It should be something women come to expect from their men in an evolved society that has grown out of the murk of old culture biases.
It's easier to convince him if:
1. The device is smaller by an inch than his dick. Pulling out the Giga Ass Blaster is probably going to scare him.
2. You can demonstrate how easily it fits in and out of your own pretty ass.
Still he won't go for the ass blaster, make its smaller than his dick.
3. You have fed him nothing but smoothies and wine.
You might be able to do this to him unawares and pop the question at him right after you've showered him off.
4. You may find it easier if you get your boy really high on his favourite drugs too.
5. You may find it hard to get rid of a boy you've pegged. He will love you soooo much.
6. Pegging a boy may increase your telepathic resonance with him. It is a known side effect and you can happily ignore it while you evolve.
7. Its easier with some boys to distract them with a secondary pussy in their face.
If suitably distracted your boy might allow you to plow him into someone else.
8. Your boy will be very scared if you do not have copious amounts of lube in his eyesight.
Put a large tub of it by the tub. You won't need it all, but he will be reassured by its presence.
9. If he "owes you one" it is much easier (along with him being high and full of smoothies).
Let him stray 2-3 times so you can poke him in return!
10. Like in Hitchiker's Guide, have a towel. Some boys do pee themselves silly when poked by a pretty girl they luv.
Good luck and happy pegging!
I want a black T-shirt with this pic on it.
So cool.
Better than that andy warhol schmuck
this is art!
Depending on the context this can be a carrot or a stick.
Iggy should do a comeback remix of that with a supermodel pegging him in the video. Wow. What an image.
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