dr. Terry Phang from General Surgery for a consult. Dr. Phang determined that your hernia was too painful to be examined without sedation. Dr. Phang consulted with Dr. Theoret and a plan was made for you to be put under conscious sedation to manage your pain in order to reduce the hernia. Dr. John Ward used intravenous propofol for the sedation. After sedation was achieved, manual reduction of the hernia was performed successfully by Dr. Farhana Shariff. You were never given ether. No other medications other than propofol was administered to you.

You were discharged with approval at 6:56 am the same day. You were advised that you will require future surgical management for the ongoing inguinal hernia. You were referred to Dr. Sam Wiseman, General Surgery for follow up.

We can not provide videos of your visit because there are no videos of the patient care areas. We can explain this to the police if they contact us.

We do not provide names of staff at this juncture. They are provided if litigation is initiated.

We do not have a “anesthetic tracking system” but all medications are recorded in your chart.

You have the right to request your chart (medical records) from our hospital. Let me know if you would like to request your medical records. I have attached the required form. Please complete it and fax, mail or drop it off directly to the Medical Records Department. You can also email back to me and I will make sure it gets to the right department.

Mr. Taylor, I hope you find this information helpful. if for any reason, you are not satisfied with our response, please contact the Patient Care Review Board. Their contact information is listed below.


Sutinder Kaba MSW

Patient Relations

Patient Care Quality Office

Providence Health Care

christuusgnosis . <>
to Sutinder
I was definately given ETHER Sutinder.
Oxygen does not have a white precipitate.
A small white nasal device was placed under my nose by the anaesthetist who was wearing a red white and black jumpsuit.
I clearly looked down and saw white precipitate going into my nostrils.
I hacked up white precipitate for the next 3 days and had about a dozen strokes over the next week.

There. will definately be litigation.


I will have the opportunity to question and cross examine all involved staff.

I was given ether at the request of Dr. Brown from VGH who committed LIBEL by putting on my records that I had been "violent" at VGH, which I never ever have been.

The libel is because Dr. Brown understands clearly that he is liable for over $500k in a negligence lawsuit.

Your Doctors contacted Dr. Brown and he instructed them to give me ether for the purpose of initiating these strokes.

I guess we will be going to the Supreme Court now Stinder.
You should have been more conscious of your duty of care to investigate further.

All email and phone records can be subpoenaed.
I bet I can locate a call from Dr. Brown to someone in your staff at that time.

You may be found negligent later, Sutinder, once everything comes out.


christuusgnosis . <>
to Sutinder
Thank you Sutinder.

Please consider that as of this moment you are an accessory after the fact to attempted murder.

You can actually get a criminal charge arising out of your negligence to your duty of care.

You will be named personally as a defendent.
Please retain a personal lawyer immediately.

Believe or do not.