just once in a while
I'm going to plug a simple tool that you might find useful
its an online image editor
so you can edit images in the web browser
so it works to edit images in the library or other locked down computer environment
Its called pixlr
Another cool thing for locked environments, or a Novell/Unix/mac variant, is this nifty java jar based file browser which seems to pick up nfs and its variants nicely: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jfm/
A while back I went on about zbrush and silo
I am currently running a laptop with a celery and 512 megs ram, with an integrated 64 meg shared ram vid card.
I am able to do basic modelling in zbrush!!
It's a very smooth prog, after the 5 minute startup!
I use Firefox mostly.
I use tabs. Usually about 15-30 documents open at once.
It's how I work.
With this little firefox addon I can open tons of wikipedia reference pages and other textual research links, lots of them, and just right click -> save all tabs, or save selected tabs.
later, offline, I can sit and go through all the text and even copy paste from it
Its called Multiple Tab Handler
I would go crazy without it. I just spent 2 hours searching for it again.
if you can't afford microsoft's expensive OneNote,
which I will say I like a lot
You can do a lot of note taking and organization on the free version of EPim,
which holds its data in a flatfile, so you can back it up
and will capture the pictures from web pages and store them in notes when you copy sections from the web.
it can get big though so you can't do a lot of that.
I use it to write and copy paste organize text in research because it has a nested note tree which I love
It's more effective than notepad but less irrelevant things like in word are in the interface.
and its only 6 megs, there is a portable version too. It loads fast and holds a lot of stuff, organized.
I use the calender and scheduler sometimes to make the computer go beep and warn me of something but mostly,
as a writer
I use the notes feature to organize work which I then finish elsewhere.
Sometimes with the blog I will use it to build the base text and save out the note as a .txt then post from that and edit.
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