you know how hard it can be...
the way things are going
they're gonna crucify me
-J. Lennon
We'll kill them off
take their land
and go there for vacation
-Z. De La Rocha
Ain't it funny how the school doors close
around the time that the factory doors close
around the time that 100, 000 jail cells
open up to greet you
like the reaper
-Z. De La Rocha
Good to see that RATM is back together, maybe we can support them, since they are still being blacklisted across the states.
A great story, the way of the new colonialism, and so much scarier than blankets - the Screwfly Solution
And my favorite book of all time I would say - The Lord Of Light
compare it to the original Stargate movie, 20+ years many similiar plot elements, with a switch to egyptian instead of vedic/buddhist/hindu as a base.
and check this out
That's why you'll never see this amazing Zelazny book being made into a film, it was scooped up and used for a cointel operation. Hmmm. Might be worth reading eh?
This is a bit wacky, but I'm on a roll. I wonder if they consulted The Amazing Randi?
Kind of like that cool kingsley thriller.
Too much x-files, but I hear truth is stranger than fiction.
Like the pedophiles I've tagged in my life. The baptist preacher, the guy 2 streets over with "nieces" who didn't look like him (and always looked sad)...there are a couple more.
That was before I was 16. I got in a lot of trouble at the time for suggesting it (slapped in the face, exiled from "church", ostracized), but voila, years later I hear they each went to jail. Wierd. Probably just coincidence.
Want to read some really freaky scary stories for Halloween?
Try this woman's short stories - Poppy Z. Brite
In the anime scene I want to plug a matrix-telepathy mindfuck called Serial Experiments Lain
and Ergo Proxy, a sort of "beast within" thing
and maybe even a bit of the eternally recurring hero Karas and the machine-body parts with intelligent functions apocalyptica Texhnolyze
I really dig this dude
"thanks, for a nation of finks!"
If you can find any of his live readings, they've got atmosphere to spare...
and cigar smoke.
When I think of the concept of "groupthink" I'm always reminded of the Emily's in "Where Late The Sweet Birds Sang"

"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe.
Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion.
I watched C-beams glitter in the darkness at Tannhäuser Gate.
All those moments will be lost in time
like tears in rain...
Time to die..."
And I'll leave you with something from Uncle Albert:
- Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices, but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence and fulfills the duty to express the results of his thought in clear form.
- -A. Einstein
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