
Pretensions of objectivity must be left at the door, clothing is optional...

My Poems - My Music - My Paintings - My Serialized Novels

The Wholy Order of The MEEK
An Atheist Pagan Hymn
My first book of Atheist Spirituality
What Canada REALLY NEEDS !!
SG Atlantis and their Unethical BS
Ring of Corruption

"All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development accorded the individual."-A. Einstein

"Ain't it funny how the factory doors close, around the time that the school doors close,
around the time that a hundred thousand jail cells open up to greet you, like a Reaper...." -Zack de la Rocha

They say "Sing while you slave!", but I just get bored... -Dylan

"It's NOT a 'War on Drugs'. It's a war on Personal Freedom.Keep that in mind at ALL times" - Bill Hicks

"Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one" - Anon

"I'd get pretty bunged up without my asshole" - C. Taylor

"If you're going to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you" - O. Wilde

"It is likely to excite dissatisfaction against government and incite people to non co-operation..."

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Cinar ripoff revived in Vancouver - Zero Copyright protection for Canadian artists - Why?

I was looking at that big Cinar scandal, as I've been studying Copyright in Canada trying to see how this ridiculous rip-off state of affairs has come to be the norm in Canada.

Do you know that the RCMP have never successfully prosecuted a criminal copyright theft case in Canada? Even though it's going on all across Canada and literally MILLIONS of dollars are being siphoned off.

Yet somehow Harper wants us to believe that locking kids up for downloading songs is a good thing while rich producers can rip off canadian artists and make millions with no fear whatsoever.

That's why it continues, because poor artists that get ripped off are laughed at.

I think that it is so prevalent, that if at least 2 producers per year aren't fined with criminal copyright theft, then the law is basically toothless.

Because everybody knows that AT LEAST 2 Canadian artists a year get ripped off by rich fuckers, usually americans. Probably more like hundreds.

I guess they figure since that's the way it is in L.A. and there's no actual way that the RCMP will investigate a copyright case, even if it's worth a large amount of money, the scumbags can continue with impunity.

There should be a criminal investigation in large copyright claims, because it's sucking money from Canadian creatives into the states.

It's more important that we investigate left wing poverty activists though, they might upset the status quo with their "food and shelter for everyone" schtick...., or OMG they might make a documentary, and Harper's gov't would try to make sure they'd get no funding.

But they'll fund and give credits and bend over backwards for a "rah rah USA!" gunfest they can stick a cancon label on.

A cameraman was telling me George Lucas stole the Ewoks from a Canadian, and the guy actually got paid, but he had to do it all in civil court. I couldn't find a link, maybe he was full of BS.

There is at least one production in BC pulling the exact same scam Cinar was pulling, but I think it's more like half a dozen. Why shouldn't they? They won't get any jailtime, the fine will be less than 10% of the profit they've siphoned off tax-free, and the artists they rip off won't get any support from a Canadian system that would rather starve artists to death because free roaming artists are generally too anti-army and anti-conservative.

Harper would love to silence every fucking poet in this country if he could. So why would he want the RCMP going after companies making US propoganda films in Canada and getting Canadian tax credits for it? Lots of pockets are getting greased, that's why. Millions of Canadian Tax Credit dollars in American hands means lots of handouts for Canadian officials and law enforcement willing to "look the other way".

Stargate and Galactica, for example, are both WRITTEN by americans, and then canadian proxy writers get the screen credit, even though they have no real script change authority.

And then the U.S. military propoganda series also qualifies as "Canadian Content" so we in Canada get force fed it by every canadian channel needing to fill up their cancon quota.

2 whole shows of American written military propoganda with great big Canadian Gov't approved "CanCon" labels. Force fed on our new capitalist monopoly version of Canadian State Media designed and rammed down our throats by Harper and his cronies who hate free speech.

The scripts are sent up from the states, they get minor fixes here, all changes are vetted by the states, the "writer" get's paid in Canada, making it a "Canadian" production, when in fact it's a story written and edited by Americans.

Fucking MILLIONS are being made, and yet the film crews are half the size they were.
Canadian funded US propaganda, and then they turn a blind eye to the massive money slipping over the border.

Scripts "vetted by the U.S. military" actually means scripts "written and changes approved by the U.S. military". Why would that be a selling point in Canada

Sci Fi in the states "approves all scripts" for some products they purchase that are made in Canada. Actually, they send the preliminary script up!

This is endemic throughout the entire film industry in Canada, and more Canadian crews are out of work than ever before, and major film contributors, such as cameramen/editors/writers are shipped in under "special consideration" rules.

The gov't looks at it as if we are "attracting american investment" but really we're having our throats cut by gov'ts willing to look the other way when millions per production are being funneled down south illegally!

Here's another trick I witnessed during my time at Atlantis. This fat redneck American named Mike Elliot who is a bigshot there in post, (you know the type, hates cuba while chomping a cuban cigar, ignorantly equates socialism with communism, hates the poor, believes in pay as you go medicine for the rich, believes in the inevitablity of Manifest Destiny in Canada, thinks Canadians are backwards compared to the states, lock up the poor in prison, etc.) anyways, he's there on the phone talking to his old buddy, someone who had nothing at all to do with the Stargate "Ark" movie, and he's telling his old bumbuddy that he's got a credit for him. Right then and there he assigns a "lighting" credit, something that a Canadian crewmember actually did the work for, to his old buddy who never set foot on the set!!!

Add up 100 of those per year and there's more fraud $ than any poor starving canuck trying to do a few hours work under the table while scraping by on welfare or disability.

Remember, these people tried to have me killed, believe it or not.